

This unit includes the following chapters.

Why it Matters: Learning” is an introduction on the ability to learn.

“Introduction to Classical Conditioning” is an introduction to learning and the process of classical conditioning.

“What is Learning” defines three basic forms of learning—classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.

“Classical Conditioning” explains how classical conditioning occurs.

“Processes in Classical Conditioning” describes the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination.

“Introduction to Operant Conditioning” is an introduction on operant conditioning.

“Operant Conditioning” defines and gives examples of operant conditioning.

“Reinforcement and Punishment” explains the difference between reinforcement and punishment (including positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment), defines shaping, and differentiates between primary and secondary reinforcers.

“Reinforcement Schedules” distinguishes between reinforcement schedules.

“Introduction to Other Types of Learning” is an introduction to latent learning and observational learning.

“Latent Learning” explains latent learning and cognitive maps.

“Psych in Real Life: Latent Learning” describes Edward Tolman’s experiment on latent learning.

“Observational Learning” explains observational learning and the steps in the modeling process.

“Psych in Real Life: The Bobo Doll Experiment” describes the process and results of Albert Bandura’s bobo doll experiment.

“Putting It Together: Learning” gives a summary of the learning objectives covered throughout the unit.

“Discussion: Learning” gives an assignment to write a post and to respond to the posts of 2 classmates.


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