How the Unit 6 Word List Was Built
Etymology | Prefix1 | Prefix2 | "Pre-Root" | Root Root | "Post-Root" | Suffix Word End | Word |
Greek akoustikos "pertaining to hearing" | acous | tic | acoustic | ||||
aer | ot | itis | aerotitis | ||||
ad → af | fer[re] | ent | afferent | ||||
a | gnos | ia | agnosia | ||||
a | kinet | opsia | akinetopsia | ||||
Greek amblys, "blunt" + ops, "sight" | ambly | op | ia | amblyopia | |||
ampulla | ampulla | ||||||
a | myo | trophic | amyotrophic | ||||
ana | stom | osis | anastomosis | ||||
Greek aisthēsis, "feeling" | an | esthesi[o] | a | anesthesia | |||
an | esthesio | logist | anesthesiologist | ||||
Greek aneurysmos, "dilation" | aneurysm[os] | aneurysm | |||||
an | irid | ia | aniridia | ||||
Greek orexis, "appetite, desire" | an | orex | ia | anorexia | |||
an | osm[e] | ia | anosmia | ||||
anti | convuls[e] | ant | anticonvulsant | ||||
anti | depress | ant | antidepressant | ||||
anti | psycho | tic | antipsychotic | ||||
anxio | lytic | anxiolytic | |||||
a | path | y | apathy | ||||
a | phak | ia | aphakia | ||||
a | phas | ia | aphasia | ||||
apo | neur | osis | aponeurosis | ||||
arachn | oid | arachnoid | |||||
arterio | scler | osis | arteriosclerosis | ||||
asthen | opia | asthenopia | |||||
a | stigmat | ism | astigmatism | ||||
athero | scler | osis | atherosclerosis | ||||
audio | gram | audiogram | |||||
audio | logist | audiologist | |||||
audio | metry | audiometry | |||||
audit | ory | auditory | |||||
aur | al | aural | |||||
Greek autos, "self" + –ism | aut[os] | ism | autism | ||||
auto | nom[y] | ic | autonomic | ||||
axo | dendrit | ic | axodendritic | ||||
axon | axon | ||||||
axo | secret | ory | axosecretory | ||||
axo | soma | tic | axosomatic | ||||
basi[s] | l + ar | basilar | |||||
bin | ocul | ar | binocular | ||||
bi | pol[e] | ar | bipolar | ||||
blepharo | edema | blepharedema | |||||
blephar | itis | blepharitis | |||||
blephro | conjunctiv | itis | blepharoconjunctivitis | ||||
blepharo | plasty | blepharoplasty | |||||
blepharo | plegia | blepharoplegia | |||||
blepharo | ptosis | blepharoptosis | |||||
blepharo | pyo | rrhea | blepharopyorrhea | ||||
blepharo | spasm | blepharospasm | |||||
blepharo | tomy | blepharotomy | |||||
brain | brain | ||||||
Greek bous, "ox" + limos, "hunger" (literally, "ox-hunger", i.e. ravenous hunger) | bulimia | ia | bulimia | ||||
Latin "waterfall" | cataract | cataract | |||||
cata | ton[o] | ia | catatonia | ||||
caud[a] | ate | caudate | |||||
ceph | algia | cephalgia | |||||
cephalo | dynia | cephalodynia | |||||
cerebell[o] | ar | cerebellar | |||||
cerebell[o] | itis | cerebellitis | |||||
cereb | ellum | cerebellum | |||||
cerebr | al | cerebral | |||||
cerebro | mening | itis | cerebromeningitis | ||||
cerebro | pathy | cerebropathy | |||||
cerebro | spin | al | cerebrospinal | ||||
cerebro | tomy | cerebrotomy | |||||
cerebro | vascul | cerebrovascular | |||||
cerebr | cerebrum | ||||||
Coined 1741 from Latin cera, "wax" + [bit]umen | cerumen | cerumen | |||||
cerumino | lysis | ceruminolysis | |||||
cerumino | lytic | ceruminolytic | |||||
cerumin | oma | ceruminoma | |||||
cerumin | osis | ceruminosis | |||||
