
Unit 11 Word List

Word Definition
albuminuria the presence of albumin (protein) in the urine, indicating kidney disease
antispasmodic drug that suppresses muscle spasms causing urinary urgency
anuria absence of urine
azotemia increase in BUN (blood urea nitrogen), indicating kidney dysfunction
azotorrhea excessive secretion of urea nitrogen in the urine
azoturia excessive secretion of urea nitrogen in the urine
calyx part of the urine collection system of the kidney, leading to the urethra
capsular pertaining to the glomerular capsule
capsule the membranous sac surrounding the filtration system of the glomerulus
convoluted twisted in a complex way
corpuscle "small body"; the glomerulus plus the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule
cortical nephrons with a shorter nephron loop that penetrates only the superficial renal medulla
cystalgia pain in the bladder
cystectomy surgical removal of the bladder
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
cystocele herniation of the bladder (anterior vaginal prolapse)
cystodynia pain in the bladder
cystogram x-ray image of dye inserted into the bladder
cystography process of obtaining a cystogram
cystolith bladder stone
cystolithectomy surgical removal of a bladder stone
cystoma tumor of the bladder
cystoplegia weakness of the bladder muscles
cystoptosis drooping of the bladder
cystorrhexis rupture of the bladder
cystoscopy the process of looking into the bladder
cystospasm sudden contraction of the bladder
cystostomy surgical creation of a communication that allows urine to drain from the bladder
cystotomy cutting into the bladder
cystoureteritis inflammation of the bladder and ureter
cystourethrocele hernation of the bladder and urethra (anterior vaginal prolapse)
cystourethrogram x-ray image of dye inserted into the bladder and urethra
detrusor muscle which expels urine from the bladder
dialysis process to artifically remove wastes from the blood, replicating this kidney function
dipsogenic drug which increases thirst
diuresis increased urination
diuretic drug which increases the production of urine
dysuria pain or difficulty with urination
enuresis nighttime urination (literally, "urine in bed")
extracorporeal from outside the body
fascia connective tissue sheet
fulguration using an electric current during surgery (e.g. to destroy stones or seal blood vessels); electrocauterization
glomerular pertaining to the glomerulus
glomerulonephritis inflammation of the kidney glomeruli
glomerulopathy disease of the kidney glomerulus
glomerulosclerosis hardening of the kidney glomeruli
glomerulus filtration system of the kidney
glucosuria sugar in the urine
glycosuria sugar in the urine
hematuria blood in the urine
heminephrectomy surgical removal of part of a kidney
heminephroureterectomy surgical removal of a duplex kidney (congenital condition where an "extra" kidney forms)
hemodialysis process to artifically remove wastes from the blood, replicating this kidney function
hydronephrosis swelling of kidneys due to urine buildup
hypernephroma tumor of the renal tubules
hyponatremia low blood sodium
hypospadias congenital urethral opening on the underside of the penis
incontinence inability to hold urine and expel it appropriately
intracorporeal from inside the body
juxtaglomerular apparatus hormone-secreting organ near the glomerulus
juxtamedullary nephrons with a longer nephron loop that penetrates deep into the renal medulla
ketolysis breakdown of ketones
ketonuria ketones in the urine
laparonephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney through an incision in the abdominal wall
lithectomy surgical removal of a stone
lithiasis the presence of a stone
lithocystotomy cutting into the bladder to remove a stone
lithonephritis inflammation of the kidney due to a stone
lithonephrotomy cutting into the kidney to remove a stone
lithotripsy breaking apart stones with high-frequency sound waves
macula densa "dense spot"; area of the distal convoluted tubule which forms part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
meatal pertaining to an anatomical tube, such as the urethra or ureter
meatoplasty surgical revision of an anatomical tube
meatorrhaphy suturing an anatomical tube
meatoscope instrument for looking inside an anatomical tube
meatoscopy the process of looking into the urinary meatus (urethra) or the ureteral orifice
meatotomy cutting into the urethra or ureter (for example, to remove a stone)
micturition urination
nephralgia pain in the kidney
nephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney
nephritis inflammation of the kidney
nephrocele herniation of the kidney
nephrocystanastomosis surgical creation of a connection between the kidney and bladder
nephrogram x-ray image of dye inserted into the kidney
nephrography process of obtaining a nephrogram
nephrohypertrophy abnormal growth of the kidney
nephrolithiasis the presence of a stone in the kidney
nephrolithotomy cutting into the kidney to remove a stone
nephrologist a person who studies kidney disease
nephrology the study of kidneys
nephroma tumor of the kidney cortex
nephromalacia softening of the kidney due to disease
nephromegaly enlargement of the kidney due to disease
nephron functional unit of the kidney; a glomerulus, proximal convoluted tubule, nephron loop, distal convoluted tubule, and collecting duct
nephropathy disease of the kidney
nephropexy surgical fixation of the kidney
nephroptosis drooping of the kidney
nephrorrhaphy suturing the kidney
nephrosclerosis hardening of the kidney
nephroscopy the process of looking at the kidney
nephrosis kidney disease (especially when accompanied by edema, abnormal swelling of the tissues); nephrotic syndrome
nephrosonography process of imaging the kidney with sound waves
nephrostomy surgical creation of a communication that allows urine to drain from the kidney
nephrotomy cutting into the kidney
nephrotoxin a chemical which is damaging to the kidney
nephroureterectomy surgical removal of a kidney and its ureter
nocturia nighttime urination
oliguria sparse urine production
paraphimosis condition of having the foreskin trapped behind the head of the penis
pedicels "little feet"; microscopic structures supporting the filtration system of the kidney
peritubular near the tubules
phimosis inability to retract the foreskin of the penis
podocytes "foot cells"; cells of the glomerular apparatus that extend pedicels to support the filtration membrane
polycystic disease process characterized by many fluid-filled structures
polydipsia frequent drinking
polyuria frequent urination
pyelitis inflammation of the pelvis region and calyces of the kidney
pyelocystitis inflammation of the pelvis region of the kidney and the bladder
pyelocystostomosis surgical creation of a communication between the kidney and bladder
pyelogram x-ray image of dye inserted into the kidney calyces
pyelolithotomy cutting into the kidney calyces to remove a stone
pyelonephritis inflammation of the pelvis region, calyces, and kidney tissue
pyelopathy disease of the kidney calyces
pyeloplasty surgical revision of the kidney calyces
pyelostomy surgical creation of a communication that allows urine to drain from the kidney calyces
pyelotomy cutting into the kidney calyces
pyeloureterectasia dilation of the kidney calyces and ureter
pyonephritis inflammation of the kidney with pus formation
pyonephrolithiasis the presence of pus and stones in the kidney
pyopyeloectasis dilation of the kidney calyces with the formation of pus
pyramid structure in the kidney medulla
pyuria pus in the urine
reabsorption moving substances from the filtrate in the nephron to the vasa recta (and thus back into the blood)
renal pertaining to the kidney
renin hormone released from the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney
resection surgical removal of all or part of an organ
resectoscope instrument for looking inside the body to resect (remove) a structure
retroperitoneal behind the peritoneal cavity
transrectal through or across the rectum (e.g. ultrasound or surgery)
transurethral through or across the urethra
trigone anatomical triangle
tubule small tube, as in the nephron
tubuloglomerular pertaining to the nephron
ultrasonography process of imaging with sound waves (same as sonography)
urea waste product formed from protein metabolism
uremia buildup of waste products in the blood because of kidney dysfunction
ureteralgia pain in one or both ureters
ureterectomy surgical removal of a ureter
ureteritis inflammation of the ureter
ureterocele hernation of the ureter
ureteroileostomy surgical creation of a communication that allows urine to drain from the ureters through the body wall
ureterolithiasis the presence of a stone in the ureter
ureteronephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney and its ureter
ureteroplasty surgical revision of the ureter
ureteropyelitis inflammation of the ureter and calyces of the kidney
ureteropyelonephritis inflammation of the ureter, calyces, and kidney tissue
ureterorrhaphy suturing the ureter
ureteroscopy the process of looking into the ureter
ureterstenosis narrowing or blockage of the ureter
urethrectomy surgical removal of the urethra
urethritis inflammation of the urethra
urethrocystitis inflammation of the urethra and bladder
urethrodynia pain in the urethra
urethrogram x-ray image of dye inserted into the urethra
urethropexy surgical fixation of the urethra
urethroplasty surgical revision of the urethra
urethrorrhea abnormal flow from the urethra
urethroscope instrument for looking inside the urethra
urethroscopy the process of looking into the urethra
urethrospasm sudden contraction of the urethra
urethrostenosis narrowing or blockage of the urethra
urethrotomy cutting into the urethra
urinalysis shortening of urine + analysis
urinary pertaining to the organs which produce urine
urocyanosis blue color in the urine
urodynia pain during urination
urologist medical specialist who studies the urinary system
urology the study of the urinary system
uropathy disease in the urinary system
uropoiesis the process of creating urine
urostomy surgical creation of a communication that allows urine to drain outside the body
uroxanthin pigment which gives the urine its yellow color
vesicocele herniation of the bladder (into the vaginal canal)
vesicostomy surgical creation of a communication that allows urine to drain from the bladder
vesicotomy cutting into the bladder
vesicoureteral pertaining to the bladder and ureter
voiding emptying the bladder (i.e. urinating)


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