38 When a Consultation Request Is NOT for IDA
Component “A” of the flowchart
This page focuses on what happens if you the ID determines a consultation request is not related to IDA. More information about ID services can be found elsewhere within this document. A detailed SOP is also available in SharePoint.
In some situations you might find a consultation is not a good fit for IDA services. In those situations, refer faculty to the appropriate area of OTL as follows:
- Urgent / Technical Help: OTL General phone line (801-863-8255) and OTL email
- Canvas, Teams, Other Teaching Tools: OTL Lab webpage
- OTL Events: Joseph Peterson, Technology Trainer Automation or via Teams
- Existing Special Project or Dedicated ID Build: Assigned ID
- If unsure where to refer: Contact Seth Gurell, IDA Director or via Teams