
Unit 6 Word List

Word Definition
acoustic pertaining to hearing
aerotitis air in the middle ear
afferent traveling towards a structure
agnosia not knowing
akinetopsia motion-blindness
amblyopia disease in which one eye's input is ignored by the brain
ampulla round flask; structure in the vestibular system which resembles a flask
amyotrophic pertaining to muscle tissue wasting
anastomosis "backwards mouth"; two openings coming together to form one
anesthesia lack of sensation (usually, pain)
anesthesiologist physician who administers anesthesia
aneurysm ballooning of a blood vessel
aniridia disease marked by the absence of an iris
anorexia disease marked by a lack of desire (usually, for food)
anosmia disease marked by an absence of the ability to smell
anticonvulsant drug which stops seizure activity
antidepressant drug which regulates mood
antipsychotic drug which reverses symptoms of psychosis (a loss of contact with reality)
anxiolytic drug which "breaks down" or reduces anxiety
apathy lack of feeling
aphakia absence of the lens
aphasia absence of the power of speech (also, written language)
aponeurosis sheath of connective tissue joining muscle and bones
arachnoid one of the meninges; layer covering the brain that resembles a wet spider web
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
asthenopia eye strain or eye fatigue
astigmatism defect in the optical properties of the eye
atherosclerosis buildup of plaque in the arteries
audiogram graphical representation of a patient's hearing
audiologist clinician who studies hearing
audiometry measurement of a patient's hearing
auditory pertaining to hearing
aural pertaining to hearing
autism alternative wiring of the brain resulting in characteristic behaviors and symptoms
autonomic pertaining to body systems not under control of the conscious mind
axodendritic a contact between an axon and a neuronal dendrite
axon the part of a nerve cell responsible for its output
axosecretory release of chemicals from an axon to the blood
axosomatic a contact between an axon and neuronal cell body
basilar running along the base of the brain (the name of an artery which does this)
binocular using both eyes to perceive the visual world
bipolar a neuron with two major extensions from the cell body
blepharedema swelling of the eyelid
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelid
blepharoconjunctivitis inflammation of the eyelid and mucous membranes of the eye
blepharoplasty surgical revision of the eyelid
blepharoplegia paralysis of the eyelid
blepharoptosis drooping of the eyelid
blepharopyorrhea flow of pus from the eyelid
blepharospasm involuntary contraction of the eyelid
blepharotomy cutting into the eyelid
brain the largest part of the central nervous system
bulimia eating disorder characterized by the binge-purge-starve syndrome
cataract cloudiness in the lens of the eye
catatonia disease characterized by a lack of awareness
caudate a structure in the brain which resembles a tail (Latin cauda)
cephalalgia pain in the head
cephalodynia pain in the head
cerebellar pertaining to the part of the brain under the cerebrum
cerebellitis inflammation of the cerebellum
cerebellum part of the brain under the cerebrum and attached to the brainstem
cerebral pertaining to the cerebrum
cerebromeningitis inflammation of the brain and the membranes that cover it
cerebropathy disease of the brain
cerebrospinal pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
cerebrotomy cutting into the brain
cerebrovascular pertaining to the blood vessels of the brain
cerebrum the large, wrinkled part of the brain; right and left hemispheres
cerumen ear wax
ceruminolysis process of breaking down ear wax
ceruminolytic substance which breaks down ear wax
ceruminoma tumor in the glands which produce ear wax
ceruminosis condition of excessive ear wax
chemoreceptor nerve cell which detects the presence of specific chemicals
choroid a tissue resembling the chorionic membrane of the embryo; there is a choroid of the eye and a choroid plexus lining the ventricles of the brain
clonus involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions
cochlear pertaining to the hearing apparatus of the inner ear (Latin "snail", because of its anatomical resemblance to a snail)
cochleitis inflammation of the cochlea
conductive arising from a defect in the structures which bring sound to the inner ear
conjunctiva mucous membrane of the eye
