
25 Spiritual Health & Personality

Concept of meditation and spiritual practice

The first step to improving your spiritual health is to understand what the spiritual dimension of self entails. From there, it is important to understand how your personality, spiritual health, and mental health are related. This chapter will explore these topics in greater detail.

First, what is the spiritual dimension? The American River College (n.d.) defines it as, “exploring the key principles, beliefs and values that give meaning and purpose to your life. It’s about living in a way that is consistent with your “world view,” while also being tolerant of others who hold different beliefs and values”[1].

Explore the American River College’s resources to learn more about the spiritual dimension.

Spirituality is deeply interconnected with our mental health. In turn, our health is impacted by our personality. Read the articles below to learn more about how spirituality, mental health, and personality are related.


  1. American River College (n.d.) Spiritual dimension. Los Rios community college district. https://arc.losrios.edu/campus-life/health-and-safety/student-health-and-wellness-center/spiritual-dimension


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