Book Title: Resilient Pedagogy
Subtitle: Practical Teaching Strategies to Overcome Distance, Disruption, and Distraction

Book Description: Resilient Pedagogy offers a comprehensive collection on the topics and issues surrounding resilient pedagogy framed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movements that have swept the globe. As a collection, Resilient Pedagogy is a multi-disciplinary and multi-perspective response to actions taken in different classrooms, across different institution types, and from individuals in different institutional roles with the purpose of allowing readers to explore the topics to improve their own teaching practice and support their own students through distance, disruption, and distraction.
Book Information
Book Description
Faculty and staff in higher education have seen first-hand how distance, disruption, and distraction can challenge our perceptions of teaching and learning while highlighting inequities across our colleges and universities. As the first book in the Empower Teaching Open Access Book Series, the editors of Resilient Pedagogy asked authors to explore the concepts surrounding resilient pedagogy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movements that impacted higher education in myriad ways, and provide practical strategies to better support students across contexts.
The purpose of this collection was not for authors to create a new definition for the term resilient pedagogy, nor to be provide a singular perspective. Instead, authors in each of the 15 chapters were asked to reflect on the emerging implications of year spent in turmoil and to connect their experiences to the literature and scholarship of teaching and learning. Many of the negative aspects surrounding distance, disruption, and distraction weren’t caused by the pandemic, but our collective experience made us keenly aware of the inequities and throughout this volume the authors call readers to action to address these inequities head on.
Readers are invited to take the concepts, strategies, and ideas presented in this volume and find ways to apply them to their own contexts. Thanks to the open access nature of the collection readers can share the insights on Twitter by tagging @ResiPed and using #ResilientPedagogy to build upon the work of the authors and continue to engage in the discourse and the work of Resilient Pedagogy.
Resilient Pedagogy Copyright © 2021 by Travis N. Thurston; Kacy Lundstrom; Christopher González; Jesse Stommel; Lindsay C. Masland; Beth Buyserie; Rachel Welton Bryson; Rachel Quistberg; David S. Noffs; Kristina Wilson; Rebecca M. Quintana; Jacob Fortman; James DeVaney; Briana D. Bowen; Christina Fabrey; Heather Keith; Steven R. Hawks; Kosta Popovic; Eric M. Reyes; Jennifer B. O'Connor; Kay C Dee; Ella L. Ingram; Christopher Phillips; Jared S. Colton; Jenae Cohn; Elizabeth Winter; Michele C. Clark; Christopher Burns; Rebecca Campbell; Kevin Kelly; Miriam Moore; Jessica Rivera-Mueller; Kresten Erickson; Maggie Debelius; Susannah McGowan; Aiyanna Maciel; Clare Reid; and Alexa Eason is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Teaching skills and techniques