Book Title: Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, Spring 2017

Authors: Neal Legler; Travis Thurston, Ph.D.; Abby D. Benningboff, Ph.D.; Oscar J. Solis, Ph.D.; Windi D. Turner, Ph.D.; Christopher J. Hartwell, Ph.D.; Piotr Runge, Ph.D.; Andreas Wesemann, MAS, Lt Col, USAF (ret); Debra Jenson, Ph.D.; Kathleen A. J. Mohr, Ed.D.; Eric S. Mohr, Ph.D.; and Courtney Stewart

Cover image for Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, Spring 2017
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Book Information


Neal Legler; Travis Thurston, Ph.D.; Abby D. Benningboff, Ph.D.; Oscar J. Solis, Ph.D.; Windi D. Turner, Ph.D.; Christopher J. Hartwell, Ph.D.; Piotr Runge, Ph.D.; Andreas Wesemann, MAS, Lt Col, USAF (ret); Debra Jenson, Ph.D.; Kathleen A. J. Mohr, Ed.D.; Eric S. Mohr, Ph.D.; and Courtney Stewart


Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, Spring 2017 Copyright © 2017 by Utah State University. All Rights Reserved.


Higher education, tertiary education


Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, Spring 2017
Neal Legler; Travis Thurston, Ph.D.; Abby D. Benningboff, Ph.D.; Oscar J. Solis, Ph.D.; Windi D. Turner, Ph.D.; Christopher J. Hartwell, Ph.D.; Piotr Runge, Ph.D.; Andreas Wesemann, MAS, Lt Col, USAF (ret); Debra Jenson, Ph.D.; Kathleen A. J. Mohr, Ed.D.; Eric S. Mohr, Ph.D.; and Courtney Stewart
Erin Anderson; Neal Legler; Travis Thurston, Ph.D.; and Amy Carpenter

Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, Spring 2017 Copyright © 2017 by Utah State University. All Rights Reserved.

Primary Subject
Higher education, tertiary education
Additional Subject(s)
Adult education, continuous learning, Open learning, distance education
Utah State University
Utah State University, Office of Empowering Teaching Excellence
Publication Date
March 30, 2017
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)