Lobes of the Brain


1. Identify the location and function of each division of the cerebral cortex.


Human brain lateral view.


First, we’ll divide the external surface of the cerebral cortex into four lobes.








The frontal lobe (wait for it…) is in front. (left)

The parietal lobe shares its borders with the other three external lobes. It is just posterior to the frontal lobe. (right)








The temporal lobe (wait for it…) is under the temple. (left)

The occipital lobe is the most posterior lobe of the brain. (right)

Diagram of a lateral view of the human brain with tissue removed to show the insula.The insula is a fifth lobe (insular lobe). This is the part of the brain that is folded inside, and only visible when we cut the lateral surface of the brain away. Scientists believe the insula is the source of social emotions like guilt or pride. It may also be the area of the brain that interprets or drives cravings.

The cerebellum, attached to the brainstem, is a separate cortex (cerebellar cortex) with a separate structure.

Its job is to compare the motor programs of the brain to what the body is actually doing in real time and correct any mistakes that are being made. It is connected to the brainstem by three cerebellar peduncles (“little feet”).

Diagram of a lateral view of the human brain with colored, labeled lobes.




Human Neuroanatomy Copyright © by Jim Hutchins. All Rights Reserved.

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