College of Architecture and Planning
1 Environmental Determinants of Outdoor Fall Injuries among Older Adults: A National Study
Yiwen Chen; Andy Hong; and Katherine Isaacs
Faculty Mentor: Andy Hong (City & Metropolitan Planning, University of Utah)
Fall injuries are a public concern, and as individuals age falls become both more common and more injurious. This study assesses outdoor fall injuries among older adults and uses quantitative methods to understand how the built environment impacts fall risk and identify specific environmental fall risk factors. We analyzed data from the National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) to identify fall-related injuries, linking these incidents to environmental data by ZIP codes. A zero-inflated negative binomial regression model was employed to assess the association between environmental risk factors and fall-related injuries among older adults in the United States. The analysis identified six statistically significant environmental variables: urbanization, the percentage of senior population, slope, area deprivation index, the number of harsh winter days, and pedestrian intersection density. These findings provide a foundation for further investigation into how the built environment interacts with the risk of pedestrian falls.
Fall injuries are a significant public health concern, particularly among older adults, who are more susceptible to environmental hazards while walking outdoors. Outdoor falls most commonly result from tripping or slipping, which are functions of the built environment (Timsina et al, 2017; Li et al, 2006; Lai et al, 2009). Further, the vast majority of pedestrian injuries result from falls, rather than vehicle collisions (Rundle et al, 2024).
Our study assesses outdoor fall injuries among older adults to understand how the built environment impacts fall risk and identify specific environmental fall risk factors. Past research on pedestrian falls has primarily relied on personal accounts of falls, rather than on quantitative environmental data. Our study uses National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) incident data to identify fall-related injuries. After linking fall incidents to environmental data by ZIP code, we use zero inflated negative binomial regression model to evaluate environmental risk factors associated with fall-related injuries among older adults in the United States.
For this study, we used 2018-2022 data from NEMSIS, a national database of EMS event records. No IRB oversight was necessary for our analysis since the records are released as a de-identified, publicly available dataset. Over 12 million events were recorded by over 10,000 EMS agencies in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. The only geographic identifiers available in the public dataset are Census Region and Division. However, NEMSIS makes some geographic variables available to researchers as masked, de-identified data elements.
Our analysis involved nine environmental variables captured at the ZIP Code level, which is the most granular geographic identifier provided by NEMSIS. ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) boundaries were used for U.S. Census Bureau data and variable creation requiring spatial manipulation. The total population and the senior (65+) population were obtained from the 2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year estimates and the ZIP code area and urbanized status were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau. The Area Deprivation Index (ADI) was obtained from the Center for Health Disparities Research at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and pedestrian network and intersection densities were obtained from the U.S. EPA’s Smart Location Database. The average road slope was sourced from Jed Kolko’s research on broadband networks and the number of days with inclement winter weather was calculated using NOAA Global Historical Climatology Network daily (GHCNd) data.
Pedestrian falls were identified using NEMSIS data ICD-10 (2018 – 2022). The variables used to identify pedestrian falls are(Cause of injury), eInjury_04(injury risk factor), eResponse_05(type of service requested), eSituation_09(Primary symptom), and eScene_09(incident location type).
The rule of thumb for identifying pedestrian falls is the fall happens on a street or sidewalk, and the fall results from common pedestrian behaviors such as tripping, stumbling, or slipping. For eResponse_05, injuries coded with inter-facility transport for the type of service requested are dropped from the analysis. For eSituation_09, injuries that show symptoms of diseases that can cause pedestrian falls are dropped, such as heatstrokes and seizures. For eInjury_01, data with injuries that are often related to pedestrian behaviors such as fall on ice/snow are kept for analysis. For eScene_09, the location where pedestrian falls are most likely to happen. For eInjury_04, injuries with risk factors that are not pedestrian-related are dropped, such as Motorcycle Crash > 20 MPH. Applying the five criteria for identifying pedestrian falls, a total of 701,308 pedestrian falls were identified from 12,341,436 reported injuries. Of these, 246,176 falls involved patients aged over 65 years old.
Data Analysis
To analyze the data, we aggregated the pedestrian falls of older adults (aged > 65 years) by ZIP codes. We then fitted the data using five different models: the linear model, the Poisson model, the Negative Binomial model, the Zero-Inflated Poisson model, and the Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) model. Ultimately, the ZINB model was selected based on data characteristics and model performance.
Data Characteristics: Approximately one-third of the ZIP codes reported zero senior pedestrian falls, suggesting that a zero-inflated model is appropriate for handling the excess zeros in the data. Additionally, the variance of senior pedestrian falls by ZIP codes was 536.49, while the mean was 8.96. The variance is much larger than the mean indicating over dispersion, which violates the assumption of the Poisson model that the mean and variance are equal.
Model Performance: The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was used to evaluate model performance. Among the models tested, the ZINB model had the lowest AIC value, indicating the best balance between model complexity and goodness of fit.
The ZINB model consists of two components: the count model, which predicts the counts greater than zero, and the zero model, which predicts the occurrence of zeros. Based on the investigation of correlations among environmental variables, the following independent variables were selected for the count model: senior population percentage (calculated as the senior population aged 65+ divided by the total population), pedestrian intersection density, average road slope, number of days with inclement winter weather, urbanization, and the Area Deprivation Index. For the zero model, the independent variables selected were urbanization and population density (calculated as total population divided by area).

With the zero inflated negative binomial model employed on pedestrian fall of older adults, five environment variables are revealed statistically significant in the count model.

Senior percentage and urbanization have the highest impact. a one-unit increase in the senior population percentage results in about a 3.55 times higher expected count of falls, and the expected count of falls is about 6.63 times higher in urbanized areas compared to non- urbanized areas. Senior percentage, Pedestrian intersection density, and urbanization are positively correlated with predicted senior pedestrian fall count, while area deprivation index and the number of days with inclement winter weather are negatively correlated with predicted senior pedestrian fall count.
The findings from our study suggest that the elderly population is at high risk for pedestrian falls, necessitating increased attention and targeted interventions. Our analysis identified several key environmental factors contributing to the likelihood of falls among older adults. Notably, areas with higher pedestrian intersection density are associated with higher fall counts. This finding suggests a need for further investigation into the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon.
In addition to understanding these mechanisms, improving urban planning is crucial. Strategies should focus on reducing conflicts between pedestrians and pedestrians/vehicles at intersections, potentially through better traffic management, enhanced pedestrian crossings, and clearer signage. Other identified risk factors include the percentage of elderly residents, road slope, the number of inclement weather days, urbanization, and area deprivation. These factors should be prioritized when designing public safety measures and urban infrastructure.
Our study has several limitations that should be acknowledged:
Data Limitations: We collected data on nine environmental variables. While these variables provide valuable insights, the results could be more robust if additional environmental factors were considered. Including a broader range of factors could help capture the complexity of the built environment and its impact on pedestrian falls.
Model Fitting: Our analysis primarily focused on the correlation between individual environmental variables and fall risk. However, environmental factors can interact in complex ways that were not explored in this study. Further investigation is needed to understand how these variables interact and influence pedestrian fall risk collectively.
Model Interpretation: We need more literature and knowledge in specific areas to better interpret these results. A comprehensive theoretical framework for interpreting the effects of each environmental factor on pedestrian falls will be helpful. Without a solid theoretical foundation, our interpretations are limited to observed correlations, and the causal mechanisms underlying these relationships remain unclear. Further research is necessary to develop a deeper understanding of the role each environmental factor plays in pedestrian fall risk.
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