33 RSI (Regular and Substantive Interaction)
Part of the Course Design Plan is to outline with faculty ways that they will have regular and substantive interaction with their students for their fully online courses.
Here are some OTL resources outlining how RSI should be implemented in our Course Design Plans and finished Courses.
Regular and Substantive Interaction 2023 (07:16)
RSI ID Specifications
RSI Elsewhere
Additionally, IDA reviewed a sample of RSI pages from other institutions to analyze how RSI was presented. The results are available as a handout.
RSI UVU Temporary Policy
This is the temporary UVU Policy in response to the fall 2024 7-year accreditation visit. It is currently working through the policy process to become a non-emergency policy.
UVU Policy 616: Regular and Substantive Interaction (TEMPORARY)