
7. Anesthesia: Pre-Anesthesia II

Evaluation Dialogue Between Doctor-Patient:
Doctor Hello, I am your anesthesiologist. I’m going to assess your risks for undergoing surgery and see if there is anything we can do to improve your condition before surgery. Are you allergic to anything? To any mediations? If so, what type of reaction did you have to it?
Patient Una vez me pusieron amoxicilina y me salieron ronchas en la piel y se me hinchó la lengua.
Doctor Are you taking any medications?
Patient Tomo Lasix®, amlodipino para la presión arterial e insulina para la diabetes.
Doctor I understand you are diabetic and have high blood pressure. Do you suffer from any other illnesses?
Patient No.
Doctor Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
Patient No, no tengo hábitos tóxicos.
Doctor Have you had any surgeries?
Patient Sí, me hicieron una artroscopia de rodilla.
Doctor What type of anesthesia did you have?
Patient Me pusieron una anestesia raquídea y me sedaron para que no me enterara de nada.
Doctor Have you felt any pain or tightness in your chest while walking or running?
Patient Sí.
Doctor Did you see a cardiologist?
Patient Sí, me hicieron una prueba de esfuerzo y una ultrasonografía. Estaba todo bien.
Doctor Are you able to go up to the third floor using the steps without tiring yourself, and without becoming winded?
Patient Sí, no tengo problema.
Doctor Have you ever felt any pings or obstructions in your chest, as if you had asthma, or noticed you were out of breath?
Patient No, eso nunca.
Doctor Do you suffer from any neurologic diseases: migraines, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, or any neuromuscular disease such as multiple sclerosis, or any other type?
Patient No, no padezco ninguna enfermedad.
Doctor Do you suffer from any psychiatric disease such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder? Do you see a psychiatrist regularly?
Patient Tuve problemas de depresión y los superé con ayuda psicológica.
Doctor Do you have any problems with food? Trouble swallowing or reflux?
Patient No, tampoco.
Doctor Do you have any issues with your liver?
Patient Tuve hepatitis A con 8 años.
Doctor Do you have any problems with your kidneys? Any renal problems? Have you ever found blood in your urine?
Patient Pues como tengo 78 años me cuesta un poquito orinar y una vez me colocaron una sonda.
Doctor I am going to do a quick examination.
Doctor Open your mouth as wide as you can, lift up your chin, and tilt your head back without moving your back.
Doctor Do you wear dentures? Do you snore or have sleep apnea?
Patient Sí que ronco.
Doctor Do you use a CPAP?
Patient Sí.
Doctor Remember to bring it on the day of the procedure. Well, the results of the analyses all look good, your X-ray also looks good, and the electrocardiogram looks good, so you can rest easy for your operation.
Patient ¿Qué tipo de anestesia me van a poner?
Doctor You’ll discuss that closer to the operation date with the anesthesiologist who will be with you the day of the operation.
Patient ¿Sabe la fecha de la intervención?
Doctor They’ll call you from the hospital to confirm the date. Remember to start fasting the previous night. You can drink water up until two hours before the operation, and you should take Amlodipine with a sip of water when you wake up that morning.
Patient Muchas gracias.


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Introducción a la interpretación médica Copyright © by Vicente Iranzo, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.