chemo | receptor | chemoreceptor | |||||
Greek khorion, "membrane enclosing the fetus" | chor[ion] | oid | choroid | ||||
Greek klonos, "violent" | clonus | clonus | |||||
Latin cochlea, "snail shell" | cochlear | cochlear | |||||
cochle | itis | cochleitis | |||||
con | duct | ive | conductive | ||||
Latin, short for membrana conjunctiva, because it forms a conjunction between the lids and the globe of the eye | conjunctiva | conjunctiva | |||||
conjunctiv | itis | conjunctivitis | |||||
Latin convulsus, "to pull this way and that" | convuls[e] | ion | convulsion | ||||
corn[u] | ea | cornea | |||||
cortico | spinal | corticospinal | |||||
cranio | scler | osis | craniosclerosis | ||||
syn | cranio | ost | osis | craniosynostosis | |||
The ciliary body forms a ring, therefore cyclo | cyclo | kerat | itis | cyclokeratitis | |||
cyclo | pleg | ia | cycloplegia | ||||
cyclo | tomy | cyclotomy | |||||
Greek dákru, "tear[drop]" | dacry/o | aden | algia | dacryoadenalgia | |||
dacry/o | aden | ectomy | dacryoadenectomy | ||||
dacry/o | aden | itis | dacryoadenitis | ||||
Greek dákru, "tear[drop]" + Greek kústis, "cyst", "anatomical sac" | dacry/o | cyst | algia | dacryocystalgia | |||
dacry/o | cyst | ectomy | dacryocystectomy | ||||
dacry/o | cyst | itis | dacryocystitis | ||||
dacryo | cysto | rhino | stomy | dacryocystorhinostomy | |||
dacry/o | cysto | tomy | dacryocystotomy | ||||
dacry/o | hemo | rrhea | dacryohemorrhea | ||||
dacry/o | lith | dacryolith | |||||
dacry/o | lith | iasis | dacryolithiasis | ||||
dacry/o | pyo | rrhea | dacryopyorrhea | ||||
dacry/o | rrhea | dacryorrhea | |||||
dacry/o | stenosis | dacryostenosis | |||||
Latin de + crescere, "to grow less" | decrement[um] | decrement | |||||
Latin decussare, "form the letter X" (related to "decade" through Roman numeral X=10) | decussat[e] | ion | decussation | ||||
Latin for "to plow outside the furrow" i.e. "to go off tracks" | de | lir[a] | ium | delirium | |||
Latin de– + ment, "mind", i.e. out of one's mind | de | ment | ia | dementia | |||
derma | tome | dermatome | |||||
di | encephal | on | diencephalon | ||||
dipl | opia | opia | diplopia | ||||
dopa | [a]mine | dopamine | |||||
dura | dura | ||||||
dur[a] | itis | duritis | |||||
dys | esthes | ia | dysesthesia | ||||
dys | lex | ia | dyslexia | ||||
dys | phas | ia | dysphasia | ||||
dys | phor | is | dysphoria | ||||
echo | encephalo | graphy | echoencephalography | ||||
ec | trop | ion | ectropion | ||||
ef | fer[re] | ent | efferent | ||||
electro | encephalo | graphy | electroencephalography | ||||
electro | physi | ology | electrophysiology | ||||
embol | ism | embolism | |||||
encephal[o] | itis | encephalitis | |||||
encephalo | cele | encephalocele | |||||
encephalo | gram | encephalogram | |||||
encephalo | myel | itis | encephalomyelitis | ||||
encephal/o | myel/o | neur/o | pathy | encephalomyeloneuropathy | |||
encephalo | pathy | encephalopathy | |||||
encephalo | py | osis | encephalopyosis | ||||
end[o] | arter | ectomy | endarterectomy | ||||
endo | lymph | endolymph | |||||
endo | neur[o] | ium | endoneurium | ||||
end | ophthalm | itis | endophthalmitis | ||||
endo | vascul | ar | endovascular | ||||
en | trop | ion | entropion | ||||
