
College of Social Work

74 Scoping Review of Anti-Racism Programs and Practices Within Higher Education: Institutional Accountability and the Promises of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Audrey Pozernick (University of Utah)

Faculty Mentor: Tiffany Baffour (Social Work, University of Utah)


The concept of anti-racism training in higher education is relatively new in the United States and Canada. Despite the term anti-racism appearing as early as 1970, anti-racism training focused on systemic factors to dismantle racism and oppression did not emerge until the early 2000s. Higher education institutions have gradually incorporated anti-racism training in response to larger social movements (Williams & Wade-Golden, 2009). However, Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) student and faculty continue to experience significant barriers to well-being due to systemic racism. First, hate violence and racial trauma caused by these experiences negatively impact BIPOC students and faculty (Irwin et al., 2022). Secondly, the needs of today’s BIPOC students and faculty, who are more likely than their white peers to experience poverty, housing, and food security, and who often experience inequalities in work demands, are not met (Diamond & Stebleton, 2017; Cukier et al., 2021). Additionally, there has been little progress in the development of anti-racist practices that facilitate improved organizational outcomes. These factors demonstrate a critical need for evidence-informed organizational strategies that higher education systems can utilize to develop competencies to accelerate racial equity to improve institutional outcomes. This study looks at data from American and Canadian universities (N=166) within the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE) to determine a count of annual reports (2019-2020 or 2021-2022) and if there was a research methodology utilized.

Key words: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Anti-Racism Organizational Strategies and Accountability, Evidence-based Anti-Racism Practice, Racial Justice, Higher Education.


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