
9 Scheduling Flex Spaces

Scheduling flex spaces for faculty consultation in FL 512  is first come, first served with a capacity of 3 faculty.  FL 510 (the Conference Room) and FL 515 (formerly “The Lab”—available Thursday and Friday afternoons) can be scheduled as needed. 

Flex desks A, B, and C can be scheduled in room FL 506. 

Library study rooms can also be scheduled.

Creating a Meeting

  1. Click on the calendar in Outlook.
  2. Click New Event.
  3. Insert on the line Add required people the Flex Desk of your choice from list below (e.g. Astrid Tuminez, Andrea Nielsen, FL 506-A, etc.)

You MUST use the exact name format when scheduling flex spaces:

  • FL 506-A
  • FL 506-B
  • FL 506-C
  • FL 510 [Faculty Consultation]
  • FL 512 [Faculty Consultation–First Come First Served]
  • FL 515


  • As long as the scheduler uses Outlook Meeting invitations, they can manage their own reservations. Each account has been set to accept any invitation as long as there is not a conflict with the existing schedule.
  • Reservations can be made only 180 days (6 months) in advance. You cannot create a recurring reservation into next year.
  • Reservations can be only 24 hours long, meaning each day needs to be a separate reservation. Creating a week-long meeting will not work to block out the week. You would need to submit five individual meetings.
  • FL-512 is a no-food zone.



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