adenectomy |
surgical removal of a gland |
adenitis |
inflammation of a gland |
adenoma |
tumor derived from a gland |
adenomegaly |
enlargement of a gland |
adenopathy |
disease of a gland |
adenosis |
abnormal change in a gland |
amastia |
condition of no breast tissue |
amyotrophic |
condition of no muscle nourishment |
angiocarditis |
inflammation of the blood vessels and heart |
angiogram |
record of the blood vessels |
angiography |
visualizing [or recording from] the blood vessels |
angiolith |
stone in the blood vessels |
angioma |
tumor derived from blood vessels |
angioplasty |
surgical alteration of a blood vessel |
angiopoiesis |
creation of blood vessels |
angiorrhaphy |
surgical repair of blood vessels |
angiosclerosis |
abnormal hardening of blood vessels |
angioscope |
device for visualizing blood vessels |
anorchidism |
condition of no testicles |
antiarthritic |
drug that opposes arthritis |
anuria |
condition of no urine |
arteriosclerosis |
abnormal hardening of arteries |
arthralgia |
pain in the joints |
arthrectomy |
surgical removal of a joint |
arthritis |
inflammation of a joint |
arthrocele |
herniation in a joint |
arthrocentesis |
puncture of a joint |
arthrodesis |
binding together of a joint |
arthrodynia |
pain in the joints |
arthrogram |
record of a joint |
arthrography |
visualizing [or recording from] a joint |
arthrolysis |
breakdown of a joint |
arthropathy |
disease of a joint |
arthroscopic |
pertaining to a procedure for visualizing a joint |
arthroscopy |
procedure for visualizing a joint |
arthrotomy |
cutting into a joint |
asplenia |
condition of no spleen |
bradycardia |
condition of slow heartbeat |
cardia |
upper opening of the stomach, which resembles a heart |
cardiac |
pertaining to the heart |
cardiogram |
record of the heart |
cardiologist |
person who studies the heart |
cardiology |
study of the heart |
cardiomegaly |
enlargement of the heart |
cardiomyopathy |
disease of the heart muscle |
cardiomyotomy |
cutting into the heart muscle |
cardiovascular |
pertaining to the heart and blood vessels |
carditis |
inflammation of the heart |
cholangiogastrostomy |
making an opening between the gallbladder and stomach |
cholangiogram |
record of the gall bladder |
cholangiography |
visualizing [or recording from] the gall bladder |
cholangioma |
tumor derived from the gall bladder |
cholangitis |
inflammation of the bile vessels |
cholecystalgia |
pain in the gall bladder |
cholecystectomy |
surgical removal of the gall bladder |
cholecystitis |
inflammation of the gall bladder |
cholecystogram |
record of the gall bladder |
cholelith |
stone in the gall bladder |
cholelithiasis |
an abnormal stone in the bile |
cholelithotomy |
cutting out a stone from the gall bladder |
cystalgia |
pain in the urinary bladder |
cystectomy |
surgical removal of the urinary bladder |
cystic |
pertaining to the urinary bladder or pertaining to fluid-filled sacs |
cystitis |
inflammation of the urinary bladder |
cystocele |
hernation of the urinary bladder |
cystodynia |
pain in the urinary bladder |
cystogram |
record of the urinary bladder |
cystography |
visualizing [or recording from] the urinary bladder |
cystolith |
stone in the urinary bladder |
cystolithectomy |
surgical removal of a stone in the urinary bladder |
cystoma |
tumor derived from the urinary bladder |
cystoptosis |
drooping of the urinary bladder |
cystorrhexis |
bursting of the urinary bladder |
cystoscopy |
procedure for visualizing the urinary bladder |
cystospasm |
involuntary contraction of the urinary bladder |
cystostomy |
making an opening in the urinary bladder |
cystotomy |
cutting into the urinary bladder |
cystoureteritis |
inflammation of the urinary bladder and the tubes leading from the kidney to the urinary bladder |
cystourethrocele |
herniation of the urinary bladder and the tube leading out of it |
cystourethrogram |
record of the urinary bladder and the tube leading out of it |
dermatalgia |
pain in the skin |
dermatitis |
inflammation of the skin |
dermatodynia |
pain in the skin |
dermatology |
study of the skin |
dermatolysis |
breakdown of the skin |
dermatoscope |
device for visualizing the skin |
dermatoscopy |
procedure for visualizing the skin |
dermatosis |
abnormal change in the skin |
dermis |
a layer of the skin |
dermoid |
resembling the skin |
dermopathy |
disease of the skin |
dermoscopy |
procedure for visualizing the skin |
diuresis |
separation of urine from the body |
diuretic |
drug promoting the separation of urine from the body |
dysuria |
condition of abnormal or painful urination |
