85 Video Camera Use
Some faculty may want constant live video from their students while others find it distracting. Most students will comply if they understand the rationale. Keep in mind internet bandwidth will sometimes interfere with a constant live video protocol.
Decide, as a class which camera protocols are most conducive to learning and building community in your course.
Camera Recommendations
Faculty can model how to use the camera. Encourage student camera use depending on class and internet bandwidth. Show students how to set camera backgrounds and model use to encourage students. Discuss constant versus intermittent live video protocols with your students. For example you might require students to use their camera when speaking or presenting. Provide ample time for students to respond so they can engage the mute and video buttons.
Camera Options
- initials icon
- still image
- live video (camera is on):
- no background
- themed background
- no background
Setting Themed Backgrounds
Here is how you apply background effects: