
6. Anesthesia: Intensive Care Unit

Evaluation Dialogue Between Doctor-Patient’s Family:
Doctor Good afternoon. Are you Mr. Pérez’s family?
Family Hola,  doctor. Somos nosotros, ¿cómo está Antonio?
Doctor Well, he’s asleep right now. The operation went well, but it was very long and aggressive. We’ll wake him up slowly in the ICU to do tests and make sure there aren’t any complications.
Family ¿Y cuándo vamos a verlo, doctor?
Doctor Come inside in 15 minutes. He’ll be asleep and you’ll have to give us your contact information and phone numbers. Tomorrow at 1:00 PM you can see him again, and we’ll explain how he’s been progressing during the first hours, post-operation.
Family A mí nadie me explicó eso, yo quiero ver a mi hermano ya.
Doctor Don’t worry, you can come in to see him later. We’re taking care of him and putting monitors on to make sure everything is OK.
Family ¿Y cuánto tiempo va a estar en la UCI mi hermano?
Doctor Everything depends on how he progresses, how he responds to surgery, and the complications that can arise with this type of operation. Your brother is in good hands, and we’ll do everything we can to ensure his fast recovery.
Family ¿Y le funcionan bien todos los órganos o hay algún problema?
Doctor Right now, he needs a small amount of medication for his heart and blood pressure. This is normal in this type of procedure, and we can most likely reduce the amount in the next few hours.
Family Vale, muchas gracias, estamos aquí esperando para cuando podamos pasar.


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Introducción a la interpretación médica Copyright © by Vicente Iranzo, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.