

This unit includes the following chapters.

“Research Methods in Developmental Psychology” describes different research methods used to study infant and child development; discusses different research designs, as well as their strengths and limitations; and reports on the unique challenges associated with conducting developmental research.

“Cognitive Development in Childhood” examines what cognitive development is, major theories about how it occurs, the roles of nature and nurture, whether it is continuous or discontinuous, and how research in the area is being used to improve education.

“Social and Personality Development in Childhood” explains how childhood social and personality development emerges through the interaction of social influences, biological maturation, and the child’s representations of the social world and the self.

“Adolescent Development” describes major features of physical, cognitive, and social development during adolescence; why adolescence is a period of heightened risk taking; and explains sources of diversity in adolescent development.

“Attachment Through the Life Course” discusses the origins of the theory, research on individual differences in attachment security in infancy and childhood, and the role of attachment in adult relationships.

“Emerging adulthood” explains where, when, and why a new life stage of emerging adulthood appeared over the past half-century; identifies the five features that distinguish emerging adulthood from other life stages; describes the variations in emerging adulthood in countries around the world.

“The Developing Parent” identifies and describe the stages of parenthood; and identifies and describes the influences on parenting.

“Aging” describes central concepts and research about adult development and aging.


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