
Unit 7 Word List

Word Definition
acidemia condition of acid in the blood
acromegaly disease involving abnormally high levels of human growth hormone after puberty
adenectomy surgical removal of a gland
adenitis inflammation of a gland
adenocarcinoma cancerous tumor of a gland
adenohypophysis anterior pituitary gland
adenoma tumor of a gland
adenomegaly abnormal enlargement of a gland
adenopathy disease of a gland
adenosis abnormal change in a gland
adrenalectomy surgical removal of the adrenal gland
adrenalgia pain in the adrenal gland
adrenaline chemical released from the adrenal gland (same as epinephrine)
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
adrenarche the onset of adrenal function
adrenocortical pertaining to the adrenal cortex
adrenocorticohyperplasia abnormal growth of the adrenal cortex
adrenocorticotropic acting on the adrenal cortex
adrenomegaly enlargement of the adrenal gland
aldosterone steroid hormone released from the adrenal gland that affects sodium (salt) balance
alkalemia condition of alkali in the blood
autoreceptor a protein on the surface of cells that responds to chemicals released by that cell
calcemia condition of calcium in the blood
calciuria condition of calcium in the urine
catecholamine category of chemicals that include dopamine, adrenaline/epinephrine, and noradrenaline/norepinephrine
chloremia condition of chlorine in the blood
cholangiopancreatography imaging the gallbladder, pancreas, and associated vessels
congenital condition occurring at birth
corticotropic acting on the adrenal cortex
corticotropin chemical acting on the adrenal cortex
diabetic Greek "the funnel", pertaining to a condition where patients drink too much and urinate too much
dysmetabolic abnormal function of the metabolism
endocrine relating to the release of hormones
endocrinologist physician who studies the release of hormones
endoscopic pertaining to an instrument that visualizes the digestive tract
epinephrine chemical released from the adrenal gland (same as adrenaline)
euglycemia ideal level of sugar in the blood
euthyroid ideal level of thyroid hormones
exocrine relating to the release of substances from the body
exophthalmos protrusion of the eyes
galactorrhea abnormal flow of milk from the nipple
glucagon hormone that regulates blood sugar levels
glucocorticoid steroid hormone released from the adrenal gland that affects sugar levels
gluconeogenesis the creation of new sugar from other dietary compounds
glucosuria abnormal condition of sugar in the urine
glycemia level of sugar in the blood
glycemic pertaining to the level of sugar in the blood
glycogenolysis the breakdown of glycogen (a storage form of glucose, consisting of multiple connected glucose molecules)
glycolysis the breakdown of sugar by cells
glycopenia low levels of glucose
goiter enlargement of the thyroid gland
gonadocorticoid steroid hormone released from the adrenal cortex that affects the reproductive organs
gonadogenesis the creation of reproductive organs
gonadopathy disease of the reproductive organss
gonadotropic pertaining to a hormone acting on the gonads (directly or indirectly)
gonadotropin a chemical acting on the reproductive organs
gynecomastia enlargement of the male breasts due to hormone imbalance or hormone therapy
hirsutism condition of increased hair
hormonopoiesis the beginning of hormone secretion
hypercalcemia increased level of calcium in the blood
hypercholesterolemia increased level of cholesterol in the blood
hyperglycemia increased level of sugar in the blood
hypergonadism condition of overactive reproductive organs
hyperkalemia increased level of potassium in the blood
hyperlipidemia increased level of fats (lipids) in the blood
hypernatremia increased level of sodium in the blood
hyperparathyroidism condition of enlarged or overactive parathyroid glands
hyperphosphatemia increased level of phosphate in the blood
hyperpituitarism condition of enlarged or overactive pituitary glands
hyperprolactinemia increased level of prolactin in the blood
hyperthyroidism condition of enlarged or overactive thyroid glands
hypocalcemia decreased level of calcium in the blood
hypoglycemia decreased level of sugar in the blood
hypoglycemic condition of decreased sugar levels
hypogonadism condition of decreased function of the reproductive organs
hypogonadotropic pertaining to a condition of decreased hormone acting on the reproductive organs
hypokalemia decreased level of potassium in the blood
hyponatremia decreased level of sodium in the blood
hypophosphatemia decreased level of phosphate in the blood
hypophysectomy surgical removal of the pituitary (hypophysis)
hypophysitis inflammation of the pituitary (hypophysis)
hypopituitarism condition of low pituitary function
hypothyroidism condition of low thyroid function
infundibulum the stalk that connects the pituitary to the hypothalamus
infusion method for putting fluids (such as drugs or antibiotics) into the bloodstream through an IV
insufficiency condition of not enough of a hormone or organ secretion
insulin hormone that regulates blood sugar levels
insulinoma tumor which releases insulin
ketoacidosis condition of ketones (organic compounds) and acid in the blood
ketogenesis the process of making ketones
ketogenic giving rise to ketones
ketonuria ketones in the urine
ketosis condition of ketones (organic compounds) in the blood
laparoscopic surgical approach that uses a small tube to introduce surgical instruments
lipolysis breakdown of fats (lipids)
menarche the onset of menstruation
metabolism the breakdown of food compounds, and the building up of body components from food
mineralocorticoid steroid hormone, released from the adrenal cortex, which affects salt (sodium, potassium, magnesium, or calcium) levels
neurohypophysis posterior pituitary
pancreatalgia pain in the pancreas
pancreatectomy surgical removal of the pancreas
pancreatic pertaining to the pancreas
pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas
pancreatolith stone in the pancreas
pancreatolithectomy surgical removal of a pancreatic stone
pancreatolithiasis condition of stones in the pancreas
panhypopituitarism a low level of all hormones secreted from the pituitary gland
parathyroid a gland next to (behind) the thyroid gland
parathyroidectomy surgical removal of the parathyroid gland
parathyroidoma tumor of the parathyroid gland
permissive allowing something to happen
polyadenopathy a disease affecting several glands
polydipsia increased fluid intake
polyphagia increased food intake
polyuria increased urine production
prolactin hormone that promotes the development of milk glands in the breast
pseudocyst a fluid-filled cavity that resembles a cyst but lacks a wall or lining
retrograde operating or moving in reverse
somatostatin hormone that stops the secretion of growth hormone
somatotroph cell in the pituitary that makes growth hormone
syndrome signs and symptoms that occur together without an obvious relationship
thelarche the onset of breast development
thymectomy surgical removal of the thymus
thymoma tumor of the thymus
thyrocele fluid-filled space in the thyroid gland
thyroidectomy surgical removal of the thyroid gland
thyroiditis inflammation of the thyroid gland
thyroidotomy incision into the thyroid gland
thyroidotoxin a substance which damages the thyroid gland
thyromegaly enlargment of the thyroid gland
thyroparathyroidectomy surgical removal of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
thyroptosis downward displacement of an enlarged thyroid
thyrotoxicosis dangerous condition of increased thyroid hormone levels
thyrotropin a hormone acting on the thyroid gland
thyroxine thyroid hormone (specifically, tetraiodothyronine or T4)
uremia increased levels of nitrogen wastes (including urea) in the blood
virilism a condition involving the development of male characteristics


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