
Unit 5 Word List


Word Definition
abduction moving a limb or body part away from the midline
acetabulum hip socket
achondroplasia failure in the development of cartilage (a type of dwarfism)
adactyly absence of the fingers
adduction moving a limb or body part toward the midline
agonist the "prime mover": the muscle primarily responsible for the movement being studied
amphiarthrotic slightly moveable joint
analgesic drug that reduces pain
ankylosing causing to be stiff
ankylosis a disease that makes bones or joints stiff
antagonist a muscle that opposes the action of the agonist
antiarthritic drug that reduces the symptoms of arthritis
anti-inflammatory drug that reduces inflammation
antipyretic drug that reduces fever
apophysis outgrowth or protuberance on a bone
appendicular part of the skeleton that is attached to the axial skeleton (i.e. the upper and lower extremities)
arthralgia pain in the joints
arthrectomy surgical removal of a joint
arthrocentesis puncture of a joint to remove fluid
arthroscope device for examining the inside of a joint
arthrodesis disease process binding a joint together
arthrodynia pain in the joints
arthrodysplasia bad formation of a joint
arthrogram picture of a joint
arthrography process for visualizing a joint
arthropathy disease in a joint
arthroplasty surgical modification of a joint
arthroscopic pertaining to examination of a joint using an arthroscope
arthrotomy cutting into a joint
articular having to do with joints
ataxia inability to walk
atrophy failure to develop, or loss of a structure, due to lack of nourishment
axial pertaining to the center of the body (cf. appendicular)
bradykinesia slow movement
bursa "purse"; a bag of synovial fluid that cushions a ligament or tendon that would otherwise rub against a bone
bursectomy surgical removal of a bursa
bursitis inflammation of a bursa
bursotomy cutting into a bursa
carpal pertaining to the wrist bones
carpectomy surgical removal of a wrist bone
carpitis inflammation of a wrist bone
cervical pertaining to the neck
cervicitis inflammation of the neck
cervicodynia pain in the neck
chondritis inflammation of the cartilage
chondrodynia pain in the cartilage
chondroma tumor in the cartilage
chondromalacia softening of the cartilage
chondroplasty surgical modification of cartilage
circumduction movement in a circle around a joint
condyle knob on a bone
costal pertaining to a rib
costalgia pain in a rib
costectomy surgical removal of a rib
costochondritis inflammation of the rib and associated cartilage
craniectomy surgical removal of a piece of the skull
craniomalacia softening of the skull
craniometer device for measuring the skull
craniosynostosis disease where the skull bones of a child fuse too soon after birth
craniotomy cutting into the skull
crepitation crackling noise in the joints
dactylalgia pain in the fingers
dactylitis inflammation of the fingers
diaphysis the shaft of a long bone
diarthrotic freely moveable joint
dyskinesia trouble with movement
dysplasia malformation of a structure
dystaxia trouble with walking
dystonia trouble with muscle tone (strength)
eccentric force applied to a muscle as it is getting longer
effusion the process of fluid leaking out of a structure
electromyogram record of the electrical activity of a muscle
electromyography obtaining a record of the electrical activity of a muscle
endochondral occurring inside of cartilage (refers to a type of bone development)
endomysium the innermost connective tissue sheath of a muscle
epimysium the outermost connective tissue sheath of a muscle
epiphysis the ends of a long bone (distal epiphysis or proximal epiphysis)
epicondyle a bump next to a knob on a bone
exostosis abnormal bone growth in the small ear bones (ossicles)
extension increasing the angle of a joint
facet a flattish surface on a bone where a joint articulates (it is supposedly similar to the flat surface of a cut jewel)
fascia band of connective tissue
fasciectomy removal of a fascia
fasciitis inflammation of a fascia
fascioplasty surgical modification of fascia
fasciorrhaphy surgical repair of a fascia
fasciotomy cutting into a fascia
femoral pertaining to the thigh
fissure a deep crack
fixation locking into place
flexion reducing the angle of a joint
foramen hole in a bone
fossa shallow groove in a bone
fracture breaking a bone
genu knee
glenoid the socket of the shoulder joint
gomphosis the joint between a tooth and the jaw
graphospasm writer's cramp
hallux the big toe
hemarthrosis blood in a joint
hematopoiesis the process of blood cell formation in the bone marrow
hydrarthrosis water (excess fluid) in a joint
hypercalcemia abnormally high calcium in the blood
hyperextension abnormal or excessive increase in the angle of a joint
hyperkinesia abnormally high movement
hypertonia abnormally high muscle tone (strength)
hypertrophy abnormal growth of tissue
hypocalcemia abnormally low calcium in the blood
hypokinesia abnormally low movement
hypophyseal pertaining to the tissue underneath the brain (i.e. the pituitary gland)
hypophysis the pituitary gland
hypotonia abnormally low muscle tone (strength)
infraspinatus a muscle or space below the spine of the scapula
intercostal between the ribs
interosseous band of connective tissue between the radius and ulna or between the tibia and fibula
intramembranous occurring within a membrane (refers to a type of bone development)
isometric force applied to a muscle without a change in muscle length
kinesiology the study of movement
kinetic pertaining to motion
kyphosis "hunchback": a bend in the spine that results in a visible bump in the upper back
lacrimal pertaining to crying or tears
lamella thin plate
ligament a band of connective tissue connecting bone to bone
lordosis "swayback": a bend in the spine that results in a pronounced hollow space above the buttocks
lumbar lower back
