
Appendix H Synthesis of Evidence Table.docx

(Add rows to the table as you progress)

  • You will need a minimum of 16 articles by the end of the semester. For the DRAFT, you only need 8 articles.
  • All articles must be peer-reviewed, primary, quantitative articles.
  • You may not use QI projects, pilot projects, secondary sources, information articles, news articles, or any other non-research articles. However, you are allowed ONE secondary article for the Final Synthesis of Evidence Table (not the draft) as long as it is still quantitative, no mixed methodology.

Population Sample, Sample Size, Setting



(ex: Quantitative Retrospective Correlational, Cohort Design, Quasi-Experimental, etc.)

Level of Evidence

Any Possible Limitations

(small population, limited timeframe, bias, funded, etc.?)

Study Findings/Results that help to answer the EBP question (remember, do not bias results to “support” your own perceived hypothesis!)

Full Reference Citation in APA















































































































Use this diagram to decide on Level of Evidence for your articles:

Detailed Evidence Hierarchy (Polit & Beck, 2021)