Application 10.4 – Kudos

Application 10.4



Creating a culture of appreciation can help a team thrive, especially when they have been working on all cylinders to wrap up the grant application. How do you give praise, say thank you, honor someone for an outstanding accomplishment, or congratulate a team for their hard work? For some, a handwritten card or thank you note speaks to sincerity and conveys a human touch that is difficult to achieve through other mediums. For others, an email may suffice. In the digital age, many approaches are available to give kudos.


Take a moment and conduct an internet search for digital thank you notes/cards that are free for the user. Identify several sites and rank them in order of preference. Now try Create a kudoboard and send it to someone you know, thanking them for their effort. Before you send the document, do a screen capture and paste the card below.



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Grant Writing for Park and Recreation Professionals Copyright © 2023 by Eddie Hill & Ron Ramsing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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