
Unit 2 Word List

Word Usage Word Definition
SOAP note words abdominal pertaining to the abdomen (belly)
SOAP note words abrupt sudden
SOAP note words acute occuring suddenly (cf. chronic or insidious)
SOAP note words afebrile without fever
SOAP note words alert in a state of vigilance
general anatomical pertaining to anatomy
general anatomy body structure
directional term anterior toward the front (in humans, same as ventral)
general antrum body cavity
SOAP note words auscultation the act of listening through a stethoscope
SOAP note words benign not harmful
directional term bilateral on two sides (cf. unilateral)
general cancer disease characterized by abnormal, rapidly dividing cells
general candidiasis the presence of a fungal infection (typically, with the common fungus Candida albicans)
SOAP note words cardiovascular pertaining to the heart and blood vessels
directional terms caudal towards the tail (buttocks)
SOAP note words chronic occurring over a long time (cf. acute)
directional term contralateral on the opposite side
planes of section coronal anatomical plane that divides the body into front and back (same as frontal)
directional term cranial toward or pertaining to the head
SOAP note words degeneration the process of falling apart
SOAP note words diagnosis the recognition of a disease from its signs and symptoms
SOAP note words differential separating one thing from another
SOAP note words discharge releasing from the hospital
SOAP note words disease condition of being unwell (literally, "without ease")
SOAP note words disposition frame of mind; outcome
directional term distal further away from the point of attachment (generally used only for extremities; cf. proximal)
directional term dorsal pertaining to the back
directional term dorsum the back
SOAP note words dyslipidemia condition of abnormal fats in the blood
SOAP note words endocrinology study of internal secretions (i.e. hormones)
SOAP note words epidemiology study of a disease in a population
abdominal regions epigastric on top of the stomach
SOAP note words etiology study of the origins of an illness
SOAP note words exacerbation the process of getting worse
SOAP note words febrile with a fever
planes of section frontal anatomical plane that divides the body into front and back (same as coronal)
general genetic pertaining to birth; a condition you are born with
general hereditary passed down through the genes
general homeostasis balance in body systems (literally, "keeping things the same")
planes of section horizontal anatomical plane that divides the body into top and bottom (same as transverse)
SOAP note words hypertension abnormal condition of blood pressure that is too high
abdominal regions hypochondriac below the rib cartilage
abdominal regions hypogastric below the stomach
SOAP note words hypotension abnormal condition of blood pressure that is too low
SOAP note words hypoxia abnormal condition of oxygen concentration in the blood that is too low
SOAP note words iatrogenic condition caused by a medical procedure
SOAP note words ictal occurring suddenly
SOAP note words idiopathic without obvious cause; a disease that seems to come out of nowhere
abdominal regions iliac pertaining to the flank
SOAP note words impression initial observations made by a clinician
SOAP note words indolent not causing pain; low priority for treatment
directional term inferior toward the bottom
abdominal regions inguinal pertaining to the groin
SOAP note words insidious slow and "sneaky" onset of a disease
directional term ipsilateral on the same side
directional term lateral toward the side (away from the midline, cf. medial)
SOAP note words lesion damage or injury
SOAP note words lethargic appearing to be drowsy
SOAP note words localized in one place, not widespread
abdominal regions lumbar pertaining to the back
SOAP note words malaise disease, sickness
SOAP note words malignant harmful
SOAP note words marked especially noticeable (pronounced "mark-ud")
directional term medial toward the midline (away from the side, cf. lateral)
SOAP note words metastasis movement from one place to another
general microscope device for seeing small things
SOAP note words morbidity pertaining to disease
SOAP note words mortality pertaining to death
SOAP note words noncontributory not relevant to the patient's illness
SOAP note words observation watching the patient to assess further development of signs or symptoms
SOAP note words occult hidden; in an unexpected place
SOAP note words oriented a patient knows where, when, and who they are
SOAP note words palliative care not designed to cure, but to make the patient more comfortable
directional term palmar towards or pertaining to the palm
SOAP note words palpation examining by touching
SOAP note words pathogen an organism that gives rise to disease
SOAP note words pathology study of disease
general pathophysiology study of body dysfunction in disease
SOAP note words pending waiting for results
SOAP note words percussion examining by tapping
general physiology study of body function
directional term plantar towards or pertaining to the underside of the foot
directional term posterior toward the back (in humans, same as dorsal)
SOAP note words prognosis predicting the future of a disease
SOAP note words progressive getting worse over time
directional term prone face down (cf. supine)
SOAP note words prophylaxis treatment to prevent or discourage disease
directional term proximal closer to the point of attachment (generally used only for extremities; cf. distal)
SOAP note words radiographic making an image using X-rays or other radiation
SOAP note words reassurance to give encouragement to help a patient's progress
SOAP note words recurrent happening over and over again
SOAP note words remission process of a disease going away
SOAP note words reproductive to bring into existence again; pertaining to the process of creating children
directional term rostral toward the nose
planes of section sagittal anatomical plane that divides the body into left and right
SOAP note words sequelae things that come out one after another; result of an illness (pronounced "sequel-ay")
SOAP note words skeletal pertaining to the bones of the body
SOAP note words sterile unable to reproduce (of individuals or of micro-organisms)
directional term superior toward the top
directional term supine face up (cf. prone)
SOAP note words supportive lifting up
SOAP note words symptom abnormal feelings reported by the patient (cf. signs, which are the result of objective clinical tests)
SOAP note words syndrome symptoms which occur together
SOAP note words systemic pertaining to an entire organ system or the entire body
planes of section transverse anatomical plane that divides the body into top and bottom (same as horizontal)
abdominal regions umbilical pertaining to the navel ("belly-button")
directional term unilateral on one side (cf. bilateral)
SOAP note words unremarkable not prominent; not important
SOAP note words vasodilation increase in the diameter of a blood vessel
directional term ventral pertaining to the abdomen (belly)


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