abortifacient |
substance that speeds or promotes abortion |
abortion |
early termination of a pregnancy |
abruptio placentae |
separation of the placenta from the uterine wall before birth |
abstinence |
refraining from something (in this case, sexual intercourse) |
amastia |
failure of breast tissue to develop |
amenorrhea |
failure of menstruation to occur |
amniocentesis |
sampling amniotic fluid during pregnancy |
amnion |
one of the membranes surrounding the developing fetus |
amniorrhea |
abnormal flow of amniotic fluid |
amniorrhexis |
rupture of the amniotic sac ("breaking water") |
amnioscope |
instrument for looking inside the amniotic sac |
amnioscopy |
process of looking inside the amniotic sac |
amniotomy |
cutting into the amniotic sac |
anomaly |
a person, structure, or process that is out of the ordinary |
anorchidism |
condition of no testis |
anovulation |
condition of no ovulation |
antepartum |
time period before birth |
antral |
ovarian follicles in a resting state and visible by ultrasound (i.e. 2-9 mm diameter) |
areola |
pigmented area around the nipple |
aspermia |
no sperm |
azoospermia |
no living (moving) sperm |
balanitis |
inflammation of the glans penis |
balanoplasty |
surgical revision of the glans penis |
balanorrhea |
abnormal flow (discharge) from the glans penis |
Bartholin glands |
glands in the female vagina that produce a lubricating fluid (analogous to male bulbourethral gland) |
blastocele |
fluid-filled cavity inside the embryo at the blastocyst stage |
blastocyst |
stage of embryonic development where the embryo forms a fluid-filled cavity (about 5-6 days after fertilization) |
bradytocia |
abnormally slow process of childbirth |
bulbourethral |
glands found next to the urethra in the male; also called Cowper's gland; produce Cowper's fluid ("pre-cum") |
cardiotocograph |
instrument for recording the child's heartbeat during childbirth |
cephalopelvic |
pertaining to the head of the baby in relationship to the pelvis of the mother |
cervicectomy |
surgical removal of the cervix |
cervicitis |
inflammation of the cervix |
cervicocolpitis |
inflammation of the cervix and vagina |
cervicodynia |
pain in the cervix |
cervicography |
procedure for photographing the cervix after application of acetic acid (vinegar) |
cervicovaginitis |
inflammation of the cervix and vagina |
cervix |
the opening of the uterus into the vagina |
cesarean section |
childbirth performed with surgical methods |
chancre |
ulcer on the genitalia caused by syphilis |
Chlamydia |
bacterial genus causing a sexually transmitted disease or the disease caused by this organism |
chorioamnionitis |
inflammation of the fetal chorion and amniotic sac |
chorioangioma |
tumor of the blood vessels supplying the chorion |
choriocarcinoma |
cancerous tumor of the chorion |
chorion |
outermost membrane surrounding the embryo; contributes to the formation of the placenta |
chorionitis |
inflammation of the fetal chorion |
circumcision |
removal of the foreskin |
clitoris |
erectile, sexually responsive tissue in the female |
coitus |
the process of sexual intercourse |
colpitis |
inflammation of the vagina |
colpocystitis |
inflammation of the vagina and bladder |
colpopexy |
surgical fixation of the vagina |
colpoplasty |
surgical revision of the vagina |
colpoptosis |
drooping (displacement) of the vagina |
colposcope |
instrument for looking inside the vulva at the vagina and cervix |
colposcopy |
process of looking inside vulva at the vagina and cervix |
colpostenosis |
narrowing of the vagina |
conception |
the process of fertilization; when sperm meets egg |
condom |
device for preventing the emission of sperm by covering the penis |
congenital |
occurring or apparent at birth |
contraception |
a drug or device that reduces the rate of conception |
contraction |
shortening of a muscle (in this context, especially uterine smooth muscle) |
corpora cavernosum |
erectile tissue in the male penis forming the bulk of the penis |
corpora albicans |
remnant of a shed egg seen on the surface of the ovary |
corpus hemorrhagicum |
remnant of a shed egg seen on the surface of the ovary with evident blood |
corpus luteum |
remnant of a shed egg seen on the surface of the ovary which secretes hormones for about two weeks after the egg is shed |
corpus spongiosum |
erectile tissue in the male penis surrounding the urethra |
cremaster |
muscle that covers the testes and spermatic cord in males |
cryptorchidism |
condition of hidden testis (i.e. undescended testis) |
cytomegalovirus |
virus related to herpes that can cause birth defects |
dartos |
muscle that underlies the scrotum or labia majora |
decidua |
inner lining of uterus that is shed during childbirth |
dermoid cyst |
common congenital cyst |
dizygotic |
type of twin that results from two zygotes; fraternal twins |