e | nucle | ation | enucleation | ||||
Greek epénduma, "upper garment" | ependym | al | ependymal | ||||
epi | dur[a] | al | epidural | ||||
Latin lepsis, "seizure" | epi | leps | y | epilepsy | |||
epi | neur[o] | ium | epineurium | ||||
Greek eso– "within" + –tropos, "turn" | eso | trop | ia | esotropia | |||
eu | phor | ia | euphoria | ||||
ex | ophthalmus | exophthalmus | |||||
exo | trop | exotropia | |||||
Latin, "outside, outward" | externus | externa | |||||
extero | ceptor | exteroceptor | |||||
fasc | icle | fascicle | |||||
front | al | frontal | |||||
gangli | oma | ganglioma | |||||
ganglion | ganglion | ||||||
ganglion | itis | ganglionitis | |||||
Greek glaukommatos, "gray-eyed"; glaukoma, "cataract" | glaucoma | glaucoma | |||||
Greek glossa or glotta, "tongue" + Greek pharanx, "cleft, chasm, gully, trench" | glosso | pharyng | eal | glossopharyngeal | |||
gustat[e] | ion | gustation | |||||
Greek gyros, "ring, circle" | gyrus | gyrus | |||||
hemat[o] | oma | hematoma | |||||
hemi | an | ops | ia | hemianopsia | |||
hemi | pares | is | hemiparesis | ||||
hemi | pleg | ia | hemiplegia | ||||
hemo | rrhag[e] | hemorrhagic | |||||
Latin, "tiny human being produced artificially" | homunculus | homunculus | |||||
hydro | cephal[o] | us | hydrocephalus | ||||
Greek ákousis, "hearing" | hyper | acusis | hyperacusis | ||||
hyper | esthes | ia | hyperesthesia | ||||
hyper | op | ia | hyperopia | ||||
hyper | polar | ization | hyperpolarization | ||||
hypno | tic | hypnotic | |||||
hypo | acusis | hypoacusis | |||||
hypo | gloss | al | hypoglossal | ||||
Latin ictus, "strike, hit" | ictus | ictus | |||||
Greek idios, "one's own" | idio | path | ic | idiopathic | |||
in | somn[o] | ia | insomnia | ||||
insula | insula | ||||||
inter | ict[us] | al | interictal | ||||
inter | neuron | interneuron | |||||
inter/o | ceptor | interoceptor | |||||
intra | cerebr[o] | al | intracerebral | ||||
intra | ocul | ar | intraocular | ||||
intra | vitre | al | intravitreal | ||||
irid | algia | iridalgia | |||||
irid | ectomy | iridectomy | |||||
irid | emia | iridemia | |||||
irido | cycl | ectomy | iridocyclectomy | ||||
irido | cycl | itis | iridocyclitis | ||||
irido | kerat | itis | iridokeratitis | ||||
irido | pathy | iridopathy | |||||
irido | tomy | iridotomy | |||||
Greek iris, "rainbow" | iris | iris | |||||
ir | itis | iritis | |||||
Greek iskhein, "to hold" + haima, "blood" (also spelled ischæmia) | isch | [h]em[e] | ia | ischemia | |||
isch | [h]em[e] | ic | ischemic | ||||
kerat | algia | keratalgia | |||||
kerat | itis | keratitis | |||||
kerato | malacia | keratomalacia | |||||
kerato | pathy | keratopathy | |||||
kerato | plasty | keratoplasty | |||||
kerato | tomy | keratotomy | |||||
labyrinth | ectomy | labyrinthectomy | |||||
labyrinth | itis | labyrinthitis | |||||
labyrintho | tomy | labyrinthotomy | |||||
lacrim | ation | lacrimation | |||||
ligand | ligand | ||||||
Latin lobus, "lobe" | lobe | lobe | |||||
lob[o] | ectomy | lobectomy | |||||
lobo | tomy | lobotomy | |||||
macro | cephal[o] | y | macrocephaly | ||||
mechano | receptor | mechanoreceptor | |||||
medulla | medulla | ||||||
mening | es | meninges | |||||
