112 Storyline


Storyline is an interactive activity builder from Articulate.com. IDS uses Storyline 3 instead of Storyline 360 because 360 requires a subscription. Storyline 3 does not have all of the features of 360 and will sometimes receive them after 360 users.


We have Storyline 3 licenses for each Instructional Designer. Contact Seth Gurell or your supervisor if you need a license. 

While you are waiting for your license you can get started with the trial version. 


We have Storyline templates you can use.

Embedding Storylines In Canvas

Review How to Embed a Storyline into Canvas. 

Host Storyline files on the greengold server and place a link into the Canvas course. This needs to be accessed with VPN connection. (You will need VPN Access.) 

Use this html embed code in the Canvas course page:  

<iframe src=”add your url here” width=”98%” height=”600″></iframe>


<p><iframe src=”https://greengold.uvu.edu/courses_otl/exsc/3730/213_standifird/media/force/story.html” width=”98%” height=”600″></iframe></p>

You must store source files in IDS Course Development Course Assets folder using the approved file structure outlined in SharePoint

Setting Up Grade Pass Back in Canvas


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