Chapter 3 – Researching and Planning for Success

Once you have located possible funding sources, it is time to narrow your selection down to the funds you will go after and prioritize these so you can focus on one fund at a time. One of the most important factors for securing grants is understanding each funding organization’s mission, goals, and needs. It is important to research their past areas of support, so you clearly understand what grant proposals have been successful. Part of your plan for success will include starting a relationship with the potential funder (i.e., program officer) before writing the grant. Program officers can share the review criteria for scoring the grant application, and other helpful information that will help position you for success. This will help you further determine whether the solicitation requirements fit your project, and if your organization is eligible. Finally, grant writing is collaborative, so be ready to work with a team! This chapter will give you the necessary tools to research proper grants and plan for success.


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Grant Writing for Park and Recreation Professionals Copyright © 2023 by Eddie Hill & Ron Ramsing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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