Unit 4 Roots
Dermatologists use a lot of color and appearance terms to describe skin. Many of these roots, then, describe the color or appearance of skin.
Root Word | Definition |
abrasion | scraping off skin |
acne | skin eruption |
actin | ray, beam |
aden | gland |
adip/o | fat |
albin/o | the color white |
alopec | bald |
amine | chemical group containing nitrogen |
andr/o | male |
angi/o | vessel |
bili | bile |
carcin | cancer |
carot | carrot; the color orange |
cauter[ium] | device used to burn |
cer/at | horn |
cicatrix | scar |
circ | a ring; circle |
cision | cut |
comedo | zit |
cori/a | leather; skin |
corn | horn |
crine | secretion; release from cells or from the body |
crust | crust; rind |
crypt | hidden; concealed |
cub | lie down |
cutan/e/o | skin |
cyan | the color blue |
cyt cyte cyto |
cell |
dendr/o | tree |
derm/at/o | skin |
desicc | dry |
ecchymosis | bleeding under the skin |
electr/o | related to electricity |
erosion | "gnawing away" |
erythr/o | the color red |
esthe | sensation; perception |
fibr/o | fiber |
fissure | deep crack |
gangrene | bacterial disease causing necrosis of tissue |
gen geno genet |
birth (dealing with inheritance) |
glabr | smooth |
graft | transfer of tissue from one place to another |
gran | grain |
hem hemo hemat hemato |
blood |
hidr hidra hidro |
sweat |
hist/o | tissue |
ichthy | fish |
impetigo | skin eruption |
incision | cut |
jaun | the color yellow |
kel | claw |
kerat/o | horn |
leuk/o | the color white |
lip/o | fat |
lith | stone |
lun | moon |
macer | soften |
melan/o | the color black |
myc/o | fungus |
myring/o | eardrum |
necr | dead |
nevus | mole |
nidus | nest |
nod[e] | knot |
onych/o | nail; "little claw" |
ops | seeing; appearance |
pachy | thick |
pap papilla |
nipple |
permeable | able to be penetrated |
petechia | small, red spots on the skin |
pheo | gray or dark in color |
pigment | coloring agent |
pil/o | hair |
plaque | sticky deposit |
plas[tic] | something molded |
prur[is] | itch |
pruritic | something which causes an itch |
psōra | itch |
py/o | pus |
ras | scrape |
regulat[e] | control or maintain |
rhino | nose |
rhytid/o | wrinkle |
rub | red |
scale | scale |
scess | going |
scler/o | hard |
seb seba sebo sebum |
a waxy secretion from a skin gland |
sens | sensation; perception |
septic | filled with microorganisms |
sicc | dry |
some | body |
squam | a shape wider than it is high (literally, "fish-scale") |
steat/o | fatty |
suction | using negative pressure |
surgery | using tools to alter the structure of the body |
sweat | perspiration |
tect | roof |
therapy | treatment to make something better |
thermo | temperature |
tinea | fungal infection |
top | place |
trich/o | hair |
tumor | swelling |
unguent | ointment; grease |
urtica | nettle, stinger |
vapora[te] | steam |
vascul | little vessel |
verruca | wart |
vesic | bladder |
vitiligo | skin disease |
vulgaris | common |
xanth/o | yellow |
xer/o | dry |
zein | boil |