endocarditis |
inflammation of the inner lining of the heart |
endocardium |
the inner lining of the heart |
endomysium |
an inner lining surrounding muscle |
endoneurium |
an inner lining surrounding nerve |
epicardium |
an outside layer of the heart |
epidermal |
pertaining to an outside layer of the skin |
epidermis |
an outside layer of the skin |
epigastric |
the upper surface of the stomach |
epimysium |
an outside layer of muscle |
epineurium |
an outside layer of nerve |
gastralgia |
pain in the stomach |
gastrectomy |
surgical removal of the stomach |
gastric |
pertaining to the stomach |
gastritis |
inflammation of the stomach |
gastrodynia |
pain in the stomach |
gastromalacia |
softening of the stomach |
gastropexy |
surgical fixation of the stomach |
gastroplasty |
surgical alteration of the stomach |
gastroscope |
device for visualizing the stomach |
glycemia |
condition of sugar in the blood |
glycemic |
pertaining to sugar in the blood |
glycolysis |
breakdown of sugar |
glycopenia |
condition of low sugar |
glycosuria |
condition of sugar in the urine |
hemarthrosis |
condition of blood in a joint |
hematology |
study of the blood |
hematoma |
blood collecting in a closed space (literally, "tumor derived from blood") |
hematopoiesis |
creation of the blood |
hematuria |
condition of blood in the urine |
heminephrectomy |
surgical removal of half of the kidneys (i.e. one kidney) |
heminephroureterectomy |
surgical removal of one kidney and the tube leading from the kidney to the bladder |
hemolysis |
breakdown of blood cells |
hemorrhage |
abnormal flow of blood |
hemorrhagic |
pertaining to abnormal flow of blood |
hyperglycemia |
condition of high sugar in the blood |
hypermastia |
condition of enlarged breasts |
hypernephroma |
enlarged tumor derived from kidney tissue |
hypersplenism |
condition of enlarged spleen |
hyperthyroidism |
condition of enlarged or overactive thyroid |
hypodermic |
pertaining to a layer beneath the skin |
hypodermis |
a layer beneath the skin |
hypoglycemia |
a condition of low sugar in the blood |
hypoglycemic |
pertaining to a condition of low sugar in the blood |
hypomastia |
condition of small breasts |
hypothyroidism |
condition of low thyroid function |
intradermal |
pertaining to a layer within the skin |
lithectomy |
surgical removal of a stone |
lithiasis |
an abnormal stone |
lithocystotomy |
cutting into the bladder to remove a stone |
lithonephritis |
inflammation of the kidney due to a stone |
lithonephrotomy |
cutting into the kidney to remove a stone |
macrocytosis |
abnormal change in cells [of the blood] |
macromastia |
condition of enlarged breasts |
macrotia |
condition of enlarged ears |
mastalgia |
pain in the breasts |
mastectomy |
surgical removal of the breasts |
mastitis |
inflammation of the breasts |
mastoidalgia |
pain in a structure resembling the breasts [the mastoid process of the temporal bone] |
mastoidectomy |
surgical removal of a structure resembling the breasts [the mastoid process of the temporal bone] |
mastoiditis |
inflammation of a structure resembling the breasts [the mastoid process of the temporal bone] |
mastoidocentesis |
puncture of a structure resembling the breasts [the mastoid process of the temporal bone] |
mastopexy |
surgical fixation of the breasts |
mesonephric |
pertaining to a structure in the middle of the kidney |
microcytosis |
abnormal change resulting in small cells [in the blood] |
micromastia |
condition of small breasts |
microtia |
condition of small ears |
myocardial |
pertaining to the muscle layer of the heart |
myocarditis |
inflammation of the muscle layer of the heart |
myocardium |
the muscle layer of the heart |
myocele |
herniation in a muscle |
myodesis |
binding together of a muscle |
myodynia |
pain in a muscle |
myography |
[visualizing or] recording from the muscles |
myolysis |
breakdown of the muscles |
myoma |
tumor derived from muscle |
myomalacia |
softening of the muscles |
myomectomy |
surgical removal of a tumor derived from [uterine] muscles |
myometritis |
inflammation of the muscle layer of the uterus |
myometrium |
the muscle layer of the uterus |
myopathy |
disease of the muscles |
myoplasty |
surgical alteration of the muscles |
myorrhaphy |
surgical repair of the muscles |
myosclerosis |
abnormal hardening of the muscles |
myositis |
inflammation of the muscles |
myospasm |
involuntary contraction of a muscle |
myotomy |
cutting into a muscle |
nephralgia |
pain in the kidney |
nephrectomy |
surgical removal of the kidney |
nephrocele |
herniation of the kidney |
nephrogram |
