
Session B: 10:45AM – 12:15PM

Health, Medicine, and Social Sciences. Session B – Oral Presentations. Sorenson, (2nd floor), Alumni House

SESSION B (10:45AM-12:15PM)
Location: Sorenson (2nd floor), Alumni House


Effects of Written and Verbal Gratitude on Nursing burnout
Taylor Crook, Brigham Young University
Hazel Ticas, Brigham Young University

Faculty Mentor Cody Reeves, Brigham Young University

Health and Medicine
SESSION B 10:45-11:00AM
Sorenson, (2nd floor), Alumni House

Burnout among nurses is a worldwide issue, particularly in the wake of COVID-19(Raso et al. 2021). Typically underpaid and over-scheduled, nursing professionals experienceburnout—which often leads to lower job performances and even leaving the profession—at avery high rate. Much of this may be attributed to the stressful environment in which nurseswork, forcing them to reckon with endless unpredictability, overcrowding, multitasking, andgrief. Despite measures implemented to reduce nursing burnout, it remains a widespreadproblem. Studies reveal that 34.1% of nurses experience emotional exhaustion, 12.6%undergo depersonalization, and 15.2% feel a lack of personal accomplishment (Galanis et al.2020). Past studies on professional burnout have identified tools to analyze aspects that leadto burnout and how to identify burnout symptoms. One such model is the Job DemandResource Model (JDRM) developed by Bakker and Demerouti (2007) which outlines factorswithin the workplace that are either a “demand” or a “resource” for employees. Having bothhigh demands and low resources—common in the nursing workplace—leads to highersymptoms of job burnout: depersonalization, disengagement, and exhaustion. These burnoutsymptoms are already measurable among nursing professionals at concerning rates (Galaniset al. 2020). To solve this issue, healthcare institutions are implementing strategies such asauthentic leadership; professional development opportunities; and most prevalently, supportgroups to teach nurses how to cope with burnout symptoms (Converso et al. 2015). Whilethere is a consensus that positive and healthy environments are most effective against nursingburnout (Fitzpatrick et al. 2019), none of the current strategies involve the patient—a keycomponent of a nurse’s professional environment—as a possible solution to the problem.This study focuses on the impact of patient gratitude on nurses’ burnout levels, alongside theperception of depersonalization and personal achievement. A comparison of before-and-afternotes of gratitude from patients shows a significant decrease in burnout for nurses inpost-surgical and orthopedic departments.


Modeling Stress Levels in Complex Scenarios through Random Behavioral Patterns
Victoria  Smith, Utah Tech University
Jacob Atkinson, Utah Tech University

Faculty Mentor Vinodh Chellamuthu, Utah Tech University

Social Sciences
SESSION B 11:05-11:20AM
Sorenson, (2nd floor), Alumni House

The way in which humans experience stress differs across different situations and schedules. When given a group of people working together to solve a problem, accumulated stress can affect their overall productivity in completing their work. We seek to understand how to use differential equations and various models to show how stress affects the overall productivity of two groups of astronauts. We use a modified Reservoir model, as well as a Job Demand – Resources model to quantify the impact accumulated stress has over time. Our simulation results will help display the importance of measuring stress levels using different complex scenarios.


Back in Person:  Attachment to Campus, Social Isolation, and Loneliness as a Result of COVID-19
Kennedi Childs, Southern Utah University
Angelica Jaegle, Southern Utah University

Faculty Mentor Britton Mace, Southern Utah University

Social Sciences
SESSION B 11:25-11:40AM
Sorenson, (2nd floor), Alumni House

As the world rebounds from what is considered one of the most isolating pandemics in human history, it is crucial now more than ever to investigate how this isolation has impacted people (Marazziti & Stahl, 2020). Research has indicated a predominant factor in preventing depression or anxiety is feeling a sense of belonging (Mellor et al., 2008). Research also indicates that attachment to a place can impact feelings of belonging (Escalera-Reyes, 2020).  Relationships exist between subjective characteristics of the environment and an individual’s attitudes and actions in relation to that environment.  These characteristics are linked to an individual’s satisfaction, behavior, and performance within that specific environment (Carlopio & Gardner, 1992).  The purpose of the present research is to assess the relationship between place attachment and perceived social isolation in students returning to campus at Southern Utah University.  Approximately 200 lower and upper division students taking a psychology course completed Likert-type scales measuring perceived social isolation (Cornwall and Waite, 2009), and place attachment measures assessing affective commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1997), satisfaction (Hackman & Oldham, 1975), intentions to leave (Cropanzano et al., 1993), and the scenic beauty of the campus (Elias, et al., 2013).  It is hypothesized there is a relationship between social isolation and aesthetic ratings of campus (scenic beauty), leading to greater or lesser satisfaction with the university.  Satisfaction also mediates the relationships between affective commitment to the university and intention to leave/remain.  In essence, social isolation and scenic beauty are expected to have an indirect effect on commitment and turnover intentions through satisfaction with the university.  Descriptive, correlational, and reliability results will be presented as well as SEQ goodness of fit statistics assessing the hypothesized model.  Perceived social isolation is related to how attached one feels to their university and has implications for student satisfaction and retention. Keywords: Perceived isolation, COVID-19, place attachment


A phenomenological inquiry of the applicability of Neurologic Music Therapy training for a student music therapist
Katie Fairbourn, Utah State University

Faculty Mentor Allison Fox, Utah State University

Social Sciences
SESSION B 11:45-12:00PM
Sorenson, (2nd floor), Alumni House

Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) is a popular training available for various disciplines that teaches how the manipulation of different musical elements can achieve specific neurologic functions. There is a strong body of research proving NMT’s effectiveness, but there is a lack of information when it comes to the value of the training for a music therapist. This makes it difficult for music therapy students and professionals who are trying to decide if the NMT training is a right fit for them personally. My phenomenological inquiry of NMT’s applicability for music therapy will address this question by providing personal clinical experiences in which NMT was used, and a comparison of my own therapeutic practice before and after taking the training. Although my focus is specifically on NMT’s applicability within music therapy, I will also emphasize throughout my presentation the many other different clinical settings (physical, occupational, speech, and other therapies) that the NMT training is available for. Through my presentation, participants of various different disciplines will gain a personal understanding of NMT, along with a greater knowledge of the capabilities of using music in a clinical setting and the vast applications of music therapy.



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