dysmenorrhea |
abnormally painful menstrual flow |
dyspareunia |
pain during sexual intercourse |
dysplasia |
malformation of a structure |
dystocia |
difficulty during the process of childbirth |
eclampsia |
seizures resulting from high blood pressure with pregnancy |
ectoderm |
one of the layers of the developing embryo which forms epidermis and nervous tissue |
ectopic |
development of an embryo anywhere except the uterine lining |
ejaculation |
emission of semen as the result of sexual stimulation |
embryonic |
pertaining to the first 10 weeks after conception |
endocervicitis |
inflammation of the lining of the cervical canal |
endoderm |
one of the layers of the developing embryo which forms the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and urinary system |
endometriosis |
displacement of the inner lining of the uterus to places where it does not belong |
endometritis |
inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus |
endometrium |
the inner lining of the uterus |
epididymectomy |
surgical removal of the epididymis |
epididymis |
the "waiting room" where sperm go to mature between being made in the testes and ejaculated |
epididymitis |
inflammation of the epididymis |
epididymo-orchitis |
inflammation of the epididymis and testes |
epididymotomy |
cutting into the epididymis |
episiorrhaphy |
suturing the opening of the vulva near the perineum, especially to repair episiotomy |
episiostenosis |
narrowing of the opening of the vulva |
episiotomy |
cutting into the opening of the vulva near the perineum (to decrease the chance that these structures will tear) |
erectile |
tissues that fill with blood during sexual arousal |
eutocia |
perfect process of childbirth |
extraembryonic |
membranes outside the embryo |
fecund |
fertile or productive |
fecundability |
ability to bear children |
fertilization |
the union of a spermatozoon with a female egg, producing a zygote |
fertilized |
an egg which has united with a spermatozoon |
fetometry |
process of measuring a fetus |
fimbria |
finger-like extensions of the uterine (Fallopian) tubes; help move the egg shed from the ovary into the tube |
fraternal |
type of twin that results from two zygotes; share the same amount of DNA as any two non-twin siblings |
gastrulation |
the process of infolding in the human embryo that forms three layers; occurs at about day 16 after fertilization or day 30 after the last menstrual period |
gestation |
the process of carrying a fetus |
glans |
the pigmented, enlarged end of the male penis or female clitoris |
gonad |
an organ of sexual reproduction |
gonadarche |
the beginning of gonadal development |
gonadotropin |
a hormone which acts on the gonads |
gonorrhea |
a sexually transmitted disease characterized by abnormal flow from the gonads |
granulosa |
description of small, scattered cells in a tissue |
gravida |
number of pregnancies |
gravidarum |
associated with pregnancy or pregnant persons |
gravidity |
number of pregnancies (compare to parity) |
gynecologist |
medical specialist who studies the female reproductive system |
gynecology |
medical specialty of female reproduction |
gynecomastia |
enlarged breasts in the male |
hematosalpinx |
blood in the uterine (Fallopian) tubes |
hemorrhagicum |
pertaining to blood |
hermaphrodite |
a person who has congenital external characteristics that lie between male and female; intersex |
herpes |
virus that infects the nervous system, often lying dormant for years |
hydrocele |
a fluid-filled sac inside the scrotum |
hydrocelectomy |
surgical removal of a hydrocele |
hydrosalpinx |
a fluid-filled sac in the wall of the uterine (Fallopian) tube |
hymen |
thin membrane covering the female vulva at birth |
hyperadrogenism |
condition of high male hormone levels |
hypermastia |
condition of excessively large breasts |
hypomastia |
condition of excessively small breasts |
hysteralgia |
pain in the uterus |
hysterectomy |
surgical removal of the uterus |
hysterocele |
herniation of the uterus |
hysterodynia |
pain in the uterus |
hysterography |
procedure for imaging the uterus, especially as part of a fertility test |
hysteropexy |
surgical fixation of the uterus |
hysteroptosis |
drooping (displacement) of the uterus |
hysterorrhexis |
rupture of the uterus |
hysterosalpingectomy |
surgical removal of the uterus and uterine (Fallopian) tubes |
hysterosalpingogram |
x-ray image of the uterus and uterine (Fallopian) tubes |
hysteroscope |
instrument for looking inside the uterus |
hysteroscopy |
process of looking inside the uterus |
hysterotomy |
cutting into the uterus |
implantation |
the process of an embryo burrowing into the uterine wall; occurs at about 6 days after fertilization or about 20 days after last period |
in vitro |
occurring in a laboratory |
infertile |