meningi | oma | meningioma | |||||
mening[o] | itis | meningitis | |||||
meningo | cele | meningocele | |||||
meningo | encephal | itis | meningoencephalitis | ||||
meningo | pathy | meningopathy | |||||
micro | cephal[o] | y | microcephaly | ||||
micr | ot | ia | microtia | ||||
mid | brain | midbrain | |||||
Greek myein "to shut the eyes" + –osis | mi | osis | miosis | ||||
miot | ic | miotic | |||||
mono | pares | is | monoparesis | ||||
mono | pleg | ia | monoplegia | ||||
mono | synap[se] | tic | monosynaptic | ||||
multi | pol[e] | ar | multipolar | ||||
From Greek múdros, "mass of red hot material in a forge", maybe because of the eye glowing red when the pupil is dilated | mydriasis | asis | mydriasis | ||||
mydriat | ic | mydriatic | |||||
myel[o] | itis | myelitis | |||||
myelo | cele | myelocele | |||||
myelo | gram | myelogram | |||||
myelo | malacia | myelomalacia | |||||
myelo | meningo | cele | myelomeningocele | ||||
myelo | pathy | myelopathy | |||||
my | op | ia | myopia | ||||
myo | tatic | myotatic | |||||
myring | ectomy | myringectomy | |||||
myring | itis | myringitis | |||||
myringo | dermat | itis | myringodermatitis | ||||
myringo | myc | osis | myringomycosis | ||||
myringo | plasty | myringoplasty | |||||
myringo | tomy | myringotomy | |||||
narco | leps | y | narcolepsy | ||||
naso | lacrim | al | nasolacrimal | ||||
neur | algia | neuralgia | |||||
neur[o] | asthen | ia | neurasthenia | ||||
neur | ectomy | neurectomy | |||||
neur[o] | itis | neuritis | |||||
neuro | arthro | pathy | neuroarthropathy | ||||
This term describes a "brain worm", a horrifying result of infection with tapeworms (commonly, the pork tapeworm Taenia solium). The tapeworm typically resides in a chamber made by the brain called a cysticercus, from the Greek words cyst/i–, "fluid-filled space" + –kérkos, "tall". | neuro | cysticerc[us] | osis | neurocysticercosis | |||
neuro | dynia | neurodynia | |||||
neuro | encephalo | myelo | pathy | neuroencephalomyelopathy | |||
neuro | gen | ic | neurogenic | ||||
neuro | glyco | penia | neuroglycopenia | ||||
neuro | lysis | neurolysis | |||||
neur[o] | oma | neuroma | |||||
Greek neura, "nerve" + –on | neuron | neuron | |||||
neuro | pathy | neuropathy | |||||
Neuro + Latin pharmacia, Greek pharmakeia, "herb, medicine, potion" | neuro | pharmaco | logy | neuropharmacology | |||
neur/o | phys/i/o | logy | neurophysiology | ||||
neuro | plasty | neuroplasty | |||||
neuro | rrhaphy | neurorrhaphy | |||||
neuro | scler | osis | neurosclerosis | ||||
neur[o] | osis | neurosis | |||||
neur/o | surgery | neurosurgery | |||||
neuro | tomy | neurotomy | |||||
neuro | transmit | ter | neurotransmitter | ||||
Latin nocere, "to hurt" | noci | [re]ceptor | nociceptor | ||||
Greek "to nod away in sleep"; the drooping of the chin then snapping back into place while you are trying to listen to a boring lecture | nystagmus | nystagmus | |||||
occiput | al | occipital | |||||
oculo | myc | osis | oculomycosis | ||||
oculo | pathy | oculopathy | |||||
oculo | plasty | oculoplasty | |||||
ophthalm | algia | ophthalmalgia | |||||
ophthalm | ic | ophthalmic | |||||
ophthalm | itis | ophthalmitis | |||||
