Teacher Observation Forms

Education 1010 Signature Assignments

Please use the following link to complete this assignment:

Utah Effective Teaching Standards


Utah Effective Teaching Standards Assignments (5 UETS Assignments Required)

UETS Standard Assignment 1 (Choose one of the following three options -A, B, or C. In one to two paragraphs answer the following questions)

A. (Standard 2) Begin thinking about your role in developing responsibility in your students. Consider the age and developmental levels of the students you will be teaching. Think about the different ways teachers can develop responsibility in students at this stage of development.
Consider both.

  1. How would you develop responsibility in your students?
  2. How would these suggestions change for different groups of students, either older or younger?

B. (Standard 3)  Although you are not yet prepared to deliver instruction or create instructional opportunities, you are now at least aware of some of the ways in which students are the same and some of the ways in which they are different – such as Learning Styles, Physical and Mental challenges, Socioeconomic Status, Culture and Language.

  1. Identify a grade level that you plan to teach and explain how you would find out about the differences among the students in your classroom.

C. (Standard 6) What 3 techniques (beyond those that are district mandated) do you
anticipate using regularly to involve families in the life of your school?

UETS Standard Assignment 2 (Choose one of the following two options-A or B. In one to two paragraphs answer the following questions)

A. (Standard 7) The community in which you will be teaching believes that Character
Education should be taught in the schools. Considering the subject and/or grade level in which you plan to teach, how would you plan to include character education in your instruction?

B. (Standard 5) If you walked into a classroom at a specific grade level, what behaviors
indicate the existence of positive social interaction?

UETS Standard Assignment 3 (Choose one of the following two options-A or B. In one to two paragraphs answer the following questions)

A. (Standard 10) If an ethical dilemma arises, what should a relatively new teacher do? Should the teacher seek advice? Under what circumstances might a teacher develop decisions based on personal ethics without consulting another teacher or administrator?

B. (Standard 8) Go to the assessment section of the USBE https://www.schools.utah.gov/assessment/assessments?mid=1173&tid=0 and write a brief summary of the assessments that are currently in use. (choose three assessments)

UETS Standard Assignment 4 (Choose one of the following two options-A or B. In one to two paragraphs answer the following questions)

A. (Standard 9) Search a teacher’s professional organization that interests you. Find out what it cost to join and the membership benefits are offered. Summarize your findings.

B. (Standard 1) Consider the UETS Standard 1 description. Determine which branch of Philosophy you think the standard addresses and explain.

UETS Standard Assignment 5 – In one to two paragraphs answer the following question:
Until the mid-1990’s, there was little or no mention of technology in standards. Why are guidelines now necessary for technology use in the schools?

(Paper 1) Elementary Observation Report: Students will write a two page observation report that addresses the criteria assigned by their instructor. This report will be based on the elementary school observation that is conducted at an elementary school in Washington County, Utah.

(Paper 2) Secondary Observation Report: Students will write a two page observation report that addresses the criteria assigned by their instructor. This report will be based on the secondary school observation that is conducted at a secondary school in Washington County, Utah.

*The following forms are necessary to complete your two observation assignments:

EDUC 1010 Observation Teacher Form (SP23)

Observation Guidelines (SP23)

Education 1010 Excuse Letter UTU (FA23)



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