record of the kidney |
nephrography |
visualization of [or recording from] the kidney |
nephrohypertrophy |
enlargement of the kidney |
nephrolithiasis |
an abnormal stone in the kidney |
nephrolithotomy |
cutting into the kidney to remove a stone |
nephrologist |
person who studies the kidney |
nephrology |
study of the kidney |
nephroma |
tumor derived from the kidney |
nephromalacia |
softening of the kidney |
nephromegaly |
enlargement of the kidney |
nephron |
anatomical unit of the kidney |
nephropathy |
disease of the kidney |
nephropexy |
surgical fixation of the kidney |
nephroptosis |
drooping of the kidney |
nephrorrhaphy |
surgical repair of the kidney |
nephrosclerosis |
abnormal hardening of the kidney |
nephroscopy |
procedure for visualizing the kidney |
nephrosis |
abnormal change in the kidney |
nephrosonography |
visualizing the kidney using sound waves |
nephrosplenopexy |
surgical fixation of the kidney and spleen |
nephrostomy |
making an opening in the kidney |
nephrotomy |
cutting into the kidney |
nephroureterectomy |
surgical removal of the kidney and ureters [tubes leading from the kidney to bladder] |
neuralgia |
pain in the nervous system |
neurectomy |
surgical removal of a nerve |
neuritis |
inflammation in a nerve |
neuroarthropathy |
disease of the nerves leading to destruction of a joint |
neurodynia |
pain in the nervous system |
neuroglycopenia |
condition of low sugar in the nervous system |
neurologist |
person who studies the nervous system |
neurology |
study of the nervous system |
neurolysis |
breakdown of nervous system tissue |
neuroma |
tumor derived from the nervous system |
neuron |
anatomical unit of the nervous system |
neuropathy |
disease of the nervous system |
neuroplasty |
surgical alteration of a nerve |
neurorrhaphy |
surgical repair of a nerve |
neurosclerosis |
abnormal hardening of the nerves |
neurosis |
abnormal change in the nervous system |
neurotomy |
cutting into a nerve |
oligocythemia |
a handful of cells in the blood [i.e. abnormally low numbers of red blood cells] |
oliguria |
a handful of urine is produced [i.e. abnormally low amount of urine] |
orchidalgia |
pain in the testicles |
orchidectomy |
surgical removal of a testicle |
orchiditis |
inflammation of the testicles |
orchidopexy |
surgical fixation of the testicles |
orchidotomy |
cutting into the testicles |
orchiectomy |
surgical removal of a testicle |
orchiodynia |
pain in the testicles |
orchiopathy |
disease of the testicles |
orchiopexy |
surgical fixation of the testicles |
orchioplasty |
surgical alteration of the testicles |
orchitis |
inflammation of the testicles |
ostalgia |
pain in a bone |
ostectomy |
surgical removal of a bone |
osteitis |
inflammation in a bone |
osteoarthritis |
inflammation in the bone and joints |
osteodynia |
pain in a bone |
osteolysis |
breakdown of a bone |
osteomalacia |
softening of the bones |
osteopathy |
disease of the bones |
osteopenia |
condition of low bone density |
osteoplasty |
surgical alteration of a bone |
osteosclerosis |
abnormal hardening of the bones |
osteotomy |
cutting into a bone |
otalgia |
pain in the ear |
otitis |
inflammation of the [inside structures of the] ear |
otodynia |
pain in the ear |
otolith |
stone in the ear [these are normal microscopic structures and are needed for hearing] |
otoneurologist |
person who studies the ear and nervous system |
otoplasty |
surgical alteration of the ear |
otorrhea |
abnormal flow from the ear |
otosclerosis |
abnormal hardening of the [bones of the middle] ear |
otoscope |
device for visualizing the [inside structures of the] ear |
otosteal |
pertaining to the bones of the [middle] ear |
pancytopenia |
condition of low blood cells of all types [i.e. abnormally low numbers of red and white blood cells] |
paramesonephric |
pertaining to structures near the middle of the kidney |
paraurethral |
pertaining to structures near the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
pericardial |
pertaining to the membrane surrounding the heart |
pericardiocentesis |
puncture of the membrane surrounding the heart |
pericardiotomy |
cutting into the membrane surrounding the heart |
pericarditis |
inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart |
pericardium |
the membrane surrounding the heart |
perimysium |
a membrane surrounding muscle |
perineurium |
a membrane surrounding nerve |
periosteum |
a membrane surrounding bone |
polyadenopathy |
disease of many glands [lymph nodes] |
polycystic |
pertaining to many fluid-filled sacs |
polycythemia |