unable to bear children |
infertility |
inability to conceive offspring |
inhibin |
hormone that acts to reduce gonadotropin secretion |
intersex |
an individual who does not perfectly fit the anatomical definition of "male" or "female" which predominates in their society |
intraepithelial |
cells on the surface of the cervix; used to describe the location of abnormal cervical cells in a Pap smear |
intrapartum |
time period during birth |
intrauterine |
type of insemination that involves direct insertion of semen into the uterus |
labia majora |
external genitalia of the female |
labia minora |
external genitalia of the female |
labioscrotal |
pertaining to the tissues which develop into the labia in females and the scrotum in males |
lactation |
the process of producing breast milk |
lactogenic |
substance which promotes the formation of breast milk |
lactorrhea |
abnormal flow of breast milk |
leiomyoma |
tumor of the smooth muscle layer of the uterus |
leukorrhea |
abnormal flow of whitish fluid from the vagina |
ligation |
tying together with a suture, such as a sterilization procedure in females (tubal ligation) |
macromastia |
enlarged breasts |
macrosomia |
abnormally large body size in a fetus |
mammogram |
image of breast tissue |
mammoplasty |
surgical revision of the breast |
mastalgia |
pain in the breast |
mastectomy |
surgical removal of the breast |
mastitis |
inflammation of the breast |
mastopexy |
surgical fixation of the breast |
mastoptosis |
drooping (displacement) of the breast |
menarche |
the beginning of menstrual cycles in a female |
menopause |
the end of menstrual cycles in a female |
menorrhagia |
menstrual flow lasting longer than 7 days |
menorrhalgia |
(abnormally intense) pain with menstruation |
menorrhea |
flow of menstrual blood |
menstruation |
the process of shedding blood and tissue from the uterine lining on a monthly cycle |
mesoderm |
one of the layers of the developing embryo which forms muscle, connective tissue, and kidneys |
mesonephric duct |
an embryonic structure which forms the epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles |
metrocolpocele |
herniation of the uterus and vagina |
metromenorrhagia |
excessive uterine bleeding |
metrophlebitis |
inflammation of the uterine veins |
metrorrhagia |
abnormal uterine bleeding |
microcephalus |
condition of a fetus with a smaller than normal head |
micromastia |
condition of small breasts |
monozygotic |
twins resulting from the splitting of a fertilized egg early in embryonic development; identical twins |
myoepithelial |
cells of the breast which share muscle and epithelial tissue characteristics |
myometritis |
inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus |
myometrium |
smooth muscle layer of the uterus |
neonatal |
pertaining to the time immediately after childbirth |
neonatologist |
medical specialist who studies newborn infants |
neonatology |
medical specialty of newborn infants |
neoplasia |
process of cancer formation |
nulliparous |
has not ever given birth before |
obstetric |
pertaining to childbirth |
obstetrician |
medical specialist who studies childbirth |
oligohydramnios |
condition of an unusually sparse amount of amniotic fluid |
oligomenorrhea |
condition of unusually sparse flow of menstrual fluid |
oligospermia |
condition of unusually low number of sperm |
oocyte |
female gamete; egg cell |
oogonia |
stage in development of the oocyte |
oophorectomy |
surgical removal of the ovary |
oophoritis |
inflammation of the ovary |
oophorocystectomy |
surgical removal of an ovarian cyst |
oophorocystosis |
condition of ovarian cysts |
oophoroma |
tumor of the ovary |
oophorosalpingectomy |
surgical removal of the uterine (Fallopian) tube and ovary |
oophorotomy |
cutting into the ovary |
orchidalgia |
pain in the testis |
orchidectomy |
surgical removal of the testis |
orchiditis |
inflammation of the testis |
orchidopexy |
surgical fixation of the testis |
orchidoptosis |
drooping (displacement) of the testis |
orchidotomy |
cutting into the testis |
orchiectomy |
surgical removal of the testis |
orchiepididymitis |
inflammation of the testis and epididymis |
orchiodynia |
pain in the testis |
orchiopathy |
disease of the testis |
orchiopexy |
surgical fixation of the testis |
orchioplasty |
surgical revision of the testis |
orchitis |
inflammation of the testis |
organogenesis |
the formation of organs during embryonic development |
orifice |
opening |
ovaralgia |
pain in the ovary |
ovarialgia |
pain in the ovary |
ovarian |
pertaining to the ovary |
ovariocentesis |
surgical puncture of an ovary or ovarian cyst |
ovariocyesis |
ectopic pregnancy involving implantation of an embryo on the ovary |
ovariorrhexis |
rupture of an ovarian follicle or cyst |
ovariostomy |
creating an opening in an ovarian cyst |
ovaritis |
