
Unit 8 Suffixes

Suffix Definition
–al pertaining to
–algia pain
–amine chemical group
–ant word ending that indicates a substance having that property
–ar pertaining to
–ary pertaining to
–ase name for an enzyme, a protein or RNA molecule which promotes the forming or breaking of chemical bonds
–ated having that quality
–centesis puncture
–dynia pain
–eal pertaining to
–eau ending used in some words of French origin
–ectasia dilated condition
–ectasis dilation
–ectomy cutting out of
–em present in blood (shortening of [h]em[e])
–emia present in blood, indicating disease
–esis process
–gen arising from
–genesis the process of creating
–genic giving rise to
–gram a record of a test or procedure
–graphy a test or procedure
–ia disease
–iac pertaining to
–ial pertaining to
–ic pertaining to
–icle diminutive suffix
–ile word ending meaning "able to"
–in chemical name ending for a protein
–ion word ending that turns a verb into a noun
–is anatomical structure
–ism belief; process word ending
–ist someone who studies
–itis inflammation
–ity turns a noun into a state of being
–ium word ending for an anatomical structure
–ive to go
–ize to make; cause to become
–ization the process of making or causing to become
–logist one who studies
–logy study of
–lysis breaking down; destroying
–malacia softening due to disease
–megaly enlargement due to disease
–meter instrument for measuring
–oid looks like; resembles
–ole diminutive suffix
–oma tumor
–one chemical name ending
–or substance or muscle which has that action
–ose having that quality
–osis process
–osus Latin word ending
–ous word ending that turns a noun into an adjective
–pathy disease process
–penia low levels of
–pexy surgical fixation
–plasia the process of molding or growing
–plasty surgical revision
–poiesis creation process
–ptosis drooping
–rrhage bursting forth
–rrhaphy suturing
–rrhexis rupture
–scope instrument for looking inside
–scopy the process of looking inside
–sion word ending that turns a verb into a noun
–stenosis abnormal narrowing of an opening
stomy creating an opening (or "mouth") with surgery
–tion word ending that turns a verb into a noun
–tomy cutting
–us anatomical structure word ending
–y disease


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