
Unit 4 Prefixes

As you can see from this table, we’ve covered most of the common prefixes in Medical English. So even though there are 33 prefixes used in Unit 4, only 11 are new. The previously used prefixes, as always, are shown in gray in this table.

Prefix Definition
a– not
ab– off, from, away
allo– other, different; different member of the same species
an– not
anti– against (an action)
auto– self
bi– two, double
cata– down, downward
chemo– using chemicals
cryo– using cold
de– from, down, out
dys– bad
out, off, from, beyond
epi– on top of
eu– good; well-
hetero– other, different
homo– same
hyper– too much
hypo– too little
in– in, into
(if derived from im–, can also mean "not")
intra– inside
neo– new
beside; near
per– through; by means of
pro– in front of; in favor of
sub– an underlayer; support
an end; complete
trans– through
tri– three
xeno– stranger; a different species
xero– dry


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