
Questions to Guide your Reading

  1. What crops were first domesticated in the Americas and where?
  2. What did we learn from the Olmec about the transition from chiefdoms to states?
  3. How did the Maya support such rapid urbanization?
  4. What were some of the features of urban life in Teotihuacán and Tenochtitlán?
  5. How did The MocheHuari, and Chimu build their regional influence?
  6. How did the Inca use local resources to build their empire?
  7. What was the role of Macchu Picchu within the Inca Empire?
  8. How were cultures of the North American West able to overcome limited rainfall?
  9. What traits did mound building cultures of North America share?


Key Terms

  • Aspero
  • Ayllu
  • Cahokia
  • Chaco Canyon
  • Chan Chan
  • Chavín de Huantar
  • Chiapas
  • Chumash
  • Coricancha
  • Cuzco
  • Great Bison Belt
  • Hopewell
  • Huaca de la Luna
  • Huaca del Sol
  • Huari
  • Huayna Capac
  • La Venta
  • Machu Picchu
  • Maiz de Ocho
  • Maize
  • Mesoamerica
  • Norte Chico
  • Olmec
  • Pachacuti
  • Pithouses
  • San Lorenzo
  • Tenochtitlán
  • Teotihuacán
  • The Aztec Empire
  • The Chimu Kingdom
  • The Moche
  • The Nazca
  • Tikal
  • Tiwanaku
  • Toltec


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World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 Copyright © by Eugene Berger, Georgia Gwinnett College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.