inflammation of the ovary |
ovary |
the gonads of the female; organ which creates, matures, and sheds female gametes (eggs) and secretes hormones |
ovulation |
process of developing and shedding mature oocytes (ova) |
ovum |
mature ooctye |
oxytocin |
polypeptide hormone that increases uterine contractions during childbirth; mediates milk let-down during suckling; promotes pair bonding between mates |
Pap smear |
clinical test for obtaining a biopsy of cervical tissue for microscopic examination; used to detect precancerous and cancerous conditions |
papilloma |
wart, especially one caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) |
para |
bearing a child; pregnancy that becomes obvious (cf. parity) |
paramesonephric ducts |
Müllerian ducts; embryonic structures that develop into the uterine (Fallopian) tubes, uterus, cervix, and part of the vagina |
paraurethral glands |
Skene's glands; become engorged with blood and secrete fluid during female sexual arousal |
parity |
the number of live births (compare to gravidity) |
pelvic |
pertaining to the bones and organs near the hips |
pelvicephalometry |
measurement of the mother's pelvis in relationship to the baby's head |
pelvimetry |
measurement of the pelvis |
penis |
male organ used for sexual intercourse |
perimetritis |
inflammation of the membranes surrounding the uterus |
perimetrium |
membrane surrounding the uterus (i.e. visceral peritoneum of the uterus) |
perinatal |
pertaining to the time period immediately before and after birth |
perinatologist |
medical specialist who studies the period immediately before and after birth |
perinatology |
medical specialty of the period immediately before and after birth |
perineocele |
herniation of the perineum |
perineoplasty |
surgical revision of the perineum |
perineorrhaphy |
suturing of the perineum, especially to repair an episiotomy |
perineotomy |
cutting into the perineum (to decrease the chance that these structures will tear) |
perineum |
the tissue between the genitals and anus |
placenta previa |
condition where the baby's exit is blocked by the placenta |
placental abruption |
condition in which the placenta tears free of the uterine lining before labor and delivery |
polyhydramnios |
abnormally large amount of amniotic fluid |
polymenorrhea |
abnormally large flow of menstrual fluid |
polyspermy |
abnormal condition where multiple sperm penetrate a single egg (usually incompatible with fertilization) |
postnatal |
time period after birth (from the baby's perspective) |
postpartum |
time period after labor and delivery (from the mother's perspective) |
preeclampsia |
high blood pressure which has not yet, but may lead to, the complications of eclampsia |
prenatal |
time period before birth |
prepuce |
foreskin of the penis |
priapism |
condition of permanent erection |
prolapse |
condition where nearby organs (uterus, bowel, bladder, or upper vagina) bulge into the vagina |
pronucleus |
transient structure derived from the egg or sperm nucleus during fertilization |
prostate |
gland surrounding the male urethra near its exit from the bladder |
prostatectomy |
surgical removal of the prostate gland |
prostatitis |
inflammation of the prostate gland |
prostatocystitis |
inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder |
prostatolith |
stone in the prostate gland |
prostatolithotomy |
surgical removal of a stone in the prostate |
prostatomegaly |
enlargement of the prostate gland |
prostatorrhea |
abnormal flow from the prostate |
prostatovesiculectomy |
surgical removal of the prostate and seminal vesicle |
prostatovesiculitis |
inflammation of the prostate gland and seminal vesicle |
pseudocyesis |
false pregnancy |
pseudohermaphrodite |
inconsistency between the apparent sex of an individual and their genetic makeup |
pubarche |
the beginning of the development of hte pubic region |
pubic |
pertaining to the anterior wall of the pelvis |
pubis |
the anterior wall of the pelvis |
pubocervical ligament |
ligament attaching the cervix to the pubic symphysis (in the midline, where the pelvic bones join) |
pyosalpinx |
pus in the uterine (Fallopian) tubes |
rectocele |
herniation of the rectum |
relaxin |
hormone that aids childbirth by relaxing the mother's muscles |
rete testis |
network of tubes between the testicle and epididymis |
salpingectomy |
surgical removal of the uterine (Fallopian) tube |
salpingitis |
inflammation of the uterine (Fallopian) tube |
salpingocele |
herniation of the uterine (Fallopian) tube |
salpingocyesis |
ectopic pregnancy involving implantation of an embryo in the uterine (Fallopian) tubes |
salpingo-oophorectomy |
surgical removal of the uterine (Fallopian) tube and ovary |
salpingo-oophoritis |
inflammation of the uterine (Fallopian) tube and ovary |
salpingopexy |
