
Unit 10 Word List

Word Definition
abdominocentesis puncture of the abdominal wall
abdominoplasty surgical revision of the abdomen
adenocarcinoma glandular cancer
aerodontalgia pain in the teeth when air is blasted at them
alimentary pertaining to the process of nourishment
amylase enzyme which breaks down starch
anal pertaining to the anus
anhydrase enzyme which helps form stomach acid
anophony the sound made by the expulsion of flatus (i.e. a fart)
anoplasty surgical revision of the anus
anosigmoidoscopy the process of looking into the anus and sigmoid colon
antacid drug that reduces the acidity of the stomach
antiemetic drug that reduces vomiting
anus the posterior end of the digestive tract
aphagia not eating
ascending the segment of the large intestine on the right side between the appendix and the transverse colon
ascites swelling of the abdomen, usually because of an underlying disease
bariatrics medical specialty that focuses on weight control
bile fluid made by the cells of the liver and stored in the gall bladder; when released into the duodenum, it helps digest fats
biligenesis the process of creating bile
bilirubin breakdown product of red blood cells; named for its reddish color
biliverdin breakdown product of red blood cells; named for its greenish color
buccal pertaining to the cheek
canaliculus small canals between liver cells where bile is excreted
carboxypeptidase enzyme which breaks down proteins
cardia the portion of the stomach where the esophagus enters
cathartic drug used to purge the gastrointestinal tract; laxative
caudate liver lobule shaped like a tail
celiac pertaining to the abdomen
celiomyositis inflammation of the abdominal muscles
celiopathy abdominal disease
celiotomy cutting into the abdomen
cementum mineralized tissue layer covering the root of a tooth
cholangiogastrostomy surgical creation of a communication between the bile duct and the stomach
cholangiogram x-ray image of the bile ducts after ingestion of a x-ray dense dye
cholangiography process of obtaining a cholangiogram
cholangioma tumor of the bile ducts
cholangiopancreatography process of obtaining an image of the bile ducts and pancreas
cholangitis inflammation of the bile duct
cholecystalgia pain in the gallbladder
cholecystectomy surgical removal of the gallbladder
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
cholecystogram x-ray image of the gallbladder after ingestion of a x-ray dense dye
cholecystokinin hormone that causes contraction of the gallbladder; also used as a neurotransmitter in the brain
choledochocele herniation of the common bile duct
choledochoenterostomy surgical creation of a communication between the common bile duct and the jejunum
choledocholithectomy surgical removal of a stone in the common bile duct
choledocholithiasis the presence of a stone in the common bile duct
choledochotomy cutting into the common bile duct
cholelith gallstone
cholelithiasis the presence of a stone in the gall bladder
cholelithotomy cutting into the gall bladder to remove a gallstone
cholelithotripsy using sound waves to pound a gallstone into small fragments that can be passed normally
chyme fluid found in the intestines that results from the partial digestion of food
chymotrypsin enzyme that breaks down proteins
cirrhosis inflammation of the connective tissue of the liver
colectomy surgical removal of the colon
colitis inflammation of the colon
colon large intestine
colonectomy surgical removal of the colon
colonoscopy the process of looking into the colon
colorectal pertaining to the colon and rectum
colostomy surgical creation of a communication between the colon and the outside of the body
colovaginal pertaining to the colon and vagina; these two organs share a common wall that can be breached, resulting in a colovaginal fistula
conjugated bilirubin that is made water-soluble so it may be carried in the bloodstream
constipation inability to defecate
cystic a disease that causes cysts (e.g. cystic fibrosis, which affects both the lungs and digestive tract)
deciduous teeth that are normally lost (i.e. "baby teeth")
defecation the process of removing feces from the body
deglutition swallowing
dentalgia pain in the teeth
dentifrice toothpaste
dentin hard bony tissue beneath the enamel that forms the bulk of the tooth
dentist person who treats diseases of the oral cavity
dentistry practice of treating diseases of the oral cavity
descending the segment of the large intestine on the left side between the transverse colon and the sigmoid colon
diarrhea abnormal flow of feces
digestive about the act of digestion
diverticulitis outpocketing of the intestines, with inflammation
diverticulosis outpocketing of the intestines, without inflammation
duodenectomy surgical removal of the duodenum
duodenitis inflammation of the duodenum
duodenum initial segment of the small intestine, between the stomach and jejunum