conjunctivitis inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye
convulsion sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of muscle
cornea the clear window covering the iris and pupil
corticospinal nerve cell pathway connecting the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord
craniosclerosis hardening of the skull
craniosynostosis premature fusion and hardening of the bones of a child's skull
cyclokeratitis inflammation of the cornea and ciliary body of the eye
cycloplegia paralysis of the ciliary body of the eye
cyclotomy cutting into the ciliary body of the eye
dacryoadenalgia pain in the lacrimal gland (the gland that makes tears to lubricate the eye)
dacryoadenectomy removal of a lacrimal gland
dacryoadenitis inflammation of a lacrimal gland
dacryocystalgia pain in the nasolacrimal sac (which stores tears to lubricate the eye)
dacryocystectomy surgical removal of the nasolacrimal sac
dacryocystitis inflammation of the nasolacrimal sac
dacryocystorhinostomy surgery to enlarge the opening of the nasolacrimal sac
dacryocystotomy cutting into the nasolacrimal sac
dacryohemorrhea blood mixed with tears
dacryolith stone in the lacrimal glands
dacryolithiasis condition of stones in the lacrimal glands
dacryopyorrhea flow of pus from the lacrimal glands
dacryorrhea excessive flow of tears from the lacrimal glands
dacryostenosis blockage of tears from the lacrimal glands
decrement slow, steady decrease in size
decussation crossing
delirium confusion and disorientation
dementia lack of orientation to person, place, or time, often with memory loss
depolarization an accumulation of positive charges inside a nerve cell
dermatome region on the surface of the body which sends information along a single spinal nerve
diencephalon region of the brain between the cerebrum and the brainstem; thalamus and associated structures
diplopia double vision
dopamine chemical signaling molecule of the brain
dura one of the meninges; layer covering the brain made up of tough connective tissue
duritis inflammation of the dura, one of the coverings of the brain
dysesthesia abnormal sensation
dyslexia disruption in the ability to read
dysphasia disruption in the ability to speak
dysphoria abnormal sensation of dread or unease
echoencephalography the use of ultrasound to image the brain
ectropion turning of the eyelid away from the eyeball
efferent traveling away from a structure
electroencephalography the use of electrical activity to image the brain
electrophysiology the study of electrical activity in the brain or in brain cells
embolism obstruction of an artery by a clot or air bubble
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalocele herniation of the brain
encephalogram image or trace of the electrical activity of the brain
encephalomyelitis inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
encephalomyeloneuropathy a disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
encephalopathy a disease of the brain
encephalopyosis condition of pus in the brain
endarterectomy removal of the inner lining of an artery along with a clot or plaque
endolymph fluid of the inner ear
endoneurium innermost connective tissue layer of a nerve
endophthalmitis inflammation of the inside of the eye
endovascular pertaining to the inner lining of a blood vessel
entropion turning of the eyelid toward the eyeball
enucleation removal of the eyeball
ependymal pertaining to cells lining the ventricles (fluid-filled chambers of the brain)
epidural pertaining to the space outside the dura, one of the coverings of the brain
epilepsy disease characterized by the sudden onset of seizures
epineurium outermost connective tissue of a nerve
esotropia eye misalignment where both eyes turn inward
euphoria sensation of well-being or happiness
exophthalmus protrusion of the eyes out of the head
exotropia eye misalignment where both eyes turn outward
externa outermost
exteroceptor nerve cell which detects the presence of stimuli outside the body
extraocular outside of the eye, especially referring to the muscles which move the eye
fascicle bundle of nerve axons
frontal bone at the front of the skull; lobe of the brain in the front
ganglioma tumor of a ganglion
ganglion a collection of nerve cells outside the central nervous system
ganglionitis inflammation of a ganglion
glaucoma abnormal increase in pressure within the eye
glossopharyngeal pertaining to the tongue and oral cavity
