College of Science

125 Research Reflection by Carl Mellor

Carl Mellor

Faculty Mentor: Fabienne Chevance (Biological Sciences, University of Utah)


This research has provided a wealth of experience in many lab techniques that are frankly not available in a classroom setting, some examples being: phage transductions, beta-galactosidase assays, Western Blots, fluorescent microscopy, and plasmid manipulation. My mentors have provided me with many opportunities to practice presentations at weekly meetings, as well as attend those of our postgraduate students and those given by other labs. Their advice and the example they have set have given me a firm foundation to hit the ground running in graduate research, and further in a career researching protein design.


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RANGE: Journal of Undergraduate Research (2024) Copyright © 2024 by Carl Mellor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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