88 SharePoint: File Structure
SharePoint is a UVU cloud collection. IDA has a site where we get/file our “go to” documents for course developments.
You are added to the UVU SharePoint repository when you are hired. Seth will need to add you to the IDA Course Development folder since he is the owner.
IDA Course Development Folder
Main Folders
- Course Assets
- Course Design Plans
- Course Development Docs
- Course Review Responses
Sub Folders
Course Assets
Course Assets is the only document (Folder) that needs course-level subfolders.
Course file structure within each folder noted above should be formatted as follows:
- Course ID (Folder)
- Course ID, course#, Instructor, Development semester (Folder)
- FIN-3100_Wasden_DEV224
- Course ID, course#, Instructor, Development semester (Folder)
More Sub-Folders
- General [default] (Folder)
- docs
- images
- Storylines
- All files that make it work
- Storymaps (images, addresses, etc.)
- other
File Folder Structure
IDS Course Development
Course Assets
Course ID
Course ID, course#, Instructor, Development semester