dysentery disease involving problems with the intestines
dyspepsia disease involving problems with the stomach
elastase enzyme that breaks down elastin, a protein in connective tissue
emesis vomiting
enamel outer coating of teeth
enterectomy surgical removal of a segment of the intestines
enteric pertaining to the intestines
enterocele herniation of the intestines
enterocyte intestinal cell
enterodynia pain in the intestines
enteroendocrine relating to the hormones which regulate digestion
enteropathy disease of the intestines
enterorrhaphy suturing the intestines
enterotomy cutting into the intestines
epigastric one of the nine abdominal regions, lying along the midline at the top of the abdomen
esophagalgia pain in the esophagus
esophageal pertaining to the esophagus
esophagectomy surgical removal of a segment of the esophagus
esophagitis inflammation of the esophagus
esophagogastroduodenoscopy the process of looking into the esophagus, stomach, and initial segment of the intestines
esophagogastroplasty surgical revision of the esophagus and stomach
esophagoscopy the process of looking into the esophagus
euglycemia condition of perfect blood sugar
eupepsia condition of perfect digestion
falciform liver ligament that is shaped like a sickle
fecal pertaining to feces
feces the waste expelled from the anus as the last step of digestion
filiform the most common type of papillae on the tongue; shaped like hairs and do not contain taste buds
fistula abnormal connection between two structures, such as the rectum and vagina
flatus expulsion of intestinal gases from the anus
foliate papillae on the tongue, with taste buds, that are leaf-shaped
fundus the part of a bottle-shaped structure like the stomach that is opposite the opening
fungiform papillae on the tongue, with taste buds, that are mushroom-shaped
gallbladder the organ where bile made by the liver is stored, until it is released into the duodenum via the common bile duct
gastralgia pain in the stomach
gastrectomy surgical removal of all or part of the stomach
gastric pertaining to the stomach
gastritis inflammation of the stomach
gastroduodenoscope instrument for looking inside the stomach and duodenum
gastroduodenostomy surgical creation of a communication between the stomach and duodenum
gastrodynia pain in the stomach
gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and intestines
gastroenterocolitis inflammation of the stomach, intestines, and colon
gastroenterologist medical specialist who studies the stomach and intestines
gastroenterology medical specialty that focuses on the stomach and intestines
gastroenterostomy surgical creation of a communication between the stomach and intestines
gastroesophageal pertaining to the stomach and esophagus
gastrointestinal pertaining to the stomach and intestines
gastrojejunostomy surgical creation of a communication between the stomach and jejunum
gastromalacia abnormal softening of the stomach due to disease
gastroparesis weakness in the muscular contractions of the stomach
gastropexy surgical fixation of the stomach
gastroplasty surgical revision of the stomach
gastroscope instrument for looking inside the stomach
ghrelin hormone that affects appetite
gingivalgia pain in the gums
gingivectomy surgical removal of part of the gums
gingivitis inflammation of the gums
gingivoglossitis inflammation of the gums and tongue
gingivoplasty surgical revision of the gums
gingivostomatitis inflammation of the gums and mouth
glossopathy disease of the tongue
glossoplasty surgical revision of the tongue
glossoplegia weakness of the tongue muscles
glossorrhaphy suturing the tongue
glossotomy cutting into the tongue
glossotrichia disease characterized by hairy appearance of the tongue
glucagon hormone involved in glucose metabolism; causes glycogen to be broken down and glucose to be made from other sources, raising blood sugar
glucuronic acid chemical group used to modify water insoluble compounds so that they are now water soluble and may be passed in urine
haustrum periodic outpocketings of the colon that give it a segmented appearance
hematemesis vomiting blood
heme oxygen-holding chemical group; there are four heme groups per hemoglobin molecule
hemicolectomy surgical removal of a segment of the colon
hemorrhoid painful varicose veins in the anus
hemorrhoidectomy surgical removal of a hemorrhoid
hepatectomy surgical removal of the liver
hepatic pertaining to the liver
hepaticogastrostomy surgical creation of a communication between the hepatic duct and the stomach
hepaticotomy surgical incision of the hepatic duct
hepatitis inflammation of the liver
hepatocarcinoma liver cancer
hepatocytes cells of the liver
hepatoma tumor of the liver
hepatomalacia abnormal softening of the liver due to disease
hepatomegaly abnormal enlargement of the liver
hepatopancreatic pertaining to the liver and pancreas
