
Unit 6 Suffixes

Suffix or Ending Definition
–al pertaining to
–algia pain
–ant state of being
–ar pertaining to
–asis state of being
–ate chemical name ending
–ation word ending that turns a verb into a noun
–cele hernia
–centesis puncture
–dynia pain
–ea anatomical word ending
–eal pertaining to
–ectomy cutting out of
–ellum diminutive suffix (cerebellum = "little brain")
–emia present in blood, indicating disease
–ent word ending that turns a verb into a noun
–etic a drug or condition causing a process
–gram a record of a test or procedure
–graphy a test or procedure
–ia disease
–ial pertaining to
–iasis presence of an abnormality
–iatrist clinician who studies
–iatry the act of studying
–ic pertaining to
–ication pertaining to + word ending that turns a verb into a noun
–icle diminutive suffix
–ient word ending which indicates an ongoing condition
–ing at the end of a verb, means "ongoing"
–ion word ending that turns a verb into a noun
–ism belief; process word ending
–ist someone who studies
–itis inflammation
–ity turns a noun into a state of being
–ium anatomical structure
–ive to go
–ization turns a noun into a verb and then back into a noun (which is weird)
–logist one who studies
–logy study of
–lysis breaking down; destroying
–lytic substance that causes a breakdown or destruction
–malacia softening due to disease
–meter instrument for measuring
–metry the act of measuring
–oid looks like; resembles
–ology study of; o added to make it sound better
–oma tumor
–on unit of anatomical structure
–ory pertaining to
–osis process
–ous word ending that turns a noun into an adjective
–pathy disease process
–penia low levels of
–pexy surgical fixation
–plasty surgical revision
–plegia inability to move
–ptosis drooping
–rrhag[e] abnormal flow
–rrhaphy suturing
–rrhea abnormal flow
–scope instrument for looking inside
–spasm involuntary contraction
–stenosis abnormal narrowing of an opening
–stomy creating an opening (or "mouth") with surgery
–tatic pertaining to stretching
–ter noun ending
–tic pertaining to; t added to make it sound better
–tome instrument for cutting
–tomy cutting
–trophic pertaining to nourishment or growth
–trophy nourishment, growth
–us anatomical structure word ending
–y disease


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