
How the Unit 11 Word List Was Built

Etymology Prefix "Pre-Root" Root Root "Post-Root" Suffix1
Word End
Word End
albumin ur ia albuminuria
anti spasm od ic antispasmodic
an ur ia anuria
azo/t emia azotemia
azo/to rrhea azotorrhea
azo/t ur ia azoturia
Greek kalyx, "seed pod, husk, outer covering" calyx calyx
capsul[e] ar capsular
French "a membranous sac" from Latin capsa, "box or chest" + –ula diminutive suffix capsule capsule
Latin convolutus, "rolled together", made from com– + volvere, "to roll" convolute d convoluted
corpus cle corpuscle
cortic[is] al cortical
cyst algia cystalgia
cyst ectomy cystectomy
cyst itis cystitis
cyst/o cele cystocele
cyst/o dynia cystodynia
cyst/o gram cystogram
cyst/o graphy cystography
cyst/o lith cystolith
cyst/o lith ectomy cystolithectomy
cyst/o oma cystoma
cyst/o plegia cystoplegia
cyst/o ptosis cystoptosis
cyst/o rrhexis cystorrhexis
cyst/o scopy cystoscopy
cyst/o spasm cystospasm
cyst/o stomy cystostomy
cyst/o tomy cystotomy
cyst/o ureter itis cystoureteritis
cyst/o urethr/o cele cystourethrocele
cyst/o urethr/o gram cystourethrogram
Latin dētrūdō, "to drive, force, or thrust away" detrusor detrusor
Greek dialysis, "dissolution, separation" dialysis dialysis
dips/o genic dipsogenic
di ur esis diuresis
di ur etic diuretic
dys ur ia dysuria
Greek enourein, "to urinate in" (en– + ourein); urinating in bed en ur esis enuresis
extra corp[us]/r eal extracorporeal
fascia fascia
Latin fulgur, "lightning" fulgur ation fulguration
glomerul ar glomerular
glomerul/o nephr itis glomerulonephritis
glomerul/o pathy glomerulopathy
glomerul/o scler osis glomerulosclerosis
Latin glomer, "ball of thread" + –ul[e] diminutive suffix + –us anatomical structure word ending glomer ul[e] us glomerulus
glucos ur ia glucosuria
glycos ur ia glycosuria
hem/at ur ia hematuria
hemi nephr ectomy heminephrectomy
hemi nephr/o ureter ectomy heminephroureterectomy
hem/o dia lysis hemodialysis
hydr/o nephr osis hydronephrosis
hyper nephr oma hypernephroma
hypo natr emia hyponatremia
Greek hupospadíās (from Galen), hypo– + spadon, "fissure" hypo spad[on] ias[is] hypospadias
Latin contenere, "to hold back, check" in contin ence incontinence
intra corp[us]/r eal intracorporeal
juxta medull[a] ary juxtamedullary
keto lysis ketolysis
keton ur ia ketonuria
lapar/o nephr ectomy laparonephrectomy
lith ectomy lithectomy
lith iasis lithiasis
lith/o cyst/o tomy lithocystotomy
lith/o nephr itis lithonephritis
lith/o nephr/o tomy lithonephrotomy
lith/o tripsy lithotripsy
macula densa macula densa
meat[us] al meatal
meat/o plasty meatoplasty
meat/o rrhaphy meatorrhaphy
meat/o scope meatoscope
meat/o scopy meatoscopy
meat/o tomy meatotomy
Latin micturitum, "desire to urinate". Original meaning was "strong urge to urinate", but medically, it's used just as a fancier way of saying "urination". micturi tion micturition
nephr algia nephralgia
nephr ectomy nephrectomy
nephr itis nephritis
nephr/o cele nephrocele
nephr/o cyst anastomosis nephrocystanastomosis
nephr/o gram nephrogram
