Application 6.3 – Grant Seeking

Application 6.

Grant Seeking Assignment

To further hone your new skills, please visit There you will find hundreds of grants to familiarize yourself with some federal agencies and their corresponding guidelines. Choose a grant you find interesting, and imagine how you might design and implement a project that aligns with the funding agency. Compose a sample project description and use the template above to include a logic model (if applicable). Share with a colleague for proofreading and tips on potential improvements. REMEMBER: Be specific, be brief, and make it clear that the project’s goals align with those of the funding organization. If you’d prefer, you may choose to perform your own edits of the following example.


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Grant Writing for Park and Recreation Professionals Copyright © 2023 by Eddie Hill & Ron Ramsing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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