too many cells in the blood [i.e. abnormally high numbers of red blood cells] |
polymyositis |
inflammation of many muscles |
polyneuritis |
inflammation of many nerves |
polyneuropathy |
disease of many nerves |
polyuria |
condition of too much urine |
sclera |
hardened organ [i.e., the white of the eye] |
scleritis |
inflammation of the white of the eye |
sclerodermatitis |
inflammation of the skin with hardening |
scleromalacia |
softening of the white of the eye |
sclerotomy |
cutting into the white of the eye |
splenalgia |
pain in the spleen |
splenectomy |
surgical removal of the spleen |
splenitis |
inflammation of the spleen |
splenodynia |
pain in the spleen |
splenolysis |
breakdown of the spleen |
splenomalacia |
softening of the spleen |
splenomegaly |
enlargement of the spleen |
splenopathy |
disease of the spleen |
splenorrhexis |
bursting of the spleen |
tachycardia |
condition of fast heart rate |
tenalgia |
pain in a tendon |
tendinitis |
inflammation of a tendon [alternative spelling of tendonitis] |
tendodesis |
binding together of a tendon |
tendolysis |
breakdown of a tendon |
tendon |
anatomical unit of connective tissue |
tendonectomy |
surgical removal of a tendon |
tendonitis |
inflammation of a tendon |
tendoplasty |
surgical alteration of a tendon |
tenodesis |
binding together of a tendon |
tenodynia |
pain in a tendon |
tenolysis |
breakdown of a tendon |
tenoplasty |
surgical alteration of a tendon |
tenorrhaphy |
surgical repair of a tendon |
tenotomy |
cutting into a tendon |
thyrocele |
herniation in the thyroid [i.e. swelling of the thyroid gland] |
thyroid |
resembling a shield [a gland in the neck that resembles a shield] |
thyroidectomy |
surgical removal of the thyroid gland |
thyroiditis |
inflammation of the thyroid gland |
thyroidotomy |
cutting into the thyroid gland |
thyromegaly |
enlargement of the thyroid gland |
transdermal |
through the skin |
transurethral |
through the urethra [a surgical approach] |
uremia |
condition of urine in the blood [i.e. urea and other chemicals which should be in the urine] |
ureteralgia |
pain in the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureterectomy |
surgical removal of the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureteritis |
inflammation of the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureterocele |
herniation [ballooning] of the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureterolithiasis |
condition of having a stone in the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureteronephrectomy |
surgical removal of the kidney and the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureteroplasty |
surgical alteration of the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureterorrhaphy |
surgical repair of the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
ureteroscopy |
procedure for visualizing the tubes leading from the kidney to the bladder |
urethra |
the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrectomy |
surgical removal of the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethreoplasty |
surgical alteration of the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethritis |
inflammation of the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrocele |
herniation [ballooning] of the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrocystitis |
inflammation of the bladder and the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrodynia |
pain in the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrogram |
record of the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethropexy |
surgical fixation of the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrorrhea |
abnormal flow from the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethroscope |
device for visualizing the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethroscopy |
procedure for visualizing the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrospasm |
involuntary contraction of the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urethrotomy |
cutting into the tube leading from the bladder to the outside world |
urinary |
pertaining to urine |
urodynia |
pain with urination |
urologist |
person who studies the urinary system |
urology |
study of the urinary system |
uropathy |
disease of the urinary system |
uropoiesis |
creation of urine |
urostomy |
making an opening in the abdominal wall to release urine |
vasospasm |
involuntary contraction of the blood vessels |
vasovasostomy |
making an opening in the vas deferens [the vessel leading from the testes to the urethra; vasectomy reversal] |