15 College Loans & School Life Balance

Cash in burlap bags and a black graduation cap with diploma and a book on opposite ends of a basic balance scale.

Many UVU students are hesitant to take out college loans. However, it’s important to think about the opportunity costs of overworking yourself and how that might affect your graduation time line and school life balance.

Not all college loans are created equal. Watch this video to learn about the different types of loans available to you.

Taking out a college loan may enable you to take more classes and graduate sooner, thus getting into the workforce and receiving a larger paycheck sooner. Loans can also help you cut back on work hours and improve your school life balance. Even if you decide against a loan, it’s important to be aware of your school life balance and how it impacts your academics, relationships, stress, and more.

Read “School-Life Balance” from John Hopkins University to learn more.


University Student Success Copyright © by Marinda Ashman; Megan Bates; and Julie Swindler. All Rights Reserved.

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