ophthalmo | logist | ophthalmologist | |||||
ophthalm/o | my | itis | ophthalmomyitis | ||||
ophthalmo | pathy | ophthalmopathy | |||||
ophthalmo | plegia | ophthalmoplegia | |||||
ophthalmo | scope | ophthalmoscope | |||||
opt | ic | optic | |||||
opto | kinet | ic | optokinetic | ||||
opto | metr | ist | optometrist | ||||
opto | my/o | meter | optomyometer | ||||
Greek osmē, "smell, scent, odor" | osmo | receptor | osmoreceptor | ||||
osteo | acusis | osteoacusis | |||||
ot | algia | otalgia | |||||
ot | itis | otitis | |||||
oto | dynia | otodynia | |||||
ot/o | laryng/o | logist | otolaryngologist | ||||
oto | liths | otoliths | |||||
ot/o | myc | osis | otomycosis | ||||
oto | neuro | logist | otoneurologist | ||||
oto | plasty | otoplasty | |||||
ot/o | py/o | rrhea | otopyorrhea | ||||
oto | rhino | laryngo | logist | otorhinolaryngologist | |||
oto | rrhea | otorrhea | |||||
oto | scler | osis | otosclerosis | ||||
oto | scope | otoscope | |||||
ot | oste | al | otosteal | ||||
oto | tox | ic | ototoxic | ||||
papill | edema | papilledema | |||||
para | esthes | ia | paraesthesia | ||||
Greek & Latin paralysis, Greek lyein, "loosen" | para | lysis | paralysis | ||||
para | sym | path[os] | etic | parasympathetic | |||
Greek páresis, "letting go, paralysis" | paresis | paresis | |||||
pariet | al | parietal | |||||
peri | lymph | perilymph | |||||
peri | neur[o] | ium | perineurium | ||||
Latin emulsionem, ex– + mulgere "to milk" (milk is an emulsion) | phaco | emulsif | ication | phacoemulsification | |||
phaco | malacia | phacomalacia | |||||
phaco | scler | osis | phacosclerosis | ||||
phaco | scope | phacoscope | |||||
phak | itis | phakitis | |||||
phon | asthen | ia | phonasthenia | ||||
phot | on | photon | |||||
photo | phob | ia | photophobia | ||||
photo + p | ic | photopic | |||||
photo | receptor | photoreceptor | |||||
plex | us | plexus | |||||
Greek polios, "gray"; named because of the inflammation of the spinal cord | polio | myel[o] | itis | poliomyelitis | |||
poly | neur[o] | itis | polyneuritis | ||||
poly | neuro | pathy | polyneuropathy | ||||
post | central | postcentral | |||||
post | ganglion | ic | postganglionic | ||||
post | ict[us] | al | postictal | ||||
post | synap[se] | tic | postsynaptic | ||||
pre | central | precentral | |||||
pre | front | al | prefrontal | ||||
pre | ganglion | ic | preganglionic | ||||
pre | ict[us] | al | preictal | ||||
pre | motor | premotor | |||||
presby | acusis | presbycusis | |||||
presby | op | ia | presbyopia | ||||
pre | synap[se] | tic | presynaptic | ||||
Latin pro– + pag, "to fasten"; reproduce one's kind | pro | pag | ate | propagate | |||
propri[us] | [re]ceptor | proprioceptor | |||||
Greek prosopon, "face" + a, "not" + gnosis, "knowing" | a | prosop | gnos | ia | prosopagnosia | ||
pseud | esthes | ia | pseudesthesia | ||||
psych | iatrist | psychiatrist | |||||
psych | iatry | psychiatry | |||||
psycho | gen | ic | psychogenic | ||||
psycho | logist | psychologist | |||||
the mind is not separate from the brain, but this terminology dates from a time in history when psychology and neurology were thought to be separate sciences | psycho | logy | psychology | ||||
psycho | pathy | psychopathy | |||||
