3-4: Percentages in Life
Part of a Whole
When three quantities are related through a formula, knowing two of the three quantities always allows us to find the third. So, since Percent is Part of a Whole, knowing two of the three always leads to the third. As a formula,
The Appropriate Use of Percent
A percent of a measurement is defined as the measurement of Part divided by the measure of Whole. For example, if Todd ate 4 out of 8 slices of pizza, then the percent of the pizza that he ate is the part that he ate (i.e., 4 slices) divided by the the whole pizza (i.e., 8 slices). So percent = . When calculating a percent, it is vital to correctly identify the part and the whole. Otherwise, the percent will be meaningless.
Explore 1 – Identifying the Part and the Whole
- In a survey of 120 Americans, 11 stated they owe a medical bill and 109 stated they do not. Goku claims that the percentage of people that owe a medical bill is 11/109. Do you agree with Goku’s answer? Explain your reasoning.
Goku’s answer of 11/109 consists of the 11 Americans who owe a medical bill and the 109 Americans who do not owe a medical bill. Goku’s answer should be the 11 Americans who owe a medical bill compared to the 120 total Americans who were surveyed. So, of Americans owe a medical bill.
2. The student to faculty ratio at Utah Valley University averages 24:1. Ted claims that the percentage of faculty is 1/24 = 4.2%. Do you agree with Ted’s answer? Explain your reasoning.
A student to faculty ratio of 24:1 means that for every 24 students there is (on average) 1 faculty member. Ted’s answer of 4.2% consists of . This tells us that the student population is 24 times as big as the faculty population (or the faculty population is 1/24th of the student population).
However, if there are 24 students to 1 faculty member, there are 25 people total in this ratio. So the percentage of faculty out of all students and faculty is actually 1 out of 25 people = 4%.
Explore 2 – Determining percentages
1. Sophia wants to know the percentage of time she has to relax with her family on a typical work day. Sophia spends 7 hours sleeping, 1 hour getting ready for work in the morning, 8 hours at the office, 1-hour total commute time to the office and back, and 2 hours cooking and cleaning up. What is the percent of time Sophia has to solely spend and relax with her family? (Round to the nearest whole percent).
The total time Sophia spends “working” = 7 hr + 1 hr + 8 hr + 1 hr + 2 hr = 19 hr. Since there are 24 hours in the day, Sophia has 24 hr – 19 hr = 5 hr to spend relaxing with her family. So, the percent of time Sophia has for relaxing is
2. Jamal found a great deal when he paid $198.40 per night for his hotel room in Park City. The tax paid on the room was $23.40. What is the room tax percentage in Park City?
In this case, the whole is the room rate and the part is the tax. So room tax percentage =
3. Kevin shops in a store that holds sales of 40% to 70% off. Kevin sees a desk lamp that has a regular price of $25 and a sale price of $15. What is the percent of discount on the desk lamp?
The discount on the lamp is $25 – $15 = $10. The discount is taken off the regular price, so the percent of discount is taken against the regular price:
Percent of discount =
The lamp was discounted 40%.
- In a survey 57% of Gen Z gamers feel they’re able to self-express more openly to others in a game than they do in real life. Identify the whole, the part, and the percent.[1]
- In a survey of young Americans aged 11 – 24, 54% said they’ve never had the simple joy of seeing a cow in real life.[2] Identify the whole, the part, and the percent.
- Michael buys a laptop on sale for $999.99. Its original price was $1299.99. a) Calculate the discount. b) Calculate the percentage discount off the original price.
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- Whole = Gen Z gamers who took the survey; Part = Gen Z gamers who took the survey who feel they’re able to self-express more openly to others in a game than they do in real life; Percent = 57% = (Gen Z gamers who took the survey who feel they’re able to self-express more openly to others in a game than they do in real life)/(Gen Z gamers who took the survey)
- Whole = Americans aged 11 – 24 who took the survey; Part = Americans aged 11 – 24 who took the survey and said they’ve never seen a cow in real life; Percent = 54% = ratio of (Americans aged 11 – 24 who took the survey and said they’ve never seen a cow in real life)/(Americans aged 11 – 24 who took the survey)
- a) $1299.99 – $999.99 = $300 b)
- There are two kinds of ratio. One is part-to-part and the other one is part-to-whole. Does it make sense to turn a part-to-part ratio to a percentage? For example, a recipe has the ratio 2 to 5 of sugar to flour. Does the percentage 40% make sense by dividing 2 by 5 (i.e., 2/5=0.4=40%)? Explain your reasoning.
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It makes sense if you claim the amount of sugar is 40% of the amount of flour. It is incorrect if you claim the amount of sugar is 40% of the recipe because the sugar is not 40% of the recipe. The recipe consists of flour + sugar + other ingredients.
Practice Exercises
- A study of the all-time scoring leaders in the NBA (as of March 2023) shows that LeBron James leads with 38,450. In comparison, Michael Jordan had 32,292 points during his career.[3] a) How many more points does LeBron James have over Michael Jordan? b) Calculate the percent of points LeBron James has more than Michael Jordan.
- A large department store is advertising a sale of “Up to 60% off!”. Hayley bought a dress for $47.60 that was originally priced at $68.00. a) How much did Hayley save? b) What percent off the original price did Hayley get?
- A patchwork linen blend teddy bear is on sale for $88. It was originally priced at $220. Calculate the percent off the sale price is from the original price.
- A recent grocery store bill was $235.64. This included tax of $7.97. Calculate the tax rate on this bill.
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- a) 6158 b) 19%
- a) $20.40 b) 30%
- 60%
- 3.4%
Finding the Part and the Whole
A percentage is defined as the Part divided by the Whole, or .
A rearranged version of this formula is , which is derived from multiplying both sides of the equation
by Whole
. We may use this rearranged formula to find the part if given the whole and the percentage.
Another rearranged version of this formula is , which is derived from the formula
by dividing both sides of the formula by Percent. We may use the formula
to find the whole if given the part and the percent.
Explore 3 – Finding the Part
1. The sales tax paid on groceries in Utah is 3%. Calculate the sales tax paid on $226.53 worth of groceries. Round to the nearest cent. (Tax percent = Tax / Price)
We are given the percent (3%) and the whole ($226.53). We need to find the part:
2. Marsha’s financial adviser recommended that she save 15% of her income each month. If her monthly income is $2400, how much should she place into savings?
We are given the percent (15%) and the whole ($2400). We need to find the part:
3. The sales tax paid at a restaurant for food in Orem is 8.25%. Calculate the sales tax paid on a meal that cost $12.50.
We are given the percent (8.25%) and the whole ($12.50). We need to find the part:
4. Three recommended percentages for leaving a tip, 18%, 20% and 25%, are shown on the payment screen as Jane pays for her dinner which cost $32.74. Calculate the recommended tip amounts for the three percentages.
We are given the percent (18%, 20%, 25%) and the whole ($32.74). We need to find the part:
Tip @18% =
Tip@20% =
Tip@25% =
The recommended tip amounts are $5.89 for a 18% tip, $6.55 for a 20% tip, and $8.19 for a 25% tip.
Explore 4 – Finding the Whole
1. Tammy tells her mom she saved $25 after shopping in a clothing store with a 20% off promotion.
a) What was the original price of the clothes?
b) How much did Tammy spend on the clothes?
a) It is often useful to use a diagram to determine what we are given and what we need to find:
We are given the percent (20%) and the part = discount ($25).
We need to find the whole:
b) Since the original price was $125 and Tammy saved $25, she spent $125 – $25 = $100.
2. Jack’s wife complains that Jack spends too much money on entertainment every month. This month it was $250 dollars. Jack tells his wife it is just 5% of his monthly salary. How much money does Jack earn every month?
We are given, part = $250 and percent = 5%.
We need to find the whole:
3. Alma said she just paid $20,000 in Federal taxes for last year’s income. Her Federal tax rate was 24%. How much did Alma earn last year?
We are given part = $20,000 and percent = 24%.
We need to find the whole:
4. Hoa just got promoted and her new salary is $36,000. This new salary is 300% of her original salary. What was Hoa’s original salary?
We are given part = $36,000 and percent = 300%. We need to find the whole:
- Is it true that the part is always smaller than the whole? Explain your reasoning.
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It is not true. Based on the fourth question in explore 4, the part = the new salary (i.e., $36,000) is larger than the whole = the original salary (i.e., $12,000). This is because the percentage is greater than 100%. The part is 300% = three times the whole. Therefore, the part is greater than the whole.
Practice Exercises
- In a survey of 857 people who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender (LGBT), 43.7 percent reported that discrimination negatively impacted their physical well-being.[4] a) Identify the whole, the part, and the percent. b) Calculate how many LGBT people in the survey who reported that discrimination negatively impacted their physical well-being.
- In a study of 2210 U.S. adults, 37% get their news from social media. How many in the study get their news from social media? [5]
- The regular price of a jacket at a store is $299. Jane waits till it goes on sale at 30% off. How much is the sales price of the jacket?
- According to a national poll by University of Chicago and the West Health Institute[6], 44% of about 1300 adults didn’t seek medical care when sick or injured due to cost. How many of those adults didn’t seek medical care?
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- a) Whole = 857 LGBT people who took the survey; Part = LGBT people who took the survey and reported that discrimination negatively impacted their physical well-being; Percent = 43.7% =
burglaries to 420 burglaries in 2022. Over the two years the drop was (1000 – 420) = 580 burglaries that is a 58% fall.
In this section, we will use what we have learned so far to practice skill problems.
Skill Exercises
- What is 5% of 18?
- What is 35% of 304?
- What percent of 506 is 345?
- What percent of 9000 is 12.000?
- If I 35% of an amount is 42, what is the amount?
- If 125% of an amount is 80, what is the amount?
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- 0.9
- 106.4
- 68.2%
- 1.33%
- 120
- 64
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