gustation the sensation of taste
gyrus elevated bump on the surface of the cerebrum
hematoma mass of blood
hemianopsia abnormal visual perception, "half not seeing"
hemiparesis muscle weakness affecting half of the body (e.g. right upper and lower extremity)
hemiplegia paralysis affecting half of the body (e.g. right upper and lower extremity)
hemorrhagic abnormal blood flow
homunculus map of the body surface as represented in the brain (Latin "little man")
hydrocephalus abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid
hyperacusis abnormally increased ability to hear
hyperesthesia abnormally increased sensation in skin
hyperopia ability to see at a distance but not close up
hyperpolarization an accumulation of negative charges inside a nerve cell
hypnotic drug causing sleepiness
hypoacusis abnormally reduced ability to hear
hypoglossal underneath the tongue
ictus seizure
idiopathic a condition with no obvious cause
insomnia inability to sleep
insula a part of the cerebral cortex not visible from the outside of the brain (Latin, "island")
interictal the time between seizures
interneuron a nerve cell that is neither sensory nor motor
interoceptor nerve cell which detects the presence of stimuli inside the body
intracerebral within the brain
intraocular within the eyes
intravitreal within the clear, jelly-like substance which gives the eyeball its shape
iridalgia pain in the iris
iridectomy surgical removal of the iris
iridemia blood surrounding the iris
iridocyclectomy surgical removal of the iris and ciliary body
iridocyclitis inflammation of the iris and ciliary body
iridokeratitis inflammation of the iris and cornea
iridopathy disease of the iris
iridotomy cutting into the iris
iris the colored part of the eye which defines the pupil
iritis inflammation of the iris
ischemia a lack of blood flow
ischemic pertaining to a lack of blood flow
keratalgia pain in the cornea
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
keratomalacia softening of the cornea
keratopathy disease of the cornea
keratoplasty surgical revision of the cornea
keratotomy cutting into the cornea
labyrinthectomy surgical removal of the vestibular (balance) apparatus of the inner ear
labyrinthitis inflammation of the labyrinth
labyrinthotomy cutting into the labyrinth
lacrimation the process of forming tears and crying
ligand chemical which binds to a cell surface receptor
lobe major division of the cerebrum
lobectomy surgical removal of a lobe of the brain
lobotomy cutting into a lobe of the brain
macrocephaly abnormally large head
mechanoreceptor nerve cell which detects the presence of movement, pressure, or other mechanical stimuli
medulla the core of a multilayered organ (e.g. the brain)
meninges coverings of the brain
meningioma tumor of the coverings of the brain
meningitis inflammation of the coverings of the brain
meningocele hernation of the coverings of the brain
meningoencephalitis inflammation of the brain and its coverings
meningopathy disease of the coverings of the brain
microcephaly abnormally small head
microtia abnormally small ears
midbrain part of the brainstem between the thalamus and pons
miosis condition of a constricted (small) pupil
miotic drug which causes miosis
monoparesis weakness in a single extremity
monoplegia paralysis of a single extremity
monosynaptic characterized by a single contact between nerve cells
multipolar a neuron with many major extensions from the cell body
mydriasis condition of a dilated (large) pupil
mydriatic drug which causes mydriasis
myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
myelocele hernation of the spinal cord
myelogram image of the spinal cord
myelomalacia softening of the spinal cord
myelomeningocele herniation of the spinal cord and its coverings
myelopathy disease of the spinal cord
myopia ability to see close up but not at a distance
myotatic pertaining to muscle stretching
myringectomy surgical removal of the eardrum
myringitis inflammation of the eardrum
myringodermatitis inflammation of the eardrum and the adjacent skin of the ear canal
myringomycosis fungal infection of the eardrum
myringoplasty surgical revision of the eardrum
myringotomy cutting into the eardrum
narcolepsy condition of uncontrollable, sudden sleepiness
nasolacrimal pertaining to the lacrimal (tear-producing) structures and the nose
neuralgia pain in the nerves
neurasthenia weakness or lack of energy in the nervous system
