
In the late 60s several factors contributed to a sudden divisive shift in the collective values of the country until by 1968, America was a polarized nation, torn by strife, and these changes affected the style and content of the films. 


The escalation of the War in Vietnam and its coverage on the nightly news caused feelings of patriotism to fade as an awareness of its stupidity and brutality increased.  The War was being portrayed as a slave to economic interests, foreign policy came to be seen as a form of neo-imperialism, the Third World liberation struggles as heroic, and the liberal ideal of consensus as a cloak for white racial domination. In addition, students on college campuses, many of whom were facing the draft began protesting the U.S. involvement in Vietnam leading to increased violence. ‟Don’t trust anyone over thirty!” was the motto of many leaders of the protest movement. (Reflected in the outrageous Wild in the Streets).

Watch: Wild in Streets  TRAILER

With closed captions

2. The CIVIL RIGHTS movement began as a non-violent, Christian-based effort to secure Constitutional rights for black people.  However, after the assassination of its leader Martin Luther King, Jr., the movement became radicalized.  The result was the rise of the Black Power movement, which was militant, anti-white, and violence prone.


Landlord- Party scene

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Shaft clip – CC

Foxy Brown

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Blacula trailer – CC

3. ASSASSINATIONS – In the same year, pres. candidate Robert F. Kennedy was gunned down like his brother before him, ending most hopes for peaceful reconciliation of the two Americas.  These assassinations, in combination with the violence on college campuses and in Vietnam paved the way for increasing violence in films.


4. SEXUAL REVOLUTION —brought about by the perfection of reliable and accessible birth control techniques— “the PILL.”  Exploration of sexuality as a rich terrain of possibility rather than as an evil to be repressed, and These factors contributed to permissive attitudes towards sex, which were now reflected in films.

WATCH:  Splendor in the Grass

Acting lesson from Natalie Wood – CC

5. DRUGS: At first marijuana was seen as providing a more subjective and mystical view of the world.  However the widespread use of marijuana as a recreational drug became a symbol of youthful rebellion. The new ‛hip’ movies often showed the characters smoking pot as part of their everyday lifestyle.  Eventually even stronger drugs– equally illegal–but more dangerous, became popular.


Psych-Out – drug trip

With closed captions

Easy Rider- Acid Trip


Acid Trip clip – CC

6. Marketing to the YOUTH AUDIENCE.  The loss of the Family audience to television led to increasingly marketing films with appeal to the rising youth audience who tended to regularly frequent drive-ins.  It also led to the increasing inclusion of content which pushed the boundaries of the Production code


Beach Blanket Bingo TRAILER

Beach Blanket Bingo trailer – CC

Wild Angels TRAILER

With closed captions

7. The influence of the EUROPEAN FILM MOVEMENTS, such as the French New Wave and British Social Realism, and Underground cinema (of Warhol and etc.).



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