Application 4.2 – Terminology Exercise

Application 4.2

Terminology Exercise

List of Action Verbs

Overview: Writing Style

Follow grant guidelines – details matter

  • Use active voice, first person, and action verbs
  • Write with a positive tone to convey energy and a positive attitude
  • Write short and declarative sentences
  • Use simple language instead of technical jargon

Explain why your project matters …

  • Picture the reader—friendly, fair, and educated—yet ignorant of the needs of your community
  • Use compelling facts and stories
  • Write persuasive rhetoric

Grants are investments

  • Boards want smart investments
  • Speak the Funder’s language

Write to excite

  • Use language from the RFP or foundation call


Select two terms from each of the eight categories (e.g., management) below. Next, write a sentence for each action verb that could be used in a grant proposal.

1. Management/ Leadership 

administered enforced organized
analyzed enhanced originated
appointed established overhauled
approved executed oversaw
assigned generated planned
attained handled presided
authorized headed prioritized
consolidated hired produced
contracted hosted recommended
controlled improved reorganized
converted incorporated replaced
coordinated increased restored
decided initiated reviewed
delegated inspected scheduled
developed instituted streamlined
directed managed strengthened
eliminated merged supervised
emphasized motivated terminated



2. Communication/ People Skills

addressed discussed observed
advertised drafted outlined
arbitrated edited participated
arranged elicited persuaded
articulated enlisted presented
authored explained promoted
clarified expressed proposed
collaborated formulated publicized
communicated furnished reconciled
composed incorporated recruited
condensed influenced referred
conferred interacted reinforced
consulted interpreted reported
contacted interviewed resolved
conveyed involved responded
convinced lectured solicited
corresponded listened specified
debated marketed suggested
defined mediated summarized
developed moderated synthesized
directed negotiated translated



3. Research Skills

analyzed experimented located
clarified explored measured
collected extracted organized
compared formulated researched
conducted gathered searched
critiqued identified solved
detected inspected summarized
determined interpreted surveyed
diagnosed interviewed systematized
evaluated invented tested
examined investigated inquired



4. Teaching Skills

adapted encouraged motivated
advised evaluated persuaded
clarified explained set goals
coached facilitated simulated
communicated focused stimulated
conducted guided taught
coordinated individualized tested
critiqued informed trained
developed instilled transmitted
enabled instructed tutored



5. Helping skills

adapted counseled insured
advocated demonstrated intervened
aided diagnosed motivated
answered educated provided
arranged encouraged referred
assessed ensured rehabilitated
assisted expedited presented
cared for facilitated resolved
clarified familiarize simplified
coached furthered supplied
collaborated guided supported
contributed helped volunteered



6. Financial/ Data Skills

administered computed marketed
adjusted conserved measured
allocated corrected planned
analyzed determined programmed
appraised developed projected
assessed estimated reconciled
audited forecasted reduced
balanced managed researched
calculated invested retrieved



7. Creative Skills

acted drew invented
adapted entertained modeled
began established modified
combined fashioned originated
conceptualized formulated performed
condensed founded photographed
created illustrated planned
customized initiated revised
designed instituted revitalized
developed integrated shaped
directed introduced solved



8. More verbs for Accomplishments

achieved improved restored
completed pioneered spearheaded
expanded reduced (losses) succeeded
exceeded resolved (issues) surpassed





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