neurectomy surgical removal of a nerve
neuritis inflammation of a nerve
neuroarthropathy loss of nerve sensation that leads to destruction of a joint
neurocysticercosis "brain worm"; the larval stage of a parasitic worm found in the brain
neurodynia pain in the nerves
neuroencephalomyelopathy disease of the nerves, brain, and spinal cord
neurogenic arising from the nervous system
neuroglycopenia condition of low sugar (glucose) levels in the brain
neurolysis breakdown of nervous system tissue
neuroma tumor derived from the nervous system
neuron anatomical unit of the nervous system
neuropathy disease of the nervous system
neuropharmacology study of the effect of drugs on the nervous system
neurophysiology study of the (usually electrical) function of the nervous system
neuroplasty surgical alteration of the nerves
neurorrhaphy surgical repair of a nerve
neurosclerosis abnormal hardening of the nerves
neurosis abnormal change in the nervous system
neurosurgery using surgical techniques to revise or repair the nervous system
neurotomy cutting into a nerve
neurotransmitter chemical which carries a signal from one neuron to another neuron, or to a muscle cell
nociceptor nerve cell which detects the presence of damage
nystagmus eye movements that alternate between a rapid track to one side and a slow track to the other
occipital bone at the back of the skull; lobe of the brain at the back
oculomycosis fungal infection of the eye
oculopathy disease of the eye
oculoplasty surgical revision of the eye
ophthalmalgia pain in the eye
ophthalmic pertaining to the eye
ophthalmitis inflammation of the eye
ophthalmologist clinician who studies the eye
ophthalmomyitis inflammation of the extraocular muscles
ophthalmopathy disease of the eye
ophthalmoplegia paralysis of the eye
ophthalmoscope instrument for observing the eye
optic pertaining to vision
optokinetic pertaining to movement of the visual field
optometrist clinician who measures the optical properties of the eye
optomyometer instrument for measuring the strength of eye muscles
osmoreceptor nerve cell which detects the strength of chemicals in the blood
osteoacusis sound conduction via bone
otalgia pain in the ear
otitis inflammation of the ear
otodynia pain in the ear
otolaryngologist physician who studies the ear and throat
otoliths microscopic stones in the ear that help detect head tilt
otomycosis fungal infection of the ear
otoneurologist physician who studies the ear and brain
otoplasty surgical modification of the ear
otopyorrhea flow of pus from the ear
otorhinolaryngologist physician who studies the ear, nose, and throat
otorrhea flow of liquid from the ear
otosclerosis hardening of the bones of the middle ear
otoscope instrument for observing the ear
otosteal pertaining to the bones of the middle ear
ototoxic drug that destroys the nerve cells of the ear
papilledema swelling of the optic nerve, visible through an ophthalmoscope
paraesthesia pins-and-needles sensation in the skin caused by nerve damage
paralysis inability to move
parasympathetic pertaining to the division of the autonomic nervous system that maintains body functions at rest
paresis weakness
parietal bone on the side of the skull; lobe of the brain on the side
perilymph fluid of the inner ear
perineurium connective tissue layer of a nerve
phacoemulsification surgical procedure that involves breaking apart the lens of the eye
phacomalacia softening of the lens
phacosclerosis hardening of the lens
phacoscope instrument for observing the lens
phakitis inflammation of the lens
phonasthenia weakness or lack of energy in the voice
photon particle-wave of light energy
photophobia inability to tolerate bright light (literally, "fear of light")
photopic pertaining to bright light conditions
photoreceptor nerve cell which detects photons (particle-waves of light energy)
plexus nerves which come together, mix, and separate
poliomyelitis viral disease of the nervous system
polyneuritis inflammation of several or many nerves
polyneuropathy disease of several or many nerves
postcentral behind the central sulcus
postganglionic referring to nerve axons that are efferent to the autonomic ganglia
postictal after a seizure
postsynaptic after a contact between nerve cells (i.e. the neuron receiving the information)
precentral in front of the central sulcus
prefrontal the rostral part of the frontal cortex ("the front of the front")
