
How the Unit 9 Word List Was Built

Etymology Prefix "Pre-Root" Root Root "Post-Root" Suffix Word
acid osis acidosis
adenoid ectomy adenoidectomy
adenoid itis adenoiditis
alkal[i] osis alkalosis
Latin alveolus, "tray, trough, basin; bed of a small river; small hollow or cavity" alveol ar alveolar
alveol itis alveolitis
alveol us alveolus
anti tuss ive antitussive
a pnea apnea
a– + Greek pneustikós, a pattern of breathing with deep inspiration, a pause, then a brief expiration a pneustic apneustic
Greek asthma, "shortness of breath, panting" asthma asthma
a tel ectasis atelectasis
Latin auscultationem, "listen attentively to" auscult ation auscultation
brady pnea bradypnea
bronchi ectasis bronchiectasis
bronchio genic bronchiogenic
bronchi ole bronchiole
bronchiol ectasis bronchiolectasis
bronchiol itis bronchiolitis
bronchio stenosis bronchiostenosis
bronch itis bronchitis
broncho dilator bronchodilator
broncho plasty bronchoplasty
broncho rrhea bronchorrhea
broncho scope bronchoscope
broncho scopy bronchoscopy
broncho spasm bronchospasm
bronchus bronchus
capno graphy capnography
capno meter capnometer
card/i/o pulm/o/n ary cardiopulmonary
carina carina
structure that protrudes like the keel of a ship carinatum
cheese-like; note association with Spanish queso caseous
chylo thorax chylothorax
concha conchae
costo phren ic costophrenic
cyst ic cystic
"ato" here just for the sound of it diaphragm ato cele diaphragmatocele
dys phon ia dysphonia
dys pnea dyspnea
From Greek emphysan "to inflate" emphysema emphysema
em py ema empyema
endo scope endoscope
endo trache al endotracheal
From Greek epistazo meaning "to drip or upon", a nose bleed epistaxis epistaxis
eu pnea eupnea
Latin, from which we get English ex– + –cav[e]– + –ate excavatum
ex pector ant expectorant
ex pector ation expectoration
ex [s]pir[e] ation expiration
fibr osis fibrosis
glott[a] is glottis
hem/o ptysis hemoptysis
hem/o thorax hemothorax
hilum hilum
hyper capn ia hypercapnia
hyper carb ia hypercarbia
hyper pnea hyperpnea
hyper ventil ate hyperventilate
hyper ventil ation hyperventilation
hypo capn ia hypocapnia
hypo carb ia hypocarbia
hypo pnea hypopnea
hypo ventil ate hypoventilate
hypo ventil ation hypoventilation
hyp[o] ox emia hypoxemia
hyp[o] ox ia hypoxia
in nerv[e] ation innervation
in spira[re] tion inspiration
inter cost al intercostal
in tub ate intubate
kinet[os] ic kinetic
laryng ectomy laryngectomy
laryng itis laryngitis
laryngo pharynx laryngopharynx
laryngo plasty laryngoplasty
laryngo spasm laryngospasm
laryngo tracheo bronch itis laryngotracheobronchitis
larynx larynx
lobe lobe
lob ectomy lobectomy
lobo tomy lobotomy
lung lung
meso theli oma mesothelioma
muco lytic mucolytic
nares nares
naso endo scope nasoendoscope
naso gastr/o ic nasogastric
naso pharyngo scope nasopharyngoscope
naso pharynx nasopharynx
Latin nebula, "cloud" nebul izer nebulizer
obstruct ive obstructive
oro pharynx oropharynx
Greek orthópnoia, “breathing only in an upright posture” ortho pnea orthopnea
oxi metry oximetry
palato plasty palatoplasty
pan sinus itis pansinusitis
Latin pectus, "chest" + loquor, "speak" pectori loquy pectoriloquy
Latin pectus, "chest" pectus pectus
Latin "to strike" percus sion percussion
perfus[us] ion perfusion
pharyng/o itis pharyngitis
pharyngo stenosis pharyngostenosis
pharynx pharynx
phon/a tion phonation
phren ic phrenic
phreno plegia phrenoplegia
phreno ptosis phrenoptosis
phreno spasm phrenospasm
pleura pleura
pleur al pleural
pleur algia pleuralgia
pleur ectomy pleurectomy
The proper term in Latin is pleuritis, but medicine adopted this word directly from the French pleurésie pleur isy pleurisy
pleur itis pleuritis
pleuro dynia pleurodynia
pleuro pexy pleuropexy
pneumato cele pneumatocele
pneumo coni osis pneumoconiosis
pneum/o hem/o thorax pneumohemothorax
pneumo melan osis pneumomelanosis
pneumon ectomy pneumonectomy
pneumon ia pneumonia
pneumon itis pneumonitis
Greek pneumo– + táxis, "arrangement" pneumo tax[is] pneumotaxic
pneumo thorax pneumothorax
poly somno graphy polysomnography
pulmon ary pulmonary
pulmono logist pulmonologist
pyo thorax pyothorax
Latin respiratio, "breathing" re spira tion respiration
re spirat ory respiratory
re trac tion retraction
rhin itis rhinitis
rhino plasty rhinoplasty
rhino rrhagia rhinorrhagia
rhino rrhea rhinorrhea
rhythm[us] icity rhythmicity
sept ectomy septectomy
sinus sinus
sinus itis sinusitis
sinuso tomy sinusotomy
spiro gram spirogram
spiro metry spirometry
Latin sputum, "spittle" sputum sputum
sterno cost al sternocostal
syncope syncope
tachy pnea tachypnea
thorac algia thoracalgia
thora[c] centesis thoracentesis
thorac ic thoracic
thorac/o centesis thoracocentesis
thorac/o plasty thoracoplasty
thorac/o stomy thoracostomy
thorac/o tomy thoracotomy
thorac/o scopy thoracoscopy
trachea trachea
trache itis tracheitis
trache/o malacia tracheomalacia
trache/o stenosis tracheostenosis
trache/o stomy tracheostomy
trache/o tomy tracheotomy
Literally, "little potato". tuber [i]cle tubercle
Disease characterized by the presence of inflammatory nodules that resembled little potatoes. Note the addition of a letter "u" just to make the word sound better. tubercul[e] osis tuberculosis
turbin ate turbinate
ventila tion ventilation


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