

Questions to Guide Your Reading

  1. In what ways did Greek geography and topography impact the history of the ancient Greek world?
  2. What are the different periods of Greek history, and what are the chief defining characteristics of each period?
  3. What primary sources are available for the study of Greek history, and what are the limitations of these sources?
  4. What were the most important developments in the Greek world in the Archaic Period?
  5. What was the significance of the Persian Wars for the subsequent history of the Greek World?
  6. What were the stages of the Peloponnesian War? How did the outcome of the war impact Greece in the fourth century?
  7. What were some of the most important contributions of Classical Athens in the areas of art, government and law, philosophy, and literature?
  8. How and why did the Macedonians conquer the Greek world? Why did the empire conquered by Philip and Alexander disintegrate after Alexander’s death?
  9. What were some of the strengths and weaknesses of the Hellenistic kingdoms as political entities? Why did they prove to be inherently unstable?
  10. What were some of the achievements and legacies of the Hellenistic period?


Key Terms

  • Achaemenid Empire
  • Alexander the Great
  • Alexandria
  • Antigonid dynasty
  • Archaeological evidence
  • Archaic Period
  • Archidamian War
  • Archimedes of Syracuse
  • Aristophanes
  • Aristotle
  • Asia Minor
  • Athenian democracy
  • Athens
  • Battle of Chaeronea
  • Battle of Leuctra
  • Battle of Marathon
  • Battle of Thermopylae
  • Bronze Age
  • Chigi vase
  • Classical Period
  • Cleisthenes
  • Cleopatra VII
  • Crete
  • “Cup of Nestor”
  • Cynic philosophers
  • Cyrus the Great
  • Darius
  • Dark Ages
  • Decelean War
  • Delian League / Athenian Empire
  • Delphi
  • Ekklesia
  • Epicureanism
  • Epidaurus
  • Euripides
  • First Peloponnesian War
  • Gerousia
  • Great Library of Alexandria
  • Greek alphabet
  • Greek colonization
  • Hannukah
  • Hellenistic Period
  • Helots
  • Herodotus
  • Herophilus of Chalcedon
  • Homer
  • Homer’s Iliad
  • Hoplite phalanx
  • Kingdom of Pergamon
  • Kleos
  • Isthmus of Corinth
  • Linear A
  • Linear B
  • Macedonian Wars with Rome /Third Macedonian War
  • Magna Graecia
  • “Mask of Agamemnon”
  • Mauryan Empire
  • Megara Hyblaea
  • Messenia
  • Minoans
  • Mycenaeans
  • Oligarchy
  • Olympic Games
  • Orientalizing style
  • Othismos
  • Pan-Hellenic
  • Peace of Nicias
  • Peisistratus
  • Peloponnese
  • Peloponnesian War
  • Pericles
  • Persian Wars
  • Pharos of Alexandria
  • Philip II of Macedon
  • Phoenicians
  • Plato
  • Polis / poleis
  • Ptolemaic Egypt
  • Ptolemy I Soter
  • Pythia
  • Sarissa
  • Seleucid Empire
  • Septuagint
  • Sicilian Expedition
  • Skepticism
  • Socrates
  • Solon
  • Sophocles
  • Sparta
  • Spartan constitution
  • Stoic philosophy
  • Theban Hegemony
  • Theban Sacred Band
  • Thetes
  • Thucydides
  • Tyranny
  • Tyranny of the Thirty
  • Trojan War
  • Tyrtaeus
  • Wars of the Diadochi
  • Xerxes


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World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 Copyright © by Eugene Berger, Georgia Gwinnett College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.