preganglionic referring to nerve axons that are afferent to the autonomic ganglia
preictal before a seizure
premotor area of cortex that calculates, but does not execute, a motor program
presbycusis elder hearing
presbyopia elder vision
presynaptic before a contact between nerve cells (i.e. the neuron sending the information)
propagate spreading of a nerve signal
proprioceptor nerve cell which detects the position of the body in space
prosopagnosia inability to recognize faces
pseudesthesia experiencing "false" feelings; feelings not caused by a stimulus
psychiatrist physician who studies the mind
psychiatry branch of medicine involved in the study of the mind
psychogenic arising from the mind
psychologist clinician who studies the mind
psychology science of the mind
psychopathy disease of the mind
psychopharmacology study of drugs which affect the mind
psychosis disease of the mind, usually one which involves a disconnection from reality
psychosomatic pertaining to the connection between mind and body
psychotropic a drug which acts on the mind
quadriplegia paralysis of all four extremities
refractory resistant to change
repolarization restoration of the normal distribution of negative charges inside a nerve cell
retina photosensitive nerve tissue lining the inside back of the eye
retinal pertaining to the retina
retinitis inflammation of the retina
retinopathy disease of the retina
retinopexy surgical fixation of the retina
retinoscope instrument for observing the retina
retinosis condition of the retina
saccule small sac; structure in the vestibular system which resembles a sack
sciatica inflammation of the major nerve supplying the lower extremity
sclera white of the eye (i.e. "hard part" of the eye)
sclerectasia bulging and thinning of the sclera
scleritis inflammation of the sclera
scleromalacia softening of the sclera
sclerotomy cutting into the sclera
scotoma a "hole" in the visual field (literally, "dark tumor")
scotopic pertaining to dim light conditions
segmental broken into segments; a way of describing the pattern of nerve innervation on the body surface
sensorineural pertaining to sensation and how it is processed by the brain
somnambulism sleep-walking
somnography measurement of a patient's sleep
stimulus environmental energy that causes a response in the nervous system
strabismus condition where the eyes don't look in the same direction
subarachnoid between the brain surface and the arachnoid membrane
subdural between the arachnoid membrane and the dura mater
sulcus groove on the surface of the cerebrum
sympathetic pertaining to the division of the autonomic nervous system that maintains body functions needed for escape or fighting
syncope fainting
synesthesia mixing up two or more senses (e.g. perceiving colors and sounds at the same time)
tastant chemical which produces a taste sensation
temporal bone on the side of the skull; lobe of the brain on the side
thermoreceptor nerve cell which detects temperature
thromboembolism loss of blood supply due to a clot which dislodges from its source and lodges in a distant location
thromboembolus clot which becomes dislodged, blocking the blood supply at a distant location
thrombolytic drug which breaks apart a blood clot
thrombosis condition of clotting
tinnitus ringing in the ears
toxic poisonous
transcranial across the skull
transduction the process of turning one kind of signal into another
transient temporary; briefly passing
trigeminal fifth cranial nerve, mostly carrying information from the face to the brain
tympanic pertaining to the eardrum
tympanocentesis puncture of the eardrum
tympanometry process of measuring the eardrum
tympanoplasty surgical alteration of the eardrum
tympanosclerosis hardening of the eardrum
tympanostomy creating a hole ("mouth") in the eardrum
unipolar a neuron with one major extension from the cell body
utricle bag-like structure in the vestibular system
varicosity dilation or enlargement of a part (e.g. a nerve axon)
vertigo sensation of spinning
vestibular the organ of balance; part of the inner ear
vestibulitis inflammation of the vestibular apparatus
vestibulocochlear pertaining to the inner ear (balance & hearing apparatuses)
vestibulotomy cutting into the vestibular apparatus
vitrectomy surgical removal of the vitreous
vitreous the clear, jelly-like material that gives the eyeball its shape
xerophthalmia dry eye


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