
Unit 9 Word List

Word Definition
acidosis condition of high acid [in the blood]
adenoidectomy surgical removal of an adenoid gland
adenoiditis inflammation of an adenoid gland
alkalosis condition of high alkali or low acid [in the blood]
alveolar pertaining to the air sacs of the lungs
alveolitis inflammation of the air sacs of the lungs
alveolus an air sac of the lungs
antitussive a drug that suppresses coughing
apnea a condition where the patient repeatedly stops breathing at night
apneustic pertaining to a part of the brain that triggers an apneustic breathing pattern
asthma autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the air passages
atelectasis alveoli fail to dilate, making breathing impossible; collapsed lung
auscultation listening to breath sounds through a stethoscope
bradypnea slow breathing
bronchiectasis dilation of the bronchi
bronchiogenic cancer that arises from the bronchi
bronchiole air passage that connects bronchi to alveoli
bronchiolectasis dilation of the bronchioles
bronchiolitis inflammation of the bronchioles
bronchiostenosis narrowing of the bronchi
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
bronchodilator drug that widens the bronchi
bronchoplasty surgical revision of the bronchi
bronchorrhea flow of liquid from the bronchi
bronchoscope an instrument for looking into the bronchi
bronchoscopy looking into the bronchi
bronchospasm abnormal contraction of the bronchi
bronchus one of the tubes that connect the trachea to the bronchioles
capnography a test of the carbon dioxide concentration in the breath
capnometer instrument for measuring carbon dioxide concentration
cardiopulmonary pertaining to the heart and lungs
carina the anatomical feature associated with the division of the trachea into two primary bronchi (literally, "a boat keel")
caseous cheese-like
chylothorax accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the pleural space
conchae the interior walls of the nasal sinuses that resemble the chambers of a conch shell
costophrenic pertaining to the ribs and diaphragm
cystic fibrosis a genetic condition that results from a mutation in a chloride channel protein; affects the lungs and digestive system with thick, sticky mucus
diaphragmatocele herniation of the diaphragm
dysphonia abnormal speech
dyspnea abnormal breathing
empyema pus in the pleural space
endoscope an instrument for looking inside [the respiratory passages]
endotracheal tube inserted into the trachea
epistaxis nosebleed
eupnea normal breathing
expectorant drug which aids in thinning mucus secretions
expectoration the process of spitting
expiration breathing out
glottis the vocal cords and the opening between them
hemoptysis coughing blood
hemothorax blood in the pleural space
hilum the inner curve of a bean-shaped organ such as the lungs
hypercapnia too much carbon dioxide in the blood
hypercarbia too much carbon dioxide in the blood
hyperpnea abnormally rapid breathing
hyperventilate to breathe too rapidly
hyperventilation the result of breathing too rapidly
hypocapnia too little carbon dioxide in the blood
hypocarbia too little carbon dioxide in the blood
hypopnea abnormally slow breathing
hypoventilate to breathe too slowly
hypoventilation the result of breathing too slowly
hypoxemia low oxygen levels in the blood
hypoxia low oxygen levels
innervation the connection of nerves to an organ
inspiration breathing in
intercostal between the ribs
intubate insert an endotracheal tube
kinetic pertaining to movement
laryngectomy surgical removal of the larynx
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
laryngopharynx the portion of the pharynx that surrounds the larynx
laryngoplasty surgical revision of the larynx
laryngospasm abnormal contraction of the larynx
laryngotracheobronchitis inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi
larynx the organ of speech; voice-box
lobe one of the major divisions of the lung (two on the left, three on the right)
lobectomy surgical removal of a lung lobe
lobotomy cutting into a lung lobe
lung the organ of respiration
mesothelioma cancer of the pleural lining that usually results from asbestos exposure
mucolytic drug that breaks apart mucus (i.e. thins the mucus)
nares nostrils
nasoendoscope an instrument for looking inside the nose and nasal sinuses
nasogastric a tube that enters the nose and nasopharynx and is inserted into the stomach
nasopharyngoscope an instrument for looking inside the nose and nasopharynx
