Semana 9

Los verbos reflexivos.

Reflexive verbs are actions when the subject (the person who does the action) and the object (the person who receives the action) are the same. In English, we use “onself, myself, yourself” etc. to express this idea.

In Spanish, we use the reflexive pronouns, as seen in the following table:

Pronombre Verbo
Me levanto
Te levantas
Se levanta
Nos levantamos
Os levantáis
Se levantan

As you can see, the pronoun and the conjugation of the verb matches in the person: Me (myself) levanto (I wake up).

Verbos reflexivos
despertarse wake up
levantarse get up
ducharse shower
bañarse bathe
lavarse (el pelo/ los dientes/ las manos) wash (your hair/ teeth/ hands)
afeitarse shave (face)
depilarse shave (legs)
maquillarse put make up on
peinarse comb your hair
cepillarse (el pelo/ los dientes) brush (your hair/ your teeth)
ponerse (algo) put something on
vestirse get dressed
quitarse (algo) take something off
desvestirse get undressed
secarse dry
irse a la cama go to bed
acostarse get in bed
dormirse fall asleep

La rutina diaria.

Verbos irregulares: cambios vocálicos

Las comidas del día


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