Appendix D EBP Project Topics

EBP Project Topic Ideas

 For the sake of PICOs:

  • The intervention is to be an independent nursing care intervention that does not require a provider order.
  • The outcome is to be quantitively measurable. Therefore, avoid qualitative outcomes such as patient experience or perceptions.

Independent nursing interventions are the actions that nurses can perform without assistance or guidance from other medical professionals, particularly without a doctor’s orders. For the most part, these are routine interventions such as checking a patient’s vitals, educating them on how to take medication, or repositioning a client.

Here are some broad ideas for topics. These are simple and can be manipulated in many ways in order to think outside the box and develop a strong focused PICO/clinical question.

  1. Nurse-led interventions (non-pharmacological) for people with dementia
  2. Assessment of gender minority individuals
  3. Nonpharmacological methods to manage a disease process (hypertension, depression, diabetes, COPD, etc.)
  4. Sleep [education] management in families with a preterm infant
  5. Airway management
  6. Nursing management for preterm infant stability during blood transfusions
  7. Relaxing techniques for the laboring woman or support person during labor
  8. Latch-on techniques for breastfeeding infants with cleft palate, short frenulum, or injured material nipples
  9. Care/support for women receiving epidural for labor pain control
  10. Mobility – education, assessment, etc.
  11. Insomnia management
  12. Coping – education, assessment, etc.
  13. Constipation management
  14. Breastfeeding management, education, etc.
  15. Ventilator management
  16. Surgical recovery management
  17. Dementia management (communication, restructuring confusion, etc.)
  18. Assessment for ______ (physical, emotional, sexual, psychosocial, cultural, spiritual/transpersonal, cognitive, functional, age-related, economic, environment, etc)
  19. Assessment, management, or education for any of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
    1. Basic Physiological Needs:Nutrition (water and food), elimination (Toileting), airway (suction)-breathing (oxygen)-circulation (pulse, cardiac monitor, blood pressure) (ABCs), sleep, sex, shelter, and exercise.
    2. Safety and Security:Injury prevention (side rails, call lights, hand hygiene, isolation, suicide precautions, fall precautions, car seats, helmets, seat belts), fostering a climate of trust and safety (therapeutic relationship), patient education (modifiable risk factors for stroke, heart disease).
    3. Love and Belonging:Foster supportive relationships, methods to avoid social isolation (bullying), employ active listening techniques, therapeutic communication, and sexual intimacy.
    4. Self-Esteem:Acceptance in the community, workforce, personal achievement, sense of control or empowerment, accepting one’s physical appearance or body habitus.
    5. Self-Actualization:Empowering environment, spiritual growth, ability to recognize the point of view of others, reaching one’s maximum potential.
  20. Reducing falls in combative dementia patients
  21. Palliative oxygen usage: nasal cannula vs masks
  22. Initial care of intoxicated patients (nonpharmacological)
  23. Sleep protocol in prevention of delirium
  24. Noise or light in ICUs
  25. Perioperative positioning
  26. Nursing management and care of chest tubes in the in-patient setting
  27. Choosing correct catheter size of IVs
  28. Infection management
  29. Nursing actions after nitrous oxide prescribed for labor pain control and throughout the labor process
  30. Incontinence assessment or management
  31. Rape-trauma syndrome management, assessment, education, etc.
  32. Alternative interventions for SOB for COPD patients (fans, etc)
  33. Reducing pressure ulcerations
  34. Patient education at discharge on heart failure and readmission rates
  35. NPO status and hypoglycemic rates (how to do this safely)
  36. Reducing HAP and VAP (hospital-acquired pneumonia and ventilator-acquired pneumonia)
  37. Interventions to reduce aspiration pneumonia
  38. Insomnia treatment in hospitalized patients (without pharmaceuticals)
  39. Nurse’s role in suggestion of palliative care or hospice for a patient
  40. Use of bed alarms
  41. Nursing interventions for c-section pain management
  42. Impact of safe sleep education while hospitalized
  43. Impact of vaccination education
  44. Treatment of pediatric pain
  45. Reducing IV infiltration
  46. Management of asthma in the school setting
  47. Impact of nurse education on asthma outcomes
  48. Nursing care for ADHD patients
  49. Obesity prevention in children – assessment, education, etc.
  50. Measuring BP in children
  51. Identifying patients at risk for DTs (assessment)
  52. Components of a safe environment
  53. Best patient education practices when teaching patients with cognitive deficiencies related to their psychiatric condition
  54. Preventative care of health issues of immigrant women
  55. Overcoming vaccine hesitancy during pregnancy (nursing education)
  56. Heparin injections: slow versus fast delivery
  57. Preventing surgical site infection
  58. Reducing medication errors
  59. Reducing sedentary behavior
  60. Vegan diet for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease
  61. Smoking cessation teaching
  62. Music interventions for improving physical outcomes in people with cancer
  63. Avoidance of bottles in establishing breastfeeds in preterm infants
  64. Tube feeding speed in preterm and low birth weight infants
  65. Communication for adults with an artificial airway
  66. Assessment for aspiration risk associated with dysphagia in acute stroke patients

Topics that are not allowed due to overuse:

  • Early/delayed umbilical cord clamping
  • Music therapy for pain
  • Play distraction for children
  • Shift length
  • Nurse-patient ratios
  • Shift report (bedside, etc.)
  • Nonpharmacologic interventions for pain
  • Aromatherapy




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