nephr/o graphy nephrography
nephr/o hyper trophy nephrohypertrophy
nephr/o lith iasis nephrolithiasis
nephr/o lith/o tomy nephrolithotomy
nephr/o logist nephrologist
nephr/o logy nephrology
nephr oma nephroma
nephr/o malacia nephromalacia
nephr/o megaly nephromegaly
nephr on nephron
nephr/o pathy nephropathy
nephr/o pexy nephropexy
nephr/o ptosis nephroptosis
nephr/o rrhaphy nephrorrhaphy
nephr/o scler osis nephrosclerosis
nephr/o scopy nephroscopy
nephr osis nephrosis
nephr/o sono gram nephrosonography
nephr/o stomy nephrostomy
nephr/o tomy nephrotomy
nephr/o toxin nephrotoxin
nephr/o ureter ectomy nephroureterectomy
noct ur ia nocturia
olig[o] ur ia oliguria
para phimosis paraphimosis
pedi cels pedicels
peri tubul[e] ar peritubular
From Greek for "muzzle" phimosis phimosis
podo cytes podocytes
poly cyst ic polycystic
poly dips ia polydipsia
poly ur ia polyuria
pyel itis pyelitis
pyel/o cyst itis pyelocystitis
pyel/o cyst/o stom[a] osis pyelocystostomosis
pyel/o gram pyelogram
pyel/o lith/o tomy pyelolithotomy
pyel/o nephr itis pyelonephritis
pyel/o pathy pyelopathy
pyel/o plasty pyeloplasty
pyel/o stomy pyelostomy
pyel/o tomy pyelotomy
pyel/o ureter ectasia pyeloureterectasia
py/o nephr itis pyonephritis
py/o nephr/o lith iasis pyonephrolithiasis
py/o pyel/o ectasis pyopyeloectasis
pyramid pyramid
py ur ia pyuria
Latin absorbere, "to swallow up" re absorp tion reabsorption
ren al renal
ren in renin
Latin resectionem, "action of cutting off or away" resect ion resection
resect/o scope resectoscope
retro periton eal retroperitoneal
trans rect[um] al transrectal
trans urethr al transurethral
Greek trígōnos, "triangular" trigone trigone
tub[e] ule tubule
tubulo glomer ul[us] ar tubuloglomerular
ultra sono graphy ultrasonography
urea urea
ur emia uremia
ureter algia ureteralgia
ureter ectomy ureterectomy
ureter itis ureteritis
ureter/o cele ureterocele
ureter/o ileo stomy ureteroileostomy
ureter/o lith iasis ureterolithiasis
ureter/o nephr ectomy ureteronephrectomy
ureter/o plasty ureteroplasty
ureter/o pyel itis ureteropyelitis
ureter/o pyel/o nephr itis ureteropyelonephritis
ureter/o rrhaphy ureterorrhaphy
ureter/o scopy ureteroscopy
ureter stenosis ureterstenosis
urethr ectomy urethrectomy
urethr itis urethritis
So much fun, they wrote a song about it. urethr/o cyst itis urethrocystitis
urethr/o dynia urethrodynia
urethr/o gram urethrogram
urethr/o pexy urethropexy
urethr/o plasty urethroplasty
urethr/o rrhea urethrorrhea
urethr/o scope urethroscope
urethr/o scopy urethroscopy
urethr/o spasm urethrospasm
urethr/o stenosis urethrostenosis
urethr/o tomy urethrotomy
Urin[e] + [an]alysis urin[e] [an]alysis urinalysis
urin ary urinary
ur/o cyan osis urocyanosis
ur/o dynia urodynia
ur/o logist urologist
ur/o logy urology
ur/o pathy uropathy
ur/o poeiesis uropoiesis
ur/o stomy urostomy
ur/o xanth in uroxanthin
vesic/o cele vesicocele
vesic/o stomy vesicostomy
vesic/o tomy vesicotomy
vesic/o ureter al vesicoureteral
void ing voiding


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