surgical fixation of the uterine (Fallopian) tube |
salpingoscope |
instrument for looking inside the uterine (Fallopian) tubes |
semen |
mixture of sperm and secretions of the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands |
seminal vesicles |
glands which provide about 2/3 of the semen by volume |
seminiferous tubules |
network of tubes in the testicle that collect sperm cells |
seminoma |
tumor of the seminal vesicles |
somatomammotropin |
hormone released from the placenta that acts on the mother's metabolism, protecting the fetus from malnutrition |
sonohysterography |
procedure for visualizing the uterus using ultrasound, especially as part of a fertility test |
speculum |
medical instrument used to enlarge the vagina for easier inspection by a clinician |
spermatid |
stage in the development of a spermatozoon |
spermatocele |
fluid-filled sac near the top of the testis; spermatic cyst |
spermatocyte |
stage in the development of a spermatozoon |
spermatogenesis |
the process of creating spermatozoa |
spermatogenic cells |
cells in the testis that are responsible for sperm production |
spermatogonia |
stage in the development of a spermatozoon |
spermatolysis |
breakdown of spermatozoa |
spermatozoa |
mature sperm cells (plural) |
spermatozoon |
a mature sperm cell (singular) |
spermicide |
substance that kills or incapacitates sperm |
spermolytic |
substance that breaks down sperm |
stroma |
fibrous connective tissue |
suckling |
the process used by an infant to draw milk from a mother's breast |
sustentacular cells |
Sertoli cells; cells that support spermatogenesis and respond to follicle-stimulating hormone |
syphilis |
sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum |
teratogen |
substance that causes birth defects |
teratogenic |
pertaining to birth defects |
teratology |
medical specialty of the causes of birth defects |
teratoma |
striking abnormality in the development of a fetus |
testes |
the gonads of the male; organ which creates, matures, and sheds male gametes (sperm) and secretes hormones |
testicle |
testis |
testicular |
pertaining to the testicles |
testis |
singular of testes; testicle |
testitis |
inflammation of the testis |
testotoxicosis |
condition of excessive testosterone production in an child leading to early puberty |
tocodynagraph |
instrument for recording the force of uterine contractions |
tocograph |
instrument for recording the force of uterine contractions |
tocography |
procedure for recording the force of uterine contractions |
tocolytic |
substance that slows or stops the process of childbirth |
torsion |
twisting something in a spiral fashion |
toxoplasmosis |
disease caused by the single-celled parasite Toxoplasma gondii, commonly found in cat feces; can cause birth defects |
transvaginal |
procedure that operates through the vaginal wall (e.g. ultrasound or surgery) |
trichomoniasis |
sexually transmitted disease caused by the single-celled parasite Trichomonas vaginalis; as the name implies, it's usually asymptomatic in males |
trophoectoderm |
cells surrounding the blastocyst that contact the uterine lining at implantation (about days 5-6) |
tunica albuginea |
connective tissue layer around the corpus cavernosum of the penis; also the connective tissue layer around the scrotum or ovaries |
urethra |
tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrocele |
herniation of the urethra (urethral prolapse) |
uterine |
pertaining to the uterus |
uterus |
female organ that houses the embryo during gestation; womb |
vagina |
female organ used for sexual intercourse and as a passage during childbirth |
vaginitis |
inflammation of the vagina |
vaginodynia |
pain in the vagina |
vaginomycosis |
fungal infection of the vagina |
vaginoperineoplasty |
surgical revision of the vagina and perineum |
vaginoperineorrhaphy |
suturing the vagina and perineum |
vaginoperineotomy |
cutting into the vagina and perineum |
vaginoplasty |
surgical revision of the vagina |
vaginoscope |
instrument for looking inside the vagina |
vaginosis |
abnormal flora (bacteria) in the vagina |
varicocele |
enlargement of the veins draining the testis |
vas deferens |
tube which carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra |
vasectomy |
surgical removal or ligation of the vas deferens |
vasovasostomy |
creating an opening between two cut ends of the vas deferens; reversing a vasectomy |
vesicovaginal |
pertaining to the bladder and vagina |
vesiculectomy |
surgical removal of the seminal vesicle |
vesiculitis |
inflammation of the seminal vesicle |
vesiculotomy |
cutting into the seminal vesicle |
vulva |
outer opening of the vagina |
vulvitis |
inflammation of the vulva |
vulvodynia |
pain in the vulva |
vulvovaginitis |
inflammation of the vulva and vagina |
zygote |
fertilized but not yet implanted embryo |