psycho | pharmaco | logy | psychopharmacology | ||||
psych[o] | osis | psychosis | |||||
psycho | somat | ic | psychosomatic | ||||
psycho | trop | ic | psychotropic | ||||
quadri | pleg | ia | quadriplegia | ||||
Latin refractarius, "obstinate, stubborn" | refract | ory | refractory | ||||
re | polar | ization | repolarization | ||||
the eye is divided into three concentric layers, or tunics; the retina is the innermost, net-like (Latin rete) tunic | retina | retina | |||||
retin | al | retinal | |||||
retin | itis | retinitis | |||||
retino | pathy | retinopathy | |||||
retino | pexy | retinopexy | |||||
retino | scope | retinoscope | |||||
retin | osis | retinosis | |||||
saccule | saccule | ||||||
sciatica | sciatica | ||||||
sclera | sclera | ||||||
Greek éktasis, "stretched out", "dilated" | scler | ectas[is] | ia | sclerectasia | |||
scler | itis | scleritis | |||||
sclero | malacia | scleromalacia | |||||
sclero | tomy | sclerotomy | |||||
Greek skotos, "darkness" | scot | oma | scotoma | ||||
scot | op | ic | scotopic | ||||
segment | al | segmental | |||||
sensori | neur | al | sensorineural | ||||
somn | ambul | ism | somnambulism | ||||
somno | graphy | somnography | |||||
stimulus | stimulus | ||||||
Latin, "to squint" | strabismus | ||||||
sub | arachn | oid | subarachnoid | ||||
sub | dur[o] | al | subdural | ||||
Latin sulcus, "furrow, trench, ditch" | sulcus | sulcus | |||||
sym | path[os] | etic | sympathetic | ||||
Greek, "cut off" | syncope | ||||||
syn | esthes | ia | synesthesia | ||||
tastant | tastant | ||||||
tempor | al | temporal | |||||
thermo | receptor | thermoreceptor | |||||
Thromb[us], "clot" + embol, "plug" + –ism. Used more to indicate a condition. | thrombo | embol | ism | thromboembolism | |||
Thromb[us], "clot" + embol, "plug" + –us. Used more to indicate an abnormal structure. | thrombo | embol | us | thromboembolus | |||
thrombo | lytic | thrombolytic | |||||
thromb | osis | thrombosis | |||||
Latin, "to ring or jingle" | tinnitus | ||||||
Greek toxicon, "poison to use on arrows", from Scythian toxon, "bow"; this may be the only Scythian word found in Medical English | tox | ic | toxic | ||||
trans | cran | ial | transcranial | ||||
Latin trans– + ducere, "to lead" | trans | duct | ion | transduction | |||
trans | ient | transient | |||||
Latin geminus, "twins" (as in the constellation Gemini) | tri | gemin | al | trigeminal | |||
tympan[um] | ic | tympanic | |||||
tympano | centesis | tympanocentesis | |||||
tympano | metry | tympanometry | |||||
tympano | plasty | tympanoplasty | |||||
tympan/o | scler | osis | tympanosclerosis | ||||
tympano | stomy | tympanostomy | |||||
uni | pol[e] | ar | unipolar | ||||
Latin ūter, "leather bag" + diminutive suffix –icle | utricle | utricle | |||||
varicos[e] | ity | varicosity | |||||
Latin, "to whirl around" | vertigo | vertigo | |||||
vestibul | ar | vestibular | |||||
vestibul | itis | vestibulitis | |||||
vestibulo | cochlear | vestibulocochlear | |||||
vestibulo | tomy | vestibulotomy | |||||
vitr | ectomy | vitrectomy | |||||
Latin, "glass-like" | vitre | ous | vitreous | ||||
xer[o] | ophthalm | ia | xerophthalmia |
Showing 1 to 409 of 409 entries