hepatopexy surgical fixation of the liver
hepatoptosis displacement of the liver out of its normal position
hepatosclerosis abnormal hardening of the liver due to disease
hepatosplenitis inflammation of the liver and spleen
hepatosplenomegaly abnormal enlargement of the liver and spleen
hernia displacement of an organ from its normal position
herniorrhaphy suturing the site of a herniation (e.g. in the abdominal wall) to keep it from recurring
hyperemesis abnormally frequent vomiting
hypochondriac one of the nine abdominal regions, lying laterally at the top of the abdomen
hypogastric one of the nine abdominal regions, lying along the midline at the bottom of the abdomen
hypoglossal underneath the tongue
icterus yellow color of the skin and eyes due to liver malfunction
ileitis inflammation of the ileum
ileocecal junction of the ileum and the cecum of the large intestine
ileocolitis inflammation of the ileum and colon
ileocolostomy surgical creation of a communication between the ileum and the colon
ileorrhaphy suturing the ileum
ileostomy surgical creation of a communication between the ileum and the body surface
ileotomy cutting into the ileum
ileum final segment of the small intestine, between the jejunum and large intestine
ingestion taking food into the body
inguinal pertaining to the groin
insulin hormone involved in glucose metabolism; causes glucose to be moved from bloodstream into cells, lowering blood sugar
insulinotropic drug which affects insulin levels
intestinal pertaining to the intestines
islet small collections of endocrine cells in the pancreas that manufacture insulin, glucagon, and other hormones
jaundice yellow color of the skin and eyes due to liver malfunction
jejunitis inflammation of the jejunum
jejunoileitis inflammation of the jejunum and ileum
jejunorrhaphy suturing the jejunum
jejunostomy surgical creation of a communication between the jejunum and the body surface
jejunotomy cutting into the jejunum
jejunum middle segment of the small intestine, between the duodenum and ileum
labial pertaining to the lips
lacteal lymph vessel which runs in the center of each intestinal villus and carries lipids into the bloodstream for processing by the liver and other organs
lamina propria a layer specific to the digestive system; lies between the epithelium lining the intestinal lumen and the muscular layer underneath
laparocele herniation of the abdominal wall
laparoenterostomy surgical creation of a communication between the intestines and the body surface through the abdominal wall
laparoscope instrument for looking inside the abdomen
laparoscopy the process of looking into the abdomen through a small incision
laparotomy cutting into the abdomen
lingual pertaining to the tongue
lipase enzyme which breaks down fats
liver organ which has primary responsibility for making blood proteins; processing non-glucose sugars and toxins; managing lipids; converting blood breakdown products to bile
lobule divisions of the liver or other organs with visible creases
lumbar pertaining to the lower back
lumen anatomical passageway; the open part of a tube-like organ
lysozyme enzyme used within cells to break down toxins and other unwanted substances
macrocyte abnormally enlarged red blood cell (see Unit 8); found in pernicious anemia
malabsorption poor or altered absorption of nutrients, for example due to a genetic or metabolic condition
mesenteric pertaining to the middle part of the intestines
mesial used in place of medial to refer to teeth; towards the midline
mucosa the epithelium, lamina propria, and muscular layer of the gut tube; collectively, the three mucus-secreting layers surrounding the lumen
muscularis layer of the gut tube with prominent smooth muscle cells
myenteric one of the plexi of the enteric nervous system
nasogastric a tube introduced through the nose, pharynx, and esophagus to access the stomach
occlusal tooth surface that contacts other teeth
odontalgia pain in the teeth
odontectomy surgical removal of a tooth
odontoclasis breakdown of teeth
odontodynia pain in the teeth
oral pertaining to the mouth cavity
orthodontic pertaining to the straightening and spacing of teeth
orthodontist dentist who specializes in straightening and spacing teeth
oxygenase enzyme that adds an oxygen to help in processing of heme
pancreatoduodenectomy surgical removal of the head of the pancreas and the duodenum to treat pancreatic cancer
pancreatolith a stone in the pancreas
pancreatolithectomy surgical removal of a stone from the pancreas
pancreatolithiasis the presence of a stone in the pancreas
parietal the layer of membranes lining the abdominal organs that is closest to the body wall
parotid the largest of the salivary glands
pancreatography process of imaging the pancreas
pepsin the first enzyme discovered; found in the stomach, where it breaks down proteins
