
¿Cuál era tu cuento de hadas preferido? – Pretérito e imperfecto

¿Recuerdas los verbos en pretérito?

Kahoot – tipos de pretérito

Los cuentos populares

Habla con un compañero sobre los cuentos populares. Puedes responder en inglés:

  1. What was your favorite children’s story or fairy tale growing up, and why?
  2. Are there any lessons or morals from children’s stories that have stuck with you into adulthood?
  3. Which classic children’s story do you think is timeless and appeals to all ages?
  4. If you could rewrite the ending of any children’s book, which one would it be and how would you change it?
  5. Are there any modern children’s books that you think will become classics in the future?

Mi cuento favorito cuando era niña era “La Ratita Presumida”.

¿Puedes marcar los verbos en pasado, mientras escuchas el cuento?


Intenta explicar por qué se usa un tiempo de pasado y no otro en estos ejemplos del cuento:

  • Su casa siempre estaba limpia y ordenada.
  • Un día estaba barriendo la entrada y se encontró una reluciente moneda de oro.
  • Eligió una cinta roja de seda que realzaba su bonita figura y su estilizada cola.
  • Dijo con una voz tan melosa que parecía un actor de cine.
  • Mientras la confiada damisela preparaba la merienda, el gato se abalanzó sobre ella y trató de comérsela.


Contraste entre pretérito e imperfecto:



Acciones habituales en el pasado:

Viajaba a España todos los veranos.

Acciones con principio y fin en el pasado:

Visité a mi familia la semana pasada.

Lista de acciones en el pasado:

Hice la lista de la compra, fui al supermercado y  eché gasolina en el coche.

Descripciones- información extra:

Era una mañana tranquila, había nubes en el cielo.

Narraciones – avanza la historia:

De repente, empezó a llover.

Acción interrumpida:

Cuando estaba en la ducha…

Acción que interrumpe:

llamaron a la puerta.

Revisa la tarea:

¿Lo has explicado bien?

Vamos a practicar:

Ricitos de Oro


¿cuál era tu cuento favorito? Escribe un resumen en español en la discusión “Mi cuento favorito” usando los verbos en pasado. Escribe al menos 3 párrafos.

Haremos un Peer Review mañana en clase.


En grupos, vamos a revisar las discusiones sobre el cuento favorito de nuestros compañeros. Escoge una entrada en la discusión y responde a estas preguntas:

  1. Identification of Verb Tenses:
    • Did the student use the preterite and imperfect tenses accurately in the summary?
    • Can you point out specific examples of verbs in the preterite and imperfect tenses in the summary?
  2. Temporal Cohesion:
    • How does the student establish the temporal sequence of events in the summary?
    • Is the preterite used for specific actions and the imperfect for background descriptions?
  3. Connection with the Narrative:
    • How does the use of past tenses contribute to the coherence and fluency of the summary?
    • Is there evidence that changes in verb tenses align with significant changes in the story?
  4. Clarity in Details:
    • Did the student use the preterite for concrete events and the imperfect for more general descriptions?
    • Is there a clear distinction between specific details and the broader context?
  5. Explanation of Grammatical Decisions:
    • Does the student provide clear explanations of why they chose the preterite or imperfect at certain points in the summary?
    • Is there evidence of a solid understanding of the grammatical rules related to these verb tenses?
  6. Variety and Precision:
    • Is there an observed variety in the use of past tenses, or is there a tendency to overly rely on one verb tense?
    • Does the choice of verb tenses enhance expressiveness and precision in the summary?

Tarea – week 13


¿Cómo fue tu fin de semana?

Más práctica

Había una vez…

para refrescar la memoria.

Trigger words to Preterite vs Imperfect

Preterite Spanish Preterite English Imperfect Spanish Imperfect English
anoche last night a menudo often
ayer yesterday a veces sometimes
el año pasado last year cada día/semana/mes/año every day/week/month/year
de repente suddenly con frecuencia frequently
en (mes/estación/año) in (month/season/year) de vez en cuando from time to time
hace (tiempo) (time) ago en aquella época at that time
la semana pasada last week frecuentemente frequently
el verano pasado last summer muchas veces many times
mucho a lot
nunca never
siempre always
tantas veces so many times
todas las semanas every week
todos los días every day
todo el tiempo all the time
[1] varias veces several times

Building stories in community – collaborative storytelling exercise where each student will contribute one sentence to build a story in Spanish.

  1. Topic Selection: Choose a theme for the story. It could be anything from a mysterious adventure to a day in the life of a fictional character. Write the chosen theme on  piece of paper to guide the narrative.
  2. Sentence Structure Reminder: Remember, we are focusing on past tenses this week, use preterite and imperfect!
  3. Round 1: Start the storytelling process. Begin the story with a sentence, setting the scene based on the chosen theme. For example: “Había una vez un pequeño pueblo donde vivía una aventurera llamada Ana”.
  4. Passing the Torch : the next student add a sentence to continue the story. Encourage them to build on the previous sentence and introduce new elements. For instance: “Un día, Ana decidió explorar el misterioso bosque que rodeaba el pueblo.”
  5. Continuation : Continue the process, with each student contributing one sentence at a time. Remind them to pay attention to grammar and vocabulary usage. Encourage creativity and spontaneity.
  6. Review and Edit : Once the story has progressed, take a moment to review what has been created so far. Discuss any errors or interesting twists that have emerged. Allow the class to collectively edit and refine the narrative.
  7. Conclusion: Bring the story to a close. The final student can craft a concluding sentence that wraps up the narrative. Celebrate the collaborative effort and creativity of the class.
  8. Reflection (5 minutes): Have a brief discussion about the experience. Ask students to share their thoughts on the activity, what they enjoyed, and what challenges they faced. Encourage feedback to improve future collaborative activities.

Tarea – week 14 – Thanksgiving

Watch the movie “La Increíble pero Cierta Historia de Caperucita Roja”. Answer this questions (in English is ok).

  • What is the full title of the movie, and what does it suggest about the plot?
  • Describe the version of Little Red Riding Hood presented in the film. How does it differ from the classic story?
  • Who are the main characters in the movie, and what are their roles in the plot?
  • What is the central conflict that drives the movie’s plot?
  • What role does the wolf play in this version of the story? How does his character develop throughout the film?
  • What comedic or satirical elements are present in the movie?
  • Explain how the film plays with the viewer’s expectations regarding the classic Little Red Riding Hood story.
  • What is the message or moral that the movie seeks to convey?
  • How is the world in which the story takes place visually represented? Are there any distinctive elements in cinematography or production design?
  • Which scene in the movie did you find most impactful or memorable, and why?
  • Pick a scene where there is a big use of preterite and imperfecto. We will work on that scene on Monday.


  1. https://languageatlas.com/spanish-b1/spanish-preterite-vs-imperfect/


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