nasopharynx the portion of the pharynx that is within the nasal sinuses
nebulizer device for breaking liquid into microscopic droplets (1/1000 to 5/1000 of a millimeter in diameter)
obstructive characterized by blockage of air flow
oropharynx the portion of the pharynx that is within the oral cavity
orthopnea shortness of breath when lying down
oximetry measurement of oxygen
palatoplasty surgical revision of the palate
pansinusitis inflammation of all nasal sinuses
pectoriloquy abnormal resonance of the voice through lung structures, heard through a stethoscope (literally, "chest talking")
pectus carinatum deformity of the chest with the sternum and ribs pushed outward, like a boat keel
pectus excavatum deformity of the chest with the sternum and ribs pushed inward
percussion tapping the chest
perfusion passing liquid (such as blood) through an organ
pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx
pharyngostenosis narrowing of the pharynx
pharynx formed from the joining of the nasal and oral cavities; divides into the esophagus and trachea inferiorly
phonation the act of making vocal sounds
phrenic pertaining to the diaphragm
phrenoplegia paralysis of the diaphragm
phrenoptosis drooping of the diaphragm
phrenospasm abnormal contraction of the diaphragm
pleura the membrane lining the space between the lungs and chest wall
pleural the space between the lungs and chest wall
pleuralgia pain in the pleural membrane
pleurectomy surgical removal of the pleura
pleurisy inflammation of the pleura
pleuritis inflammation of the pleura
pleurodynia pain in the pleural membrane
pleuropexy surgical fixation of the pleura
pneumatocele herniation of the lungs
pneumoconiosis condition of dust in the lungs
pneumohemothorax air and blood in the pleural space
pneumomelanosis black spots in the lungs due to the accumulation of coal dust or carbon particles
pneumonectomy surgical removal of the lung
pneumonia inflammation of the lungs (usuallly infectious)
pneumonitis inflammation of the lungs (usually non-infectious)
pneumotaxic pertaining to movement of the lungs
pneumothorax air in the pleural space (leads to a collapsed lung, or atelectasia)
polysomnography test which uses several modalities (EEG, pulse ox, pulse rate, respiratory rate) during sleep
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs
pulmonologist a person who studies the lungs
pyothorax pus in the pleural space
respiration the process of exchanging gases (between room air and the blood in the lungs; between blood and the extracellular fluid in the tissues)
respiratory pertaining to the process of exchanging gases
retraction the process of pulling back
rhinitis inflammation of the nasal passages
rhinoplasty surgical revision of the nose ("a nose job")
rhinorrhagia a profuse nosebleed
rhinorrhea flow of liquid from the nose ("a runny nose")
rhythmicity the quality of being rhythmic; having a regular beat
septectomy surgical removal of the wall between the nasal sinuses
sinoatrial node primary pacemaker, whose electrical activity sets a pace for the heartbeat
sinus a large cavity within a bone or other tissue
sinusitis inflammation of the nasal sinuses
sinusotomy cutting into the nasal sinuses
spirogram a record of breathing
spirometry the process of measuring the volume and rate of the breath
sputum thick fluid expelled from the lungs
sternocostal pertaining to the sternum and ribs
syncope fainting; loss of consciousness
tachypnea fast breathing
thoracalgia pain in the thorax
thoracentesis puncture of the thorax with removal of fluid
thoracic pertaining to the thorax
thoracocentesis puncture of the thorax with removal of fluid
thoracoplasty surgical revision of the thorax
thoracostomy creating an opening in the thorax
thoracotomy cutting into the thorax
thoracoscopy looking inside the thorax
trachea tube connecting the laryngopharynx to the bronchi; windpipe
tracheitis inflammation of the trachea
tracheomalacia abnormal softening of the trachea
tracheostenosis narrowing of the trachea
tracheostomy creating an opening in the trachea (e.g. to restore breathing in a choking person)
tracheotomy cutting into the trachea
tubercle lesion characteristic of tuberculosis
tuberculosis lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
turbinate shaped like a turbine (round wheel with vanes)
ventilation the process of moving air in and out of the body


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