pepsinogen protein precursor to pepsin; when it reacts with stomach acid, pepsin is produced
periodontal pertaining to the connective tissue holding the teeth in place
periodontitis inflammation of the connective tissue holding the teeth in place
peristalsis autonomic "milking" movements of the muscular layer of the gut tube resulting in movement of substances from mouth to anus
peritoneoscopy laparoscopy
peritoneotomy laparotomy
peritoneum membrane lining the abdominal cavity
peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum
pernicious slow but destructive process
plicae circulares "circular pleats": folds in the intestines that help in the mixing of chyme with enzymes and microorganisms
proctitis inflammation of the rectum
proctologist medical specialist who studies the rectum
proctology medical specialty of the rectum
proctopexy surgical fixation of the rectum
proctoptosis displacement of the rectum out of its normal position
proctoscope instrument for looking inside the rectum
propria "proper"; "one's own"; a layer unique to the gut tube, between the epithelium lining the lumen and the muscularis layer beneath
propulsion movement of substances through the gut tube
purgative drug used to purge the gastrointestinal tract; laxative
pyloric pertaining to a region of the stomach near its exit to the duodenum (e.g. the pyloric valve which regulates passage of materials from stomach to duodenum)
pylorus a region of the stomach near its exit to the duodenum
quadrate liver lobule shaped like a square
rectalgia pain in the a**
rectitis inflammation of the rectum
rectopexy surgical fixation of the rectum
rectoplasty surgical revision of the rectum
rectum the final segment of the colon; between the sigmoid colon and the anus
reflux abnormal backward movement of material in the gut tube; usually refers to stomach acid in the esophagus
saliva watery mixture produced by salivary glands that aids in digestion
sclerosing causing the abnormal hardening
secretin hormone released by the duodenum (to indicate increased acidity) and which acts on the liver and pancreas
segmentation mixing or churning movement in the intestines
serosa membrane lining the organs of the abdominal cavity
sialadenectomy surgical removal of a salivary gland
sialadenitis inflammation of a salivary gland
sialadenosis swelling of a salivary gland not caused by inflammation or cancer
sialagogic drug that causes increased production of saliva
sialoadenectomy surgical removal of a salivary gland
sialoadenitis inflammation of a salivary gland
sialoadenosis swelling of a salivary gland not caused by inflammation or cancer
sialoangiectasis dilation of the blood vessels of a salivary gland
sialolith stone in a salivary gland
sialolithiasis the presence of a stone in a salivary gland
sialolithotomy cutting into a salivary gland to remove a stone
sialorrhea abnormal flow from a salivary gland
sialostenosis a narrowed or blocked duct in a salivary gland
sigmoid shaped like the Greek letter sigma; S-shaped
sigmoidoscope instrument for looking inside the sigmoid colon
sigmoidoscopy the process of looking into the sigmoid colon
steatorrhea fatty stools
stenosis narrowing or blockage of a passage, such as the intestines
stercobilin excreted blood breakdown products in the feces; gives the feces a brown color
stercobilinogen chemical that gives rise to stercobilin
stomatitis inflammation of the mouth
stomatodynia pain in the mouth
stomatogastric pertaining to the mouth and stomach
stomatomycosis fungal infection of the mouth
stomatoplasty surgical revision of the mouth
stomatosis disease of the oral cavity
sublingual underneath the tongue
submucosal one of the plexi of the enteric nervous system
sucrase enzyme which breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose
Taenia genus name for tapeworms; Taenia saginata is the beef tapeworm while Taenia solium and Taenia asiatica are pork tapeworms found in undercooked meat
tenesmus straining, as when a patient tries to empty an already empty bowel
trypsin the second enzyme discovered; digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins
ulcerate cause the formation of an open wound
ulcerative causing the formation of an open wound
umbilical one of the nine abdominal regions, lying in the center of the grid and centered on the umbilicus ("belly button")
unconjugated bilirubin that is not water-soluble (its normal state)
vallate papillae on the tongue, with taste buds, that are shaped like a castle and moat (valley)
vermiform shaped like a worm
villus tiny, threadlike projection of the intestinal wall which increases the surface area for absorption and digestion
vitamin chemical needed to help in the body's biochemical reactions; generally aids enzymes to work more efficiently
voluntary under a person's conscious control


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