
Unit 2 Roots

Word roots introduced in Unit 1 are colored gray.

Root Word Definition
abdomin belly
acerb[o]/a harsh, bitter
acute sharp
state of rest or well-being
alert aware of surroundings; vigilant
anter/i front
antrum cave
assur secure
ausculta listen attentively to
benign well-mannered
calor heat
candida fungus; usually used to designate the specific fungus Candida albicans
cardio heart
caud tail
charge obligation
chondr cartilage (as in the ribs)
chronic pertaining to time
coron crown
cran/i head; skull
crino secretion
people, population
different set apart
dila increase in size
dist farther away
dolor pain
drome route, road
endo inside
etio cause
febr fever
front front
gastr stomach
genera ancestry
genet birth
gn[us] birth
gnos knowing
graph device used for a test or procedure
hereditar transmitted in a family line
homeo same
horizon[t] parallel to the ground
iatro physician, healer
il[eum] flank
infer underneath
inguin groin
later to the side
lesion damage, injury
lethargic drowsy
lipid fat
local place
lumb[us] lower back
marked making an impression
med/i towards the middle
morbid sick
mortal dead
observa what is seen
occult what is unseen
orient towards the east (from using a compass)
ox shortening of oxygen
palliat covering
palm front surface of the hand
palpa feeling with the fingers
path/o disease
pend hanging
percuss tapping
phylax protection
physi/o function (literally "nature")
plant bottom surface of the foot
port carry
posi place
poster/i behind
press pressure; dent
produc giving rise to
progress moving forward
prone face down, bending forward
prox/im near
ptom something that falls on you
recurr happening again
remark making a dent again
remiss diminishing; becoming less
rostr nose
rubor redness
rupt breaking, bursting
sagitt arrow
scope instrument for looking inside
sequel what comes next
skelet bones
standing still
stem standing
sterile not producing offspring
super/i toward the top
supine face up, bending backward
tens stretching, pressure (cf. tendon in Unit 1)
(Unit 1 suffix table)
tribut to pay
turgor swelling
umbilic[us] navel, belly-button
vascul little vessel (vas + cule)
vaso vessel
ventr belly
vers across


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