lumbodynia pain in the lower back
meatus tube or passage
medullary pertaining to the center of a multilayered organ (in this case, the bone marrow)
metacarpal the bones between the wrist and fingers
metacarpectomy surgical removal of a metacarpal
metaphysis transition between the end and the shaft of a long bone
metatarsalgia pain in the bones between the ankle and toes
metatarsals the bones between the ankle and toes
musculoskeletal pertaining to the muscles and bones
myalgia pain in the muscles
myasthenia disease of muscle weakness
myectomy surgical removal of a muscle
myoclonus involuntary muscle twitch
myodynia pain in a muscle
myofasciitis inflammation of a muscle and its associated connective tissue
myography obtaining a record of the contraction of a muscle
myolysis breakdown of muscle
myoma tumor derived from muscle
myomalacia softening of muscle
myomectomy removal of a tumor derived from muscle (in the uterine wall)
myoplasty surgical modification of a muscle
myorrhaphy surgical repair of a muscle
myosarcoma cancer derived from muscle tissue
myosclerosis hardening of muscle
myositis inflammation of muscle
myospasm involuntary contraction of muscle
myotomy cutting into a muscle
neuromuscular pertaining to the nervous system and muscles
occipital skull bone at the back of the head, next to (and attaches to) the cervical spine
orthotic device to straighten the foot or leg
ossification the process of making bone
ostalgia pain in the bones
ostectomy surgical removal of a bone
osteitis inflammation of a bone
osteoarthritis inflammation of bones and the joint formed by those bones
osteoblast rapidly dividing cell of bone (responsible for bone formation)
osteocarcinoma cancer derived from bone tissue
osteochondritis inflammation of bone and its associated cartilage
osteochondroma a tumor derived from bone and cartilage
osteoclasia abnormal breakdown of bone
osteoclast cell which breaks down bone
osteodynia pain in a bone
osteogenesis the process of forming bone
osteolysis the process of breaking down bone
osteomalacia abnormal softening of bone
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone marrow
osteon microscopic anatomical unit of bone
osteopathy disease of the bone
osteopenia abnormal reduction in bone tissue (sign of osteoporosis)
osteoplasty surgical modfication of a bone
osteoporosis disease resulting in an abnormal number of holes in bone
osteonecrosis death of bone tissue
osteosarcoma cancerous tumor derived from bone tissue
osteosclerosis hardening of bone
pectoral pertaining to the chest
pelvis bone of the lower abdomen (hip bone) which results from the fusion of six bones (three on each side)
perimysium a connective tissue sheath of muscle that surrounds a bundle of muscle fibers (fascia)
periosteum membrane surrounding the bone
phalanges fingers and toes
pollex the thumb
polydactyly too many fingers (i.e. more than five on a hand)
polymyositis inflammation of many muscles
pronation turning the back of the hand facing forward; lying face down
rhabdomyolysis abnormal breakdown of skeletal muscle
sarcolemma the cell membrane surrounding a muscle cell
sarcomere repeating microscopic anatomical unit of striated muscle
sarcoplasm cytoplasm of a muscle cell
scoliosis abnormal curvature of the vertebrae (side-to-side curvature)
sphincter band of muscle surrounding an opening
spine bones of the back; vertebrae
spondylitis inflammation of the vertebrae
spondyloarthropathy disease of the joints between vertebrae
spondylodynia pain in the vertebrae
spondylolisthesis abnormal slippage of the vertebrae past one another
spondylolysis abnormal breakdown of the vertebrae
spondylomalacia abnormal softening of the vertebrae
spondylosis disease of the vertebrae
sprain injury to ligaments
stenosis abnormal narrowing of an opening
sternotomy cutting into the sternum (breastbone)
sternum breastbone; bone that ribs attach to
strain injury to a muscle or its tendon
subluxation dislocation of a joint
sulcus groove in a muscle
supination turning the palm of the hand facing forward; lying face up
synarthrotic immovable joint
syncytium cells which join together to make a large, multinucleated cell (as in skeletal muscle)
syndactyly abnormal joining of fingers
synergist muscle which aids an agonist muscle in its normal function
talipes equinovarus clubfoot
tarsal pertaining to the ankle
tarsalgia pain in the ankle
tarsectomy surgical removal of a tarsal bone
tarsitis inflammation of the ankle
tarsoclasia breakdown of an ankle bone
tarsoptosis condition of tarsal bones sagging; "flat feet" or "fallen arches"
tenalgia pain in a tendon
tendectomy surgical removal of a tendon
tendinitis inflammation of a tendon
tendodesis tendons bound together by a disease process
tendolysis breakdown of a tendon
tendon a band of connective tissue connecting muscle to bone
tendonitis inflammation of a tendon
tendoplasty surgical modification of a tendon
tenodynia pain in a tendon
tenolysis breakdown of a tendon
tenoplasty surgical modification of a tendon
tenorrhaphy surgical repair of a tendon
tenotomy cutting into a tendon
thoracic pertaining to the chest
tibia bone of the lower extremity; larger of the two leg bones
tibialgia pain in the tibia
tomography technique using low-dose X-rays from many angles to visualize a body part
tonograph record of muscle contraction
torticollis abnormal contraction of the neck on one side
trochanter prominent knob on the femur (bone of the thigh) which forms from the attachment of muscles
trochlea "pulley": bony structure which acts or looks like a pulley
tubercle small bump on bone ("little potato")
tuberosity bump on bone
valgum abnormally close knees (genu valgum = "knock-knees")
varum abnormally distant knees (genu varum = "bow-legged")
vertebra bone of the spinal column
zygomatic bone of the face


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