
8. Neurology: Alzheimer

Evaluation Dialogue Between Doctor-Patient:
Doctor Good morning.
Patient Muy buenos días, doctora.
Doctor Why has your family doctor referred you?
Patient Porque se me olvidan las cosas, doctora, estoy muy torpe, tengo muchos problemas de memoria.
Doctor Since when? In what situations? Are you forgetting more recent or older things?
Patient Pues que le cuente mi hija porque yo no me sé explicar.
Daughter Pues doctora, se acuerda mucho de las cosas antiguas, pero después no recuerda qué ha comido o es incapaz de sacar la basura y hace un año la sacaba.
Doctor Are you sleeping ok? Do you think it could be due to something specific? Since when have you felt clumsier?
Patient Pues desde hace un año.
Doctor I’d like to know what other things you don’t do anymore, besides taking out the garbage, what you can and can’t do.
Daughter Elige la ropa, se hace el desayuno, pero ya no es capaz de tomarse la medicación, hay que estar pendiente.
Doctor I’m going to ask you a series of questions to check your memory. I’m going to do a mini-mental exam and a clock drawing test.

After the test, the doctor notices a score that suggests the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease.

Post-Evaluation Dialogue Between Doctor-Patient:
Doctor You have a bad memory. I don’t know if it will get worse, but we have to work hard to slow the progress so you can have the highest quality of life possible.
Patient ¿Usted cree que esto es una enfermedad de Alzheimer?
Doctor It is too early to say for sure. I’m going to order an imaging test and an MRI.
Patient ¿Eso es doloroso? ¿Es molesto?
Doctor You only have to sit still, it doesn’t hurt.
Patient Muchas gracias, doctora. A ver qué tal va.


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Introducción a la interpretación médica